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Salt Lake City (Utah); Salt Lake County (Utah); Advertisements; Advertising--Brand name products--Utah--Salt Lake City; Business--Utah--Salt Lake City; Shopping; Prices--Utah--Salt Lake City; Free Coinage Chop House (Salt Lake City, Utah); Restaurants--Utah--Salt Lake City; Dr. A. B. Peak Dentistry (Salt Lake City, Utah) Dentistry--Utah; Dentists--Utah; Wiscomb and Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Family Grocer (Salt Lake City, Utah); Grocery trade--Utah--Salt Lake City; Tea; Coffee industry--Utah--Salt Lake City; Spice trade--Utah; Lambert Paper Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Paper; American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Crackers; Biscuits; Salt Lake Cleaning Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Laundry industry--Utah; Mrs. I. M. Bell's Dining Parlor (Salt Lake City, Utah); Restaurants--Utah--Salt Lake City; Empire Steam Laundry (Salt Lake City, Utah); Louis Hook, Saddle and Harness Maker (Salt Lake City, Utah); Leatherwork; Leather industry and trade; Harness making and trade; Saddlery; Blankets; Knutsford Hotel (Salt Lake City, Utah); Manitou Hotel (Salt Lake City, Utah); Hotels--Utah--Salt Lake City; Hairdressing; Baths, Turkish--Utah; Manitou Turkish Baths (Salt Lake City, Utah); Star Bakery (Salt Lake City, Utah); Bakers and bakeries--Utah--Salt Lake City; Bread; Strong Brothers Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Meat industry and trade--Utah--Salt Lake City; Stores, Retail--Utah--Salt Lake City; Flour; Coffee; Butter; Cheese; Dairy products; Fruit; Fruit trade; Attorneys--Utah; Lawyers--Utah; U. S. Land Office Building (Salt Lake City, Utah); Hot Springs Sanitarium Swimming Pool (Salt Lake City, Utah); America's Carlsbad (Salt Lake City, Utah); Swimming pools--Utah--Salt Lake City; Rheumatism; Indigestion; Catarrh; Bank of Salt Lake (Salt Lake City, Utah); Banks and banking--Utah--Salt Lake City; Washington Market (Salt Lake City, Utah); Day, Rowe and Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Salt Lake Wire Mattress Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Beds; Stinger's Bakery (Salt Lake City, Utah); T. Thoresen (Salt Lake City, Utah); Shoes; Shoe industry--Utah--Salt Lake City; Utah Title Insurance and Trust Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Insurance, Title--Utah; Insurance companies--Utah--Salt Lake City |
OCR Text |
Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> Drop In And see us when you want a square meal for 15c <br> FREE COINAGE CHOP HOUSE <br> 55 West Second South. <br><br> Dr. A. B. PEAK, DENTIST <br> 32 and 24 E. First So. <br><br> WISCOMB & CO., <br> The Family Grocer <br> 58 EAST FIRST SO. <br> We carry everything in the grocery line. <br> Choice Teas, Coffees and Pure Spices our Specialty. <br><br> Lambert Paper Co., <br> SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. <br> Headquarter for all kinds of Paper, Paper Bags, Twine, etc. <br> GEO. C. LAMBERT, MANR. <br><br> American Biscuit and Mf'g. Co. <br> Manufacturers of the Celebrated Silver Brand of Fine Crackers. Silver-Flake and Snow-Fake Soda our specialty. Ask your Grocer for them. <br> P. O. Box 1335. HENRY WALLACE, Mgr. <br><br> SALT LAKE CLEANING CO. <br> Clothes cleaned and pressed at 35 cents a month. Pants pressed 25 cents, Pants dyed $1.00. Ladies' clothes cleaned and dyed in all its branches. Repairing neatly done. New clothes made for old ones. PAUL SMITH, proprietor. 279 S. Main St., Under St. Elmo. <br><br> FOR THE BEST <br> Home Cooking <br> Go to Mrs. [I]. M. Bell's Dining Parlor, first floor Manitou Hotel Building, 121 East Third South Street, everything clean, first class and well cooked. <br> Good Board $3.50 week. <br> Our 25 cent Sunday Dinners are unexcelled in the city. We also make a specialty of business men's lunches during the week. <br> If you board and want the best cheap give us a trial. <br> MRS. I. M. BELL, Prop. <br><br> We have special <br> Facilities for doing up <br> Fancy Ladies' Waists. <br> And all other Fancy Ladies' Wear <br> Empire Steam Laundry <br> Tel. 94, 19 and 21 Commerce St. <br><br> LOUIS HOOK. <br> Saddle & Harness Maker. <br> Stock: Saddles : a : Specialty, <br> Leather novelty work, also repairing in all its branches. A variety of whips, Bits, Spurs, Saddles, Single and Double Harness, Robes, Blankets, etc. 304 State St. Opposite Knutsford Hotel. <br><br> THE MANITOU, <br> A Strictly First-class <br> Family Hotel. <br> Hair dressing Parlors and the only Turkish Baths in the City run in connection with the House. <br> SALT LAKE CITY. <br><br> The Star Bakery, <br> Is the best place in the city to get your Bread, Cakes, Pies and Pastry. Everything else first-class and fresh in our line. <br> 239 South Main. <br><br> STRONG BRO. CO., <br> 813 E. 4th South St., Pine Groceries, and Fresh and Cured Meats. Flour of all grades, Selected Teas, Pure Coffees and Spices, Butter and Cheese from the best dairies, foreign and domestic fruits and a full variety of other goods kept. Prices and goods guaranteed to equal any others in the market. <br><br> D. J. CHADWICK, <br> LAND AND MINING ATTORNEY <br> Homestead and Desert Land Entry Papers prepared. Conteits and Mining Applications a specialty. General practice in all courts. Office- Rooms 305 in U. S. Land Office Building, 54 W. First South St., Salt Lake City, P. O. Box 554. <br><br> HOT SPRINGS SANITARIUM <br> SALT LAKE CITY <br> SWIMMING POOL <br> 52 West Third South Street <br> America's Carlsbad. <br> Finest bathing and swimming known. Learn to swim. The only person saved from a capsized boat in Lake Michigan was a woman that could swim. <br> This water is a sure cure for Rheumatism, Catarrh and Indigestion. H. M. Bacon, Pres., also Vice pres. Bank of Salt Lake. <br><br> The Washington Market <br> MEATS, GROCERIES, <br> POULTRY, FISH, <br> AND PROVISIONS. <br> Orders Solicited. <br> Prompt Delivery. <br> DAY, ROWE & CO. Proprietors, <br> Phone 574 313 So. Main. <br><br> Salt Lake Wire Mattress Co. <br> Manufacturers of <br> Woven Wire Mattresses, spiral Springs, Iron Beds, Wire Cots. Old Wire Mattresses, re-stretched. <br> F. EBERHARDT, Proprietor. <br> 171 So. 3d East, Salt Lake City. <br><br> Stinger's Bakery <br> Received First Prize on bread at the Territorial Fair. Try his Cream Bread. <br> LEAVE ORDERS AT 472 E. 2ND So. <br><br> A Stitch in Time <br> Saves nine" and a peg in time sometimes saves a dollar or two, therefore do not throw your old shoes away but bring them to <br> T. THORESEN, <br> Boot and shoe maker, <br> 64 East Second South St, Salt Lake <br><br> Utah Title Insurance and Trust Company, <br> Salt Lake City. <br> 5 percent paid on Deposits. Insure Titles. Make Abstracts. Loans Money. <br> J. E. DOOLY, President. <br> W. S. McCORNICK, Vice President. <br> A. L. THOMAS, Secretary.<br><br> |
Further Information |
This is a page of advertisements for businesses in Salt Lake City, Utah. The ads are for Free Coinage Chop House Restaurant, Dentist A. B. Peak, Wiscomb and Company's grocery store, Lambert Paper Company, American Biscuit and Manufacturing Company, Salt Lake Cleaning Company, Mrs. J. M. Bell's Dining Parlor, Empire Steam Laundry, Saddle and Harness Maker Louis Hook, Manitou Hotel, The Star Bakery, Strong Brothers Company's groceries, Land and Mining Attorney D. J. Chadwick, Hot Springs Sanitarium Swimming Pool, The Washington Market's grocery store, Salt Lake Wire Mattress Company, Stinger's Bakery, Shoemaker T. Thoresen, and the Utah Title Insurance and Trust Company. Mrs. J. M. Bell's Dining Parlor, as it appears on this page, is actually Mrs. I. M. Bell's. This is determined not only by her signature in this ad, but also by her other ad in Vol. 3 No. 52 p21 of the Church Review. |