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Show erne ';• - • - s. - - ,, . _ - _ .v -.. - , t In the notice sent out all over town today there was no mention , of the cause for dismissal of Dr. Hsu except the implication in saying thst further used of the hospital and church name by hia would be disavowed, when the coaaltte was deciding how to make evident the real reason without beim? so plain that the commander would get after Pr. Hsu for not ^%^ing us quiet, it was agreed that the implication of the reason for dismissal would be perfectly evident to any one cognisant of the facts, but this morning, after your telegram had said quite clearly that Dr. Hsu was not responsible for the appending of the name of the church, the sane men said that this new evidence had no bearing on the sending or not sending of the notice because the notice did not mention forgery at all. It is evident tc as, and to Mis Brock m& Mr. Wickes, that the opinion of those who make up the executive committee is largely 0*50 of hostility %e Dr. Bsu on m^y grounds, that they have boon ready to sake away with him as soon^s a good chance should come along. last suaaer Ir. hm* pointed out to me that J£r. flu, much the most violent speaker against l<r. rsu in the committee, had given Xr. flakes and me fraudulent contrasts for coal, and so | got after Mr, *vu Immediately end demanded delivery of the coal. 1 believe that Xr. !Ufs attitude towards Br, fcsu is influenced by that. Hiss Uufo nioae has" been in the hospital lately, running up a bill of forty Cellars, *md Miss Hi, has felt rather badly ti-eated thai no reduction in the bill was given, en the grounds that the girl's grandfather was out gateman. It has long been the policy of the hospital to grant eUseountfi only to wives, children, fathers t&r*&. mothers of the staff, eertoinly not to grandchildren. £o Hiss Liu dcea%net care for %r* Hsu. Recently - 2Jr. Hsu made an unguarded reeank to Mr. Chujto of the hospital telling hia not to persist in s demand to rent the cWrch burying ground to plant, on the grounds that it was not expedient te/offend I'eatnr shih. who had charge. Bastor Shih heard about it and did qbt like it. 1 J Jhl?J'?r* sb*b cf *^w school honestly Ms the'geed *pW:%hM church at heart tat X think ho has no realisation of the raporierity of £r. Ksu, faults and ajl, to most other Chinese doctors. In rajard-to the content/.*, tantcahet Miso Breck and I kept reiterating, that *. a^u mxMt not be condemned unheard, there was some half-hearted theoretical aeseBt that tha^course was all right abroad, but war not considered obligatory in I • *** / My position is net comfortable. I ea alaost/eonvinoed thet it i!vi~ m *f!i1.?cr^T* ja* tc S°» *cs^*c of t! i hopelessness of his RS?e-?P-IiS5 ^? Ibadsre here, /fter rmir-r v VsMi told the , { hospital staff this afternoon that I was to take MTnsu'c p W e I toJd the® that I did!not approve of the manner orirfiacvi ng him. without 2mef5Si*:i. I ft11 ** d*«HJ«4 f * that. I have sloken v s ^ l S ^ 1 5??*f2el I****1 feaT!ia ^otiti^ *» relation to Pr. Feu such as Mr. U ^ M M ' I ££ ? f?** **2f» n k @ ****** foreigner who continues to rl |*1 5 m e c a l Chinese after all the other Chinese know he is a \ Yours sincerely, V . , *> f i «^' kw h w |