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Show changed to a back pressure configuration. In doing so, there is no need for the large low pressure section and vacuum system which are required in the Rankine cycle. This provides a capital cost saving as well as improved system efficiency. In addition, the inclusion of the LEBS flue gas emissions control features dictates removal of the gas side power cycle systems. The replacement systems will include the low NOx firing technology described previously, a new draft system, and a flue gas cleanup system. At present two alternative processes are being evaluated for flue gas TM ' cleanup: the SNOx hot process and an advanced dry-scrubbing process. Control requirements associated with the Kalina power cycle, and the fact that unit 1 still has its original control system, dictate that the project will include installation of a new unit-wide distributed control system. The increase in auxiliary power consumption associated with the modified unit also requires that the station service transformers for unit 1 (unit auxiliary and startup) be replaced with larger capacity units, and substantial new power distribution capability be added. Licensing: A licensing plan and schedule have been developed for the project that has identified the need to obtain twelve individual environmentaVsafety permits and approvals. As indicated in Table I, the project will result in large reductions of all the regulated air emissions from unit 1. Thus, approvals for the air permits are expected to be relatively straight forward. Unique to this power project, however, is the significant ammonia inventory required for operation of the Kalina cycle. The presence of this material on site will require the development of plans to deal with a potential accidental ammonia release. The licensing schedule is based on obtaining all approvals prior to the planned start date for Phase IV. At present, contact has been established with the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM). IDEM has been thoroughly briefed on the proposed project, and preparation of the long-lead permit applications is in progress. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK Testing of the 10w-NOx firing system has been completed. The work remaining is analysis of data from the second week of testing in the BSF. The NOx emission target of 0.1 IblMM Btu with <5% carbon in the fly ash was achieved in the BSF (actually 0.11 Ib). However, at this time it cannot be predicted with certainty that 0.1 IblMM Btu will be achieved in commercial size systems. There presently is no further LEBS frring system development work planned prior to construction of the POCTF. The preliminary results of the catalytic filter field testing were very encouraging regarding particulate emissions and NOx reduction. However, measured gas draft loss was excessive. Since approximately 750/0 of the draft loss is attributed to the catalyst, testing will continue with a non-catalytic filter system while catalyst deposition technology is reviewed. Also, since it is possible that the catalytic filter draft loss situation may not be resolved within the POCTF schedule, an alternative technology will be evaluated. The POCTF design work was rescheduled to allow time to design the Kalina cycle components and to integrate them into the existing facilities at the host site. That work is essentially complete and plant design and licensing work has resumed and will be completed within the project schedule. REFERENCES 1. Regan, J.W., Borio, R.W., Palkes, M, Mirolli, M.D., Wesnor, J.D., and Bender, 0.1., Improving Pulverized Coal Plant Performance, 1995 International Joint Power Generation Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 1995 2. Regan, J.W., Borio, R.W., Hargrove, M.1., Palkes, M., Wesnor, J.D., and Kaminski, R.S., Achieving Compliance with Advanced Coal-Fired Low-Emission Boiler Systems, Coal Utilization and Fuel Systems Conference, Sand Key, FL, 1995 3. Marion, l .L., Towle, D.P., Kunkel, R.C., and LaFlesh, R.C., Development of ABB CE 's Tangential Firing System 2000 (TFS 2000™ System) , EPRIIEPA 1993 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, reprinted as TIS 8603, ABB CE Services, Inc., 1993 t I |