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Show (68) In ( 775 the linking Fund was taken for 2900,0001. including an txtraortlinary charge of 100,000l. on the mgr/77:91:10 Fund. ll (lltt‘C hm; been a deficiency, i: is a debt contracted lall year, which 111m"! he added to other debfs (reltrred to in Page ()4) :11 dint: lion» dclicicnccs in the pi 0vllion made for the expences of lall \\,I at the end of the war, Etc. 8ce.-which, all together, *5 Iuwill {uppofe a million. Add 3.300,000l. ariling from a furplus of 300,000l. for eleven years; and the total will he 8950,0001. whic h is a fum more than fullicient for difchargin g 9 millions and a half of the public debt. '1 his; provilion amounted to 3,703,476 l; but it is laid ill. to hitvc fallen lhort above a 111 .11011. ANNUAL Stew/J of an Account of the Money drawn from the Public by the Tamer. EXPENDITURE. tht Revenue iii?'zl‘l-lliinent, including the annual incrcafe -"".‘l and Civil Lill Debt: (lee the l‘orhurl - - - - /. - - - - - - 90,000 being the average of the years 1767 and 1768, when their produce was 4.531,075l. fer mm, "-6 per till. all the grofs produce - Total 4.!40,ooo Exrnncc of collecting the Excifes in SCOTLANn, being the medium of the years 1772 and 177;, SURPLUS 320,759 - - 44,150,000 '5 (11‘ 2.6::mmiool. unfunded debt, which ; paid out (if the unappropri:ttcd Revenue Annual income [. 4.460,75 Thel‘e two methods (.lcleclitz‘i11fr the Surplus ofthc Revenue confirm 011': anoihtr. as nearly as could have been, expeéled. They mono: aqi‘ct‘ exactly, unlelsthe mean produce olithe Sinldngr Fund, and of all the tale , are taken for the fame years, and from the iazi e or aricr in every year. 'l‘iigrc is a 2/15/11" method of proving that the permanent furplus of the revenue cannot exceed the film now dated. l have learnt from the highell authority, that the national debt, loo/domes Exrcucc of collecting the Exmse in ENGLAND, and the difference between the grofs and nett produce-31p" cem‘. of the grofs produce - Exritncn of colletf‘ting)r the Cusroms in ENGLAND, being the average of 1771 and 1772; bounties included-15 per cent. of the grols produce, exclulivc of the drawbacks and over~entries - - N. B. The bounties for 1771 were 202,840!. for 17 2, 1711,4681. For 1772, 285,764l. or 10 [m- (mt. nearly. PERQUISITES, Ste- to Cullom-houle odicers, SLC'. fuppol‘ed to be -- - -- -~- Ex PE NCE ofeolleéting the Salt-duties inENGLAND, 10.; fur mu. - -- - --- about a year ago, had been diminilhed near 9 millions and a half, Bounties 0n filh exported liner: the peace in 17 a: ; including a million of the 3 [w 5071!; dif- chargmi lali year ---'l"he money employed in making this reduction, Expr: NCE of collecting the duties on Stamps, Cards, Advertil‘ements, 54c. giffrzmmt. - -- mull have been dcrivcd li'om the lurplus of the ordinal)» and llated revenue. adijled to tlge rs.Irrawtt'i'z..zzjy receipts. Thele extra- EXPENCE ofcolleéting the Land Tax at 35.--.~,9U-/>:r (ml. of the nominal produce --= -- -- --- -- 250,000 27,000 -- 18,000 18,000" _ 43,500 r/rzfxlaviry receipts have ccnliited of. the following articles ------ 1. The Land 'l‘ax at 45. in the pound in 1764, 170;, and 1771; or I s. in the pound (is/rgzorzf'z'zzmjy for three years, mating 1.300000 Total )5". 11.16 ,3; -~--:. The profits of Nine Lotteries, making (at 150,000l. each It mull be teen, that this account is imperfeét. lottery) 1.;5o,(>i'1()l.--3. A contribution of 400,0001, 1357' 12m. 111‘011'1 the 1mm company for live years, making 2.ooo,oool.--4:110000]. paid by the Bank in 1764 for the privilege oi cxclullre banking. Alli) the money paid by Frazzrclbr11'1ai11tainingtheir taxes, exceeds confiderably ELEVEN }.1i'itt1I1CI s; and the money ariling from the fale of Fir/m3 prizes, taken Lcl‘ot‘e t he daclaixd ion of \x at; from faving on particular grants M. on. ' The Author 0F the Prr/i'xt Still: of tl‘: A‘rtim, publilhed in 176?, makes all there mlrnar/lz'nrny Rec pts to (1111011 it to above 1'" 0 millions and .1 half. flat It is, however, fiimcient to prove, that the whole money railed DIRECTL Y by the MILLIONS. But as the increaled the greatell part of them were applied to latist‘y (Trivia-:7. rl.t51‘.15,a t1rllc1116 other debts, not properly included in the current nntlUiHl L‘xptnd: 111C. |