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Show December 8, 1930. Dear Rowlend, Last month I wrote you a series of letters telling of the series of ertraoedinary events happening here lately, beginning with the attack on Dr. Bsufs residence one morning very early. I thought I had written the concluding letter, but I am sorry to say that there is a sequel, Three weeks age Mr. Li Jul TMng the second evangelist on the mon's Hide if the hospital, was arrested for being a heroin salesman. It seams that a wam<4n whe wholesales the stuff was seised and in her accounts there was written the name of Li the Fourth. You know very well that any fourth son of any Li family could be called that name. It happens that Mr. Li Jut T'ing is & fourth eon. Ih© policemen wont to Mr. SlTfe house and asked frr Li the .Fourth, and his wife told them that he wan at the hospital. They came here and arrested him. fchile Dr. leu and I were operating Bone one cam© in and told us about it, later Dr. Hsu and X discussed whether cr not we should B^mi iews a letter §c the police station in. the name of the hospital to guarantee his innocence end get him out. «e both felt that it was very unlikely ti-at he was guilty, especially when we hei.ro. that the police did not seek him by name, but by the appellation, the Fourth. I pointed cut, however, that SO such had already been said by people opposed to the church about here- in merchants gaining the shelter of the church, getting off without punishment beeauee of their connection with an institution, at least semi-foreign in character, that w© decided it wae better to get more definite information first. $e felt that if in fact h@ was wrongly arrested that it ought to be e&sy enough for his friends to get him out without any Chris taixi inetituil'-n interfering. it the next earning ve had a meeting of the executive eoemlttee* We told whst we fcaew. Mi. Li's wife told h$r story, ana the nephew, an aetiva Chrletain, told what he hu.& found out at the police station, in all, no increase in infermati.-.n. fe decided to find cut for Bure all we could about it, .Later the man1® neighbors went to the police station to guarantee hi«, and were uneuoceesful. Finally w^ had another* meeting &n& were* was brct thai the chief of police admitted that the lann had been wrongly arrested, and that the ecuit had Judged him improperly held, and that all that was necessary was to send a proper guarantee, in . writing, and he would "be released. This document was aiade out in the name of the hospital, signed by Dr. Hsu and by me and all of the members of the medical committee* Dr, Hsu and I consented thus to take official action, ofter the chief ejf police had himself said to us directly that the msn was wrongly arretted, Iven the guarantee did not result In his release, however, and we got word, a 4 round about way that the police would ieee face if a man wae released as wrongly arrested, and so they would lot him cut a little later. In a few days we got word that he would have to be hsld until all the rest of the people whose names were on the wholesaler*** account were arreeted, and still later that we should sent another guarantee, saying that w® would have to guarantee explicitly that we would find him If he was needed later by the court, the first guarantee in this wording wa,s> nyrected as net on proper paper'and so another was sent, but even frdrnthe second there wae no result. Dr. Hsu went to Ptiping ten 5ays ago to a meeting of the Reev&luaticn Ccmmittee. Five days ago, about the time these last guarantees were being tent into the official's residence, people began to suspect that *# i |