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Show PRINCESS MARY‘S GIFT 1300K A SPELL FOR A FAIRY Then you blow your magic Vial, Shape it like a crescent moon. Bring the four-leaved clover also, Set it up and make your trial, Mixed with the flakes of the may that fall so Lightly over the sky-lark's bed. One of the white, and one of the red, Singing, " Fairies: all. (‘OIIIL' soon f" Round theft/(gran! vial go, ROI/ml [/10 elomlg/ ('I't‘si'rn/ go. 0/1 [/16 liillvfop, in lllL' (liltt'll, biliary/‘11,;r Sig/Ila. 01L tip-for. "IL'lriliI/ (iii/lion! Iz'luljy Gui/mill A'iiviL'Apiiz'ieiilz'pi'erlumn." On [/16 hill-top, in [lie down, Singing 513/211], on tip-foe, " Arnie-pixie!lcprcr/Imm .' " If tlzis fail, at break of (lay, I can show you a better way. Bring an old and wizened child -A/1, trend softly and rpm/r low- Bring the blood of a white hen, Killed about the break of day. "'hile the cock in the echoing glen Thrusts his gold neck every way. Over the brambles, peering, calling. Tattered, tearless, wonder-wild, From that under-world below; BringT a withered child of seven Reeking‘ from the City slime, Under the term. with a sudden l'ear, Far and wide, while the dews are falling, .- \k‘wu" mum Out of hell into your heaven, Set her knee-deep iu the thyme. Clamouring. calling, everywhere. Bring 1167" from t/ze smoky City, SCI llB?‘ on afltii'y-I/Ir(mr. (Vol/[c licr, jifczl lICI‘, of your [oi/g, Leave 1167‘ for an lzour alone. l Round [/10 crimson rial (go (M [/10 liill-Mp, in, {/16 (lawn, [l l Singing xy/‘lly, on I‘ipJoe, " A'iwic-piidefile/1H'L'lm2m ! " 11ml. if 0110c will not .s-iij/ii't', [)0 it ll!7'i('t?. I/ l/Ilivfi"/llll, [It [Mm/r of (lay, 1 run slime you (L [)L‘llé'?‘ may. You shall need no spells or charms lit ‘ On that hill-top, in that (lawn. 'L‘ \Vhen she lifts her wasted arms You shall see a veil withdrawn. There shall be no veil between them, Bring the buds of the hazel-copse \\'here two lovers kissed at noon: Bring the crushed red wild thyme tops "here they moon; walked beneath the Though her head be old and wise. You shall know that she has seen them, By the glory in her eyes. Rom/(l 1107' irons, on flit? iii/l, [Curl/1. .slmll [ms (1 fill/"I/Jll'i‘. IVu/r/i 11ml lily/cu (1nd l/L' x/i/l. Li's/f you bani/r your own tli'iin', |