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Show 28) Virtue to." minds to conceive, hearts to feel, and our bon~ afl-what are we to doi-to gaze upon Bat alas {~15 if born to deludr: and be delu. led-wto believe whatever is taught, and bear all that is impofed «fucceflive impolitions, wroncrs and brands, dage? while our enennes throw about fire- . iul‘ults awaken neither the {cute of injury oar {pirit ofrevenge. l"alciiiati011s and enchantments, chains onncis, tion with the gambols of {port and want and fettcrs bind in adamant the underllanding and The proper object of fociety and civil inl‘tituti.» ons is the advancement of " t/Je greatcfl bappuw/i qf pointing the way to itudy wifdom ~but the chaorrn the grain]? number". The people (as a body-{being never {Mitre/fed to injure themlelves and uniformly defirous of the general wellfare) have ever made this collcc‘iir»: felicity the objeEt of their wifhes and purfuit. But firange, as it may teem, what Ilia man through fucceflive ages have defired and fought, tbefew have found means to bathe and defeat. The neceflity of the aequifition hath been eonfpicuons to the rudef't mind ; but man, inconfiderate, that, "in every/aricty, there is an qfor: " ronflant/y tending to confer on one part l/Jc Wig/at " (fjmzccr, and to'reduce the Other to 2‘ch exireme cf " wed/522%" and "Ii/Evy", * hath abandoned the molt. important concerns of civil lociety to the caprice and controul of thofe, whofe elevation canted them to forget their priftine eqiality, and whole inte~ refi urged them to degrade [be by} and may} u/qul below f/JB‘ 700% and mq/i zmprofiz‘ab/e of the lpecies. -f paflions of the human race. Ages follow Litres, continues. Sanctilied by authority and armed with pOWCI', error and ulurpation bid defiance to truth and right, while the bulk of mankind fit gazing at the monlter of their own creation :---.1 monl'cer, * to which their follies and vice; gave origin, and their depravity and cowardice continue in exillence. " The greafefl [upping/r of the grin/{y} number" being the objefi and bond of fociety, the diablilhment of truth and juflice, ought to be the balis of civil policy and jurifprudence. But this capital cftablilhmeut can never be attained in a itate where there exifis a pcu'c'i‘yi/pw-[or 2‘0 [be riril magi/graft? and flrjfirz‘mt f0 rant/"5.11! [be authority of the [mean \Vhenever, therefore, {be pmflf/fim {21' (mm becomes a Llé/Zi/ZLC? arc/er in the Rate, and a flanding army part Qf [be (mg/Zitm‘imz, we are not ferupulous to aflirm, that the end of the/evim' rompafi ir defame: , and if): nation all/ed to at? upon tb: grain! 9:15 5022 can.r ‘ ks of defpem arrows and death, and play their tric Againit this everfimz, and the principle which origi- * Marq: Beccaria. 1‘ The modes of government "hieh have been impofcd on ere- dulous man, have been not only deficient in producing the jul‘t ends of government; viz. lhc full and impartial fecurity of the rights of nature; butallo, have been rather formida~ He and dangerous eabals againfllhe peace, happinefs and digMy of (eddy. Macaulziy's thcuglzrs, \‘S'c. Edit, 5. p. )0. elferralicns on Burke's The people who compote the fociety ( for whofe feeurity the labour of it's infiitution was performed ‘ This (flanding army) is a monflcr, that will devour all your liberties and properties-there is a time for all men to {peak, and now, when our liberties are a! (take, duty to GOD, our Prince and country forbid to be filent. Sir John Hotham's {pecch in Parliament 1673. Grey's debate: 2 vol. page 39" _ 4 #82:;1r5Mv4-‘J' 'WES," :. nates it, no vigilance can be too fharp, no determi‘a nation too- fevere..But ‘VI-r. .a. . ' fagzwm‘ ups/z fur/3 an event. |