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Show Page 00B<br><br>Why we are Popular.<br> Because we are prompt, reliable and courteous. Our work on SHIRTS, COLLARS, CUFFS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS and LACE CURTAINS Best on Earth.<br> Our ROUGH DRY FAMILY WASHING at 5 cents a pound, returns your SHEETS, SLIPS, TABLE COVERS, TOWELS, NAPKINS, HANDKERCHIEFS and HOSE Ironed and all Ladies' and Children's pieces starched cheaper and more satisfactory than wash women. <br>TROY STEAM LAUNDRY<br> Telephone 192. 142 Main Street,<br> <br>WE CARRY-<br> A full line of Hats (Men's and Children's) also Neckwear, Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Canes and Umbrellas.<br> 142 MAIN STREET Brown, Terry & Woodruff Co.<br> <br>The First Ward Pharmacy.<br> Cor. of 7th South and 7th East sts., are [making] special efforts to meet the requirements of their increasing trade.<br> We have just received a fine line of perfumes, toilet articles, etc. Our prescription department is complete and patrons are appreciating the careful attention we are giving to this branch. Our prices are as reasonable as any other store who use only the best drugs. O. H. Barnes the druggist will treat you right. Come and see us, bring your prescriptions.<br> Thanking you for past favors we are yours truly STANFIELD & CO.<br> TELEPHONE: 353.<br> Dr. Jos. Milliron, whose office and residence is in the building, answers calls promptly day and night.<br> <br>UTAH HOMES.<br> Important information regarding climates and resources of Utah, most desirable places for making a home in city or country, with map of best route to reach same, may be obtained by enclosing stamp to<br>C. E. BRAINARD,<br> Sec'y Weber County S.S. Association.<br> Room 311 Utah Loan & Trust Bld'g, Ogden, Ut.<br> <br>SALT LAKE COLLEGE.<br> The winter term opens January 7th, 1896.<br> Four courses of study: College Classical; College Scientific; Preparatory, and Normal.<br> Regular Classes. Expenses very low.<br> Address, Secretary of the Faculty.<br> Hammond Hall, Salt Lake City, Utah.<br> <br>DOCTOR G. W. SHORES'<br> COMPLETE CATARRH CURE<br> BOTH LOCAL AND INTERNAL<br> The only remedy guaranteed to absolutely cure catarrh and completely eradicate the disease from the blood and System.<br> FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 25c.<br> Each full size package contains one full month's local treatment, one full month's supply of Catarrh Healing Balm and one full month's supply of Catarrh, Blood and Stomach Pills.<br> If you have any of the following symptoms, Dr. G. W. Shore's Complete Catarrh Cure will give you instant relief and completely and permanently cure you.<br> Is the nose stopped up?<br> Does your nose discharge?<br> Is the nose sore and tender?<br> Is there pain in front of head?<br> Do you hawk to clear the throat?<br> Is your throat dry in the morning?<br> Do you sleep with your mouth open?<br> Is your hearing falling?<br> Do your ears discharge?<br> Is the wax dry in your ears?<br> Do you hear better some days than others?<br> Is your hearing worse when you have a cold?<br> Dr. G. W. Shores' Cough Cure cures all coughs, colds and bronchial affections. One dose will stop spasmodic croup. Keep a bottle in the house. Large size bottles 25c. If you have these symptoms use it as directed on the bottle and it will cure you.<br> Have you a cough?<br> Do you take cold easily?<br> Have you a pain in the side?<br> Do you raise frothy material?<br> Do you cough in the mornings?<br> Do you spit up little cheesy lumps?<br> Dr. G. W. Shores' Tonic and Blood Purifier clean...blood, gives strength and vigor...and all nervous diseases. Price $1 per bottle. It permanently cures the following symptoms:<br> Is there nausea?<br> Do you belch up gas?<br> Are you constipated?<br> Is your tongue coated?<br> Do you bloat up after eating?<br> Do you feel you are growing weaker?<br> Is there constant bad taste in the mouth?<br> Dr. G. W. Shores' Kidney and Liver Cure cures all diseases of the kidneys, liver and bladder. Price, $1 per bottle.<br> Do you get dizzy?<br> Have you cold-feet?<br> Do you feel miserable?<br> Do you get tired easily?<br> Do you have hot flashes?<br> Are your spirits low at times?<br> Do you have rumbling in bowels?<br> Do your hands and-feet swell?<br> Is this noticed more at night?<br> Is there pain in small of back?<br> Has the perspiration a bad odor?<br> Is there puffiness under the eyes?<br> Do you have to get up often at night?<br> Is there a deposit in urine if left standing?<br> Don't neglect these signs and risk Bright's disease killing you. Dr. Shores' Kidney and Liver Cure will cure you if used as directed on the bottle.<br> Dr. G. W. Shores' Mountain Sage Oil stops the worst pain in one minute. For headache, toothache, neuralgia, cramps or colic use it externally and internally. Prevents and cures diphtheria if used in time. Keep a bottle handy. Price, 25c a bottle.<br> Dr. G. W. Shores' Pepsin Vermifuge destroys intestinal worms and removes the little round nest where they hatch and breed. It never fails. Price 25c a bottle.<br> Dr. G. W. Shores' Wintergreen Salvage cures all diseases of the skin. Removes red spots and black pimples from the face. Heals old sores in 3 to 5 days. Price, 25c a box.<br> Dr. G. W. Shores' Anti-Constipation Pills cure chronic constipation, sick headache and bilious attacks. Price, 25c. a bottle.<br> In all cases, if the bowels are constipated take one of Dr. G. W. Shores' Anti-Constipation Pills at bedtime. If your trouble is chronic and deep-seated, write Dr. G. W. Shores personally for his new symptom list and have your case diagnosed and get his expert advice free.<br> These famous remedies are prepared only by Doctor G. W. Shores, Zion's Medical Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah.<br> For sale by all Druggists, or sent to any address on receipt of price.<br> |