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Show CALENDAR Upcoming June 26- June 30, 2004 14th Meeting of the European Neurological Society Barcelona, Spain http :// www. ensinfo . com/ Contact: gerard. said@ bct. ap- hop- paris. fr June 29- July 2, 2004 16th International Perimetric Society Meeting Barcelona, Spain http:// webeye. ophth. uiowa. edu/ ips/ Meetings/ Barcelona04. htm Contact: ips2004@ unicongress. com July 18- July 22, 2004 International Neuro- Ophthalmology Society ( INOS) Geneva, Switzerland http :// www. symporg. ch/ Inos Contact: Info@ symporg. ch August 29- Sept. 3, 2004 XVI International Congress of Eye Research Sydney, NSW, Australia http:// www. tourhosts. com. au/ icer2004/ Contact: icer2004@ tourhosts. com. au Sept 4- Sept 7, 2004 8th European Federation of Neurological Societies Congress Paris, France http:// www. kenes. com/ efns2004/ Contact: efns04@ kenes. com Sept 21- Sept 23, 2004 The 27th Annual Japanese Neuroscience Meeting Osaka International Convention Center ( Grand CUBE Osaka), Japan http:// www. congre. co. jp/ neuro2004/ Contact: hhida@ med. nagoya- cu. ac. jp Sept 24- Sept 27, 2004 European Association for Vision and Research ( EVER) Vilamoura, Portugal http:// www. ever. be/ view_ event. php7ev_ id = 2 Contact: ever@ skynet. be October 03- October 06, 2004 129th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association J Neuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2004 Meetings Toronto, ON, Canada http:// www. aneuroa. org/ Contact: 952- 545- 6284 October 15- October 1 7, 2004 Joint Meeting of the Asian Neuro- Ophthalmology Society ( ASNOS) and the Japanese Neuro- Ophthalmology Society ( JNOS) Nagoya, Japan http:// www. shinkeiganka. com/ asnos. html Contact: 81- 42- 778- 9417 October 16- October 21, 2004 2004 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA http:// www. neurosurgeon. org/ meetings/ 2004/ index. html Contact: info@ lCNS. org October 23- October 26, 2004 Joint Meeting of the American Academy of Ophthalmology ( AAO) and the European Society of Ophthalmology ( SOE) New Orleans, LA http :// www. aao . org/ annual_ meeting/ Contact: meetings@ aao. org October 23- October 27, 2004 34th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience San Diego, CA http :// web. sfn. org/ Contact: info@ sfn. org Feb. 1 3- Feb. 1 7, 2005 North American Neuro- Ophthalmology Society ( NANOS) Meeting Copper Mountain Resort Copper Mountain, CO http:// www. nanosweb. org/ meetings/ Contact: ( 860) 586- 7507 March 9- March 1 3, 2005 American Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus Annual Meeting Orlando, FL http :// med- aapos . bu. edu/ Contact: TSPPlanIt@ aol. com 191 JNeuro- Ophthalmol, Vol. 24, No. 2, 2004 Calendar March 18- March 21, 2005 XXV Pan American Congress of Ophthalmology Santiago, Chile http :// www. paao . org/ congress . htm Contact: info@ paao. org April 9- April 16, 2005 57th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology ( AAN) Miami, FL http:// am. aan. com/ Contact: web@ aan. com April 16- April 21, 2005 American Association of Neurological Surgeons 2005 Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA http :// www. aans . org/ annual/ Contact: 847.378.0500, info@ aans. org May 1- May 5, 2005 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology ( ARVO) Fort Lauderdale, FL http:// www. arvo. org/ Meetings/ meetgrid. asp Contact: ( 240)- 221- 2900, arvo@ arvo. org May 21- May 27, 2005 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroradiology ( ASNR) Loronto, ON http:// www. asnr. org/ Contact: 630- 574- 0220 May 25- May 28, 2005 14th European Stroke Conference Bologna, Italy http:// www. euro stroke. com/ de fault . htm Contact: Hennerici@ eurostroke. org June 14- June 18, 2005 Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences Annual Meeting Ottawa, ON http:// www. ccns. org/ ccns_ information/ events. html Contact: brains@ ccns. org June 23- June 25, 2005 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society Philadelphia, PA http:// www. ahsnet. org/ calendar Contact: ahshq@ talley. com June 25- June 28, 2005 8th European Congress of Neuropathology Amsterdam, The Netherlands http:// www. euro- cns. org/ congresseur. php Contact: a. vanschendel@ amc. uva. nl Sept. 26- Sept. 29, 2005 130th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association San Diego, CA http:// www. aneuroa. org/ Contact: 952- 545- 6284 Nov. 5 - N o v l l , 2005 XVIIIth World Congress of Neurology Sydney, Australia http:// www. wcn2005. com Contact: wcn2005@ icmsaust. com. au Feb. 21- Feb. 24, 2006 Joint Meeting of the International Congress of Ophthalmology, the Pan American Congress of Ophthalmology, and the Brazilian Congress of Prevention of Blindness Sao Paulo, Brazil http:// www. ophthalmology2006. com. br/ Contact: info@ ophthalmology2006. com. br 192 © 2004 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins |