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Show (24) tom; forward alfo to dil'tant pollerityi Tun brigl'at prolchls ol the Colpcl, a tleo Figure to y'()ur{elves millions and millions to fpring from your loins, who may be born 21 conli‘icntions obedience to his divine laws; fwemm or flaws, as Heaven {hall now ap- faith in his pl‘tflliliifits; and the lletllitll hope til prove or reject your councils. rough reiteration ofthe Saviour of the world; Think that on you it may depend, whether this great country. in ages hence, {hall be filled and a- immortal life through him; thele only cut hipth 21 man in all times of advcrliw as well (is profiicrity. You might more calily "ili‘il-Lc dorned with a virtuous and enlightened peo- ple; enjoying LIBERTY and all its concomL fire out of ice," than llabilityor lililfjgtiétliilitll‘,' tant blellings, together with the RELIGION is at peace with the God" of all p:‘21cc.vi;l OFJESUS, as it llows uncorrupted from his holy Oracles: or covered with a race of men more contemptible than the favages that roam the wildernefs. becaufe they once knew the " things which belonged to their happinelis " and peace, but fuffered them to be hid out of crimes. lint the good man, he who lqnow no fear but that ol" (aili‘ittling lxirn, Whole hand can Cover the righteous "' Iii " that he needs not hurt" the arrow till? llct-tli " by day, nor the (lcllrné‘lion that \Hiiii‘il‘i zit " noon-day; for a thonliintl {hall hill l)t,‘li;l-1‘ " him, and ten thoiiliintl at his iitzlt lizllEtl, " from their eyes." " but it {hall not come nigh to him: for he A N I) while you thus look back to the [mg/23 and/orward to the future, fail not, I beleech you, to look up to "the God of Gods---the Rock of your Salvation. As the clay in the. potter's hands," fo are the nations of the earth in the hands of Him. the everlal'ting JE~ HOVAIIl He lifteth up---and he calleth down " {hall give his angels charge orcr lain) t) " keep him in all his ways." 0 N the Oinnipotent Cod. therefore. tl'tii hiC birdied Son. let your llmng; confidence he placed: but do not vainly expect that (:‘\'t‘i‘\,' day will he 1:) you :2 (liiy of proipcrity or iii " ---Hc refitteth the proud, and giveth grace unph. " to the humble-"He will keep the feet of his " faints-wthe wicked {hall be {ilent in dark " nets, and by {trength {hall no man prevail." T ii r. mz-i'lt-s. tot) intricate: for human iit‘nr‘imiioii, ' ‘he ways of prm'itlence lit: through N‘lci‘cit‘s may often he laid iottii ti) as in the l) lli'i‘w |