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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> AMERICAN FORK, PRESBYTERIAN. <br> By way of explanation and apology to the readers of THE REVIEW, the author of the American Fork notes proposes to its editor to plead guilty to the charge of "writing in hieroglyphics," provided the editor will prevail upon his proof reader to assume the responsibility of the bad grammar of his attempts at deciphering them. He feels that both offenses are sufficiently weighty to demand the backing of at least two responsible parties, and is unwilling to constitute more than one of them. <br> Last Sabbath was "Rally Day", "Review Day," "Territorial Day" and "Children's Day" generally, all the services being devoted to their exclusive benefit, as is our custom on the last Sabbath of each quarter, immediately preceding the Sabbath of our quarterly observance of the Sacrament of baptism and the Lord's supper. On this particular occasion there was an unusual coincidence of services; [deserving] a much larger audience and interest than was secured. The "Review" exercises were carefully rendered, and the good results from the use of the charts were especially manifest in the prompt and concerted answers to almost every question of the Review, The collection was devoted to the work of the Territorial Sunday School Association. Four new pupils were secured as the result of the effort of twelve persons in soliciting increased attendance on this occasion. <br> In the evening a sermon to the children from Matt. 18: 3; on the subject of Conversion, was preached to a very attentive audience. The annual collection for the Board of Home Missions was taken at the evening service. The total amount given to this board, including the sum recently contributed for the debt of the past year, is eight dollars. <br> There is no more blessed privilege, or acceptable service to God, than the rendering of our offerings to Him "according as He has prospered us," and with a willing heart. He gives liberally and cheerfully who, in giving, wins the love of the Lord, and the assurance of His gracious favor. Were we ministers to emphasize "the grace of giving," as well as the consequent moral obligation to give, perhaps the free will offerings of our people would be larger and more worthy, and the "debts" of our board's correspondingly smaller than at present. <br> There is certainly no grace in greater need of cultivation among our Home Mission churches, which are the monuments of Christian benevolence, than the grace of Christian giving. <br> Our "prayers and our alms" are in God's estimation, as well as in that of our brethren, the practical test of our spiritual life and character. II Cor. 8:24. <br><br> 2 Ply <br> All wool Ingrain <br> 60cts. per yard at <br> The Utah Carpet and Drapery Co. <br> 21 West 1st South <br><br> Then buy our <br> "Defender" <br> School Shoe <br> Made of Fine Kangaroo calf skin with new square toe, Patent tip and heavy sole. It is a winner. For sale only by Spencer & Lynch Co., 124 Main. <br> Money earned here, means money spent here. Forty-one Employees engaged in putting up the new high gra[de] Three Crown Baking Powder, Spices, etc., for Hewlett Bros. Cans, boxes, labels, etc., are also made at home by other workmen. <br><br> Theo McKean will build a fine residence in Oakley for a home, J. M. Nolan a general store, Mrs. Wells of Butte, a residence, A. F. Callison of Des Moine[s], Ia., a recent comer, a residence, Mrs. Nelson and John Shields of Park City and many others. Over twenty houses to be built by purchasers so far, and sales continue rapidly W. E. Hubbard <br><br> COHN DRY-GOODS COMPANY. <br> 116-118 Main Street, <br> Conference Visitors <br> Will find us prepared to serve them with a magnificent stock in every department; and this week we ignore profits, this week we work for glory. Our Cloak Department offers a lot of garments at Low Give-Away Prices. Note the following items in our <br> Cloak Department. <br> A lot of last winter's Jackets and Capes, that sold from $8.00 to $12.00, styles just as good as this season's- your choice this week at...... $3.00 <br> Another similar lot that sold from $12 to $18, are marked down to...... $5.00 <br> Ladies' Chinchilla Jackets, this season's, new styles, in order to center interest in the Cloak Department, we offer you at...... $3.00 <br> Ladies fine Beaver Jackets with mandolin sleeves, ripple back and box front, in 24 and 30 inch lengths, at...... $5.00 <br> Ladies' Black Cheviot Military double Capes, with Coney edging, other stores will ask you $5 for this garment, our conference week price ...... $3.00 <br> Ladies' Double Military Cheviot Cape 30 inches long with velvet collar, at...... $4.00 <br> A fine Beaver Cape, with three rows of braid all round and edged with Coney, very dressy and would [...] at $10, our price this week...... $6.50 <br> Ladies' Outing Flannel Wrappers, this season's make with big sleeves in reds, and handsome printed patterns at...... $1.25 <br> Black Coney Muffs, worth $1.50, at...... $1.00 <br> Children's Eiderdown Coats at...... 75c <br> Misses' and Children's handsome winter Jackets, sizes 4 to 18, new and stylish at...... $3.00 <br> Stylish Black Coney Capes, silk lined, regular price $8, our special price...... $5.00 <br> Dress Goods. <br> A feast of good things-new things, stylish odd weaves in Dress Stuffs at our low giving-away conference prices. <br> Double width Black Mohair winter weight at...... 25c <br> 40 inch all-wool black Jaquard Brocade very stylish and new, at...... 40c <br> 46 inch all wool Black French Henrietta, only...... 40c <br> Double width Brocadine Dress Goods in all the leading colors and black, at...... 12c <br><br> |