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Show Target N O x emissions for this conversion were 0.14 Ib/MM Btu (116 ppmv) - actual result for the State compliance test was 0.049 Ib/MM Btu (41 ppmv). Well Charged Aluminum Melter, Los Angeles Area, California This furnace was converted from conventional cold air burners to TwinBed™ II regenerative burners with LNI technology with the aim of reducing the specific fuel consumption and providing the low emissions mandated by the S C A Q M D for the Los Angeles area. INJECTOR FLUE INJECTOR DOOR DOOR Figure 21 Originally fired with 40 M M Btu/h through 3 high velocity burners, the new installation comprised one pair of TwinBed™ II regenerative burners, each with 2 LNI gas injectors, with an input capacity of 3 0 M M Btu/h cold, 25 M M Btu/h hot. The as-installed arrangement is shown in Figure 21. Operating roof temperature set point is 2075F, bath set point 1350F. Target melt rate is 12,500 lb/hr with a charge of 70% continuously fed used beverage cans, 30% sow and coil. Target specific fuel consumption was 1050 Btu/lb, and NOx emissions of 0.07 Ib/MM Btu (58 ppmv @ 3%02). The required average air preheat level for the regenerative burners in this installation would be above 1600 F in order to attain the desired melt rate and commensurate fuel input rate. During commissioning it was determined that combustion product flows within the furnace were substantially disturbed by the influence of the two deep side door vestibules - disturbed to the point that air/gas mixing on the door side was poor, giving rise to formation of unacceptable C O levels. It was thus necessary to experiment with injector nozzle locations and jet configurations to effect a cure. The final 17 |