Page 7

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Publication Type technical report
School or College College of Engineering
Department Computing, School of
Creator Riesenfeld, Richard F; Cohen, Elaine, 1944-
Title Discrete B-Splines as an Approach to Computer Aided Geometric Design
Date 1985-09
Description Investigations have been made of many interesting problems deriving from the applications of discrete splines to the problems of computer aided geometric design. New theory and algorithms have been developed and support mechanisms based on the Oslo algorithm have been incorporated in order to help use the geometry model directly to calculate many geometric attributes needed for the design process including surface rendering and intersections. (Author)
Type Text
Language eng
Series University of Utah Computer Science Technical Report
Relation is Part of ARPANET
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 335,285 bytes
File Name ADA161445.pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s6g767pd
Setname ir_computersa
ID 105318
Reference URL

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Title Page 7
Setname ir_computersa
ID 105313
Reference URL