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Show -----------_._._.__.-.._. _._-.- LITERATURE ABSTRACTS -----------_. --- _.- Branch Artery Occlusion in .1 Youn~ Worn.ln. Cilllllgn, I. \\·.,)L \\'ilh 'lll11l11"l1h !>\.:'\! R. t\lilll'r, I. I. !--"III1"r, ,ll1d R \1. Kurd". :;111<' l )/''''''01111,,1 JO: ;2 ;S, lull' Aug jllS:;. rhi, ,,1'" r"f'llrt 111 till' CllIlI"lI l.·h,lIlel1g", 'l'<'lion 01 till' jllurn,lll11Il'r, ,1 'l'l11n1ll11 dinil',lI ,ltu,ltion: ,1 :11-\'<'.11'llld, ~'r"\'1l1u,h' h",llthv IIlll11,1I1 with ,1 br,ll1lh Mtnial l)CdU'll)l1. E,hll'Mdlllgr,lf'hl' W,lS suggesti\'l' III I11ltr,ll 1',lln' prlll,lpSl' (ph\'St',lle'\,ll11l1l,ltilll1 ,hllll'ed a milbvstl) hc did,l. ,md ,111 ,lbl1llrm,ll kl'"llll pl"ll''''t I,Ktllr -1 was I,)und. TIlt' dillerl'nthli di,lgnll,i, W,lS ,entered lln migr, line and mitr,ll I'"h" prlll"p"l' wilh " conlributing pl,ltt'll't "g~r,'g"ti,)n ,lbI1l1rm,1Iitv. Th,' p,ltient did \I'd I llll ,1"pirin and di~'nl,bl11l1k (P"rsantinl') tlwrapv. An l''\(elll'nt di",u,sllln l)t the ca"e is gil','n b\' Dr". Neil '.lilll'r ..ll)hn !--eltner, and Ron"ld Burde. Lilli A S,.dil'lt'k, M.D. Decreased Visual Acuity from Optic Disc Drusen. Bl'ck. R \\" Cllrbett,l. )., Thnmp"'lll, H. S.. and Sergatt, R CArd/. LI"",llllllllll! 103: 11 :=;:=;- II :=;9, Aug. I98:=;. [Reprint rl'quests to R. W. Beck. MD, Kellogg Eve Center, 1000 \Vall St., Ann Arbor, MI -181O:=;.J In general, visual acuity loss in association with optic nerve drusen arises lrom the developml'nt and bleeding of subretinal neovascular membranl's. Beck l'l .II. report the cases of four patients with optic nen'e drusl'n but no retinal pathology who had stepwise Visual IllS, 111voh'ing visual field and acuitv Other possible ,aust" lor visual loss were reasonably excludl'd. Thl' authors postulate a vascular basis for this stuttering visual loss. Reviews cited show that only a very low pl'rcentage of patients with optic nerve drusen lose vision in this fashion, and the authors rightly admonish that "reduced visual acuity should nl'v,'r be presumed to be due to drusen until compressiun [of the optic nerve] by a mass lesion is ruled uut." LVII 11. S,.dil'/I-k, M. D. Gaze Palsy Associated with Viral Syndrome. SI,win, M. L. Am. f. Ophthalmol 100: 46H-473, SlOPt. 19H5 IReprint requests to M. L. Slavin, M.D" 270-()5 76th Ave., New Hyde Park, NY 11042.1 53 , IqXh 1<..I\"(.'1l PH......... l':l'\\' Yor~ Th\' ,wthor I'r\,"l'nh lour interesting ca~l'S of gaze p,lH',.,is, horizont,,1 or vertical, in ,1"'o,i.lti(ln with \'iral s\,ndr(lml" in Ihrel' ca"l'" and occurring ,If!er I'accinalion (II' diplheri,l and tdanu" with pr,'sun1l'd unrl'liltl'd \'iral 'yndrom,' I week lall'r IJ1 th" other CilSl' Sl'\'l'ral p,1til'nts h"d minimally e"'\'all'd cl'r,'bTlJ~pinal fluid protL'in It'\'l'I s; ~ o( -1 had c(lmpull'rized tomographic ,cans lh"t Wl're normal, and all thl' patil'nh improI'ed to normal or almo,t normal Ol'l'r time. A discussHln IS presentl'd that contrasts the~e case., with the marl' typical presl'ntations llf the Miller Fisher \'ariation of GuillalllBarre and brainstem encephalitis. Hemifacial Spasm Treated with Botulinum A Toxin Injection. Savino, P J., Sergott, R. C, Bllsle\', T. 1, and Schatz, N. J. Ard/. Ol'lillltl/llll1/. 103: 130:=;-13Llb, Sept. 1985, [Reprint requests to P J. Sa\'inl" MD, Wills E\'e Huspital. Ninth and Walnut Sts, Philadelphia, PA 19107.J Not surprisingly, botulinum A toxin inj",tit1ns work as well to reliel'e hemifacial spasm as the\' do fl)r blepharospasm. The authors relate their e'\perience \I'ith 15 patients Whll underwent a tl)tal l)f 20 inlectilms fl)r the relief of hemifacial spasm. All patients e'\perienced relief and the effect lasted an a\'erage l)f 12.2 II'eeks :'\;ll patient refused reinJection, and miJ1l1r ClHl1pli,atil)J1s (tearing, decreased abilitv tll full\' c1llse lids, etc.) ensued in q of 15 p"tients. This tL'rSl' article Cl)mpareS these results with thl'Se "tt"ined with medi",1 ther"p\' (c.ubamazt'pil1l') and surgeI'\' (J,lnetl,l pTll,edure). Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Leukocoria. H"ik, B. G., S"int LllUis, L., Smith, 1. E., ElIswllrth, R. M., Abr"nbl1l', D. H., Clhill. P, Deck, M., ,1I1d Colem,1I1, D. .I. l )l'lrtlr,I/Il11J/oS.tl 92: II·tJ- 1152, Aug. 19H5. (Reprinl requl'sts ttl B. G. Haik, M.D., 515 East 71s1 St., New Ytlrk, NY 10021.1 Orbital Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Zimmerman, R. A., Bilaniuk, L. T., Yamlff, M" Schenck, J. F., Hart, H. R, Fllsll'r, T. H., Edl'lstein, W. A., Bottomley, P. A" Rl'dington, R. W., and Hardy, C J, Alii, f. Opli- |