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Show 64 NORTH CHINA MISSION Pangchuang "She is not the same girl. Before she went she was a terror and no one could do anything with her. Now she is helpful and kind and knows lots of characters." Last June seven girls were graduated from our Academy and the next day we bade good-bye to Miss Lucia Lyons, who left for her mother, ill in Detroit. We have missed a strong member of our station this year and earnestly hope that she may be permitted to return to us this fall. Her place as head of the Academy has been admirably filled by Miss Grace Wyckoff. Miss Li, Miss He and Miss Wang, together with Mr. Hsu, have done excellent work as teachers. The young women have kept the atmosphere of the school above the dead level of everyday grind. This fall English was added under Mr. How who gave forty minutes a day, four times a week, to the first and second classes. The gymnastics have been directed by four girls who received weekly preparation with Mrs. De Haan. This spring term opened with 51 pupils, four not having returned. Health has been fairly good but there are half a dozen girls who ought to be fed on meat, eggs and cod liver oil and do less studying, as a preventive against "the white plague". School clinics are held in one of the recitation rooms at four thirty each day. This is a very satisfactory plan for physicians, teachers and pupils. Literary society comes each Saturday evening when interesting and exciting debates occur, more or less profitable essays are read and stories by the little girls make a pleasant evening. The Y. W. C. A. meets regularly each Sundav, except consecration Sunday. P'ourgirls help Sunday afternoons to teach the Sunday School lessons to from 20 to 60 children in the village. Two other girls teach the children of the yard while still four others help in the hospital. There has been no kindergarten nor day-school for the children of our yard since Christmas. The children were few and no suitable teacher was available. So closes our year of work. We have been busy and happy in it and we trust we have received the Master's "Well done" as He has closed the record book. Compiled from the report by Mrs. De. Haan |