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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> PRESBYTERIAN, OGDEN. <br> Little Will Robinson, the pet of the family in C. C.'s home, fell from a horse, last Sunday, Sept. 28th and broke his arm. Will is getting along nicely; but that was "tough on a little fellow." <br> The program given by our Sabbath school last Sunday was a good one, and great credit is due to all who took part. "Roscoe" gave us a well written and bright paper, and the piano and violin music by Miss Parmelee and Mrs. Gilbert was excellent. The review work by the classes was a "happy" plan, and taken altogether, it was the best Sabbath school exercises we have seen for a long time. By the way have you noticed how much our superintendent is improving and forging ahead since he took the office; evidently the Sunday school will keep pace with our other work. Next time we have special exercises however, may we close a little earlier, Mr. Superintendent? <br> Chas Hills and Fred Nye. two of our bright young men have left us, one to California to study law, the other enters college. Here's "success to both." <br><br> Central Park Mission. <br> RESOLUTIONS OF SYMPATHY. <br> Whereas, the angel of death has broken the golden chain of friendship and removed from our midst one beloved sister and co-worker, Grandma Hinkley. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Central Park mission are desirous of testifying their respects for her memory and express their earnest sympathy with those who are nearest and dearest to her. Therefore be it, Resolved, that we commend them to the care and protection and guidance of Him who doeth all things well. <br> MRS. CHARLES MAY, <br> MISS LIZZIE ROSS, <br> MISS MAUD HILLS, <br> Committee. <br><br> CHRISTIAN, OGDEN. <br> The attendance at the Sunday school was considerably increased last Sunday, and its promptness has not been equaled within the writer's acquaintance with the school. Let us keep the school advancing along both these lines, as well as in all other good qualities. <br> Today we grade the school and introduce a thorough system of records, both of attendance and work done. Let us see that we all start out well in the new quarter and keep the record up to the close, securing certificates as good soldiers to the loyal Sunday school army. <br> This evening we are to have a peculiarly interesting service. It is in commemoration of the twenty-first anniversary of the organization of the Christian Woman's Board of Missions, and will be conducted almost wholly by the ladies of the church. An excellent program has been prepared. Come and bring your friends, and come prepared to contribute to the support of the work of this board. <br> A Junior Endeavor Society was organized with eleven members last Sunday. At the meeting at 4 o'clock this afternoon a constitution is to be adopted and the organization otherwise made more complete. It is hoped and expected that the list of members will be considerably increased. <br> We hope to have a series of meetings after a few weeks, with Bro. Clay, of Salt Lake City, to assist us. This ought to be hailed as a great privilege and opportunity by this church, so long without regular evangelistic work. Let us do all we can to be in readiness for a good meeting and to support it when the time comes. <br> Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have left Ogden during the past week, to spend the winter in Salt Lake City. They will be missed in many circles here. Mrs. Thomas has been one of the most efficient leaders in the work of the Ladies Aid Society. Our wishes go with them that their sojourn may be pleasant, and that its chief object may be fully realized which we understand to be the improvement of Mr. Thomas' health. <br> An election dinner is among the enterprises for revenue contemplated by the Ladies' Aid. <br><br> PARK CITY, METHODIST. <br> The Birthday party and Reception held at our church last Thursday evening was a decided success in every way. The attendance was very large the lunch was very fine and abundant, the people enjoyed themselves immensely. Miss Perry and Mr. Opendorfor recited special selections admirably. The choir rendered some fine singing, and the "Park City Brass Band" gave us a number of excellent pieces, and the ladies and gentleman who assisted in various ways deserve unstinted praise. Of course the pastor was delighted with the amount of money raised and the splendid success of the entertainment. <br> James Merrit departed this life Sept. 24th and was buried Sept. 26th '95. The funeral sermon was preached by the pastor from the words Enter ye in at the strait gate etc., to a very large and attentive congregation at the M. E. church. Deceased was about 53 years old, and a native of England; he came to the country several years ago but returned to England last autumn and came back to Park City last spring. Miners consumption caused his death. He was very much respected and left many friends. <br> We expect to have a County Sunday school Convention on the 12th and 13th of October for the purpose of working up greater interest in the Sunday schools of the County. A more extended notice will be given next week. <br> G. w. R. <br><br> METHODIST, PROVO. <br> The Sunday school rally last Sunday was quite a success in every way. The roll reached 101 with an attendance of 85. The exercises were conducted by Miss Stella Brown in her usual graceful manner. The lesson review was good, the recitations by the scholars were excellent and the singing by the choir was inspiring. Brother and Sister Thomas Beesley Jr. presented their babe for baptism. Sister Elsie Jensen also received the rite of baptism and three members of the Sunday school were received into the church on probation: Mrs. Mary Baker, Miss Elsie Jensen and our little native of Central Africa, Kendall. The Lord be praised. <br> Our genial friend and Bro. Patterson, of Des Moines, worshipped with us twice on Sunday. <br> Rev. Holman, D. D., of Minnesota, made a pleasant call at the parsonage Monday morning. <br><br> |
People |
Baker, Mary; Beesley, Thomas, Jr.; Brown, Stella; Hills, Maud; Jensen, Elsie; Merrit, James, 1842(?)-1895; Ross, Lizzie; Beesley, Thomas, Jr. (Mrs.); Clay, B. F., 1851-? (Rev.); Hinkley, d. 1895 (Grandma); Holman (Rev.); Kendall; May, Charles (Mrs.); Opendorfor (Mr.); Patterson (Mr.); Perry (Miss); Thomas (Mr.); Thomas (Mrs.) |