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Show 86 NORTH CHINA MISSION Women's College renew our request for a grant of $500 to add to the funds in hand for building a sanitarium at the Western Hills. Our summer colony of twenty girls who could not return to their homes, spent two months under the care of Miss Vanderslice at Wo Fo Ssu, a beautiful temple in the Hills and the physical, mental and aesthetic value-of this sojourn increases our desire for a permanent home for our school in this beautiful, historic region. . _ „ „ „ . No class in China has been more intox- CONCLUSION . . , , .. , .. .., . icated by the wine of the new life in China than the bright, talented women, and here lies China's danger as well as her hope. With many liberty means license, and the doing of the "smart set" who think they are following the enlightened ways of western lands, and the deplorable state of affairs in many non-Christian girls' schools, challenge us to show what true freedom and true womanhood mean. To meet a man to-day, correspond freely, exchange rings with him next month, beniarriedimmedatelywithoutlicen.se, certificate, or any of the old safe-guarding ceremonies, and soon to be divorced at will, this is the history of many school girls in the past year. What hope is there except in long years of Christian education, which, while conserving all these dynamics will give these eager, bewildered girls a self-control and poise which cannot be shaken by the strange new temptations. Never in the history of the world has there been such a tremendous need, such a beckoning opportunity, as the Republic of China presents to-day to the women of Christendom. These truly patriotic women and girls. quivering with pent-up life, are bound to do something. Shall it be as amazons, as frenzied suffragettes, as wives who refuse the financial support and control of their husbands, or may it be our joy to lead them into the beautiful paths of service to little children, to teach them that the charm of filial piety and wifely devo tion belong to the Orient and Occident alike, to give them that training of mind and heart which will make them good citizens of the Republic of China because they are good citizens of the kingdom of God. Compiled from the report by Miss Miner. |