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Show 226 PERSONAL ADVENTURES could have perforn1ed successfullJ: and regularly their contract 'vith the Government for the transport of the mails. For a long time, the success of the line seemed more than doubtful, until the influx of a larger population, by reducing the price of labour and provisions, and by dirninishing the expenditure, and increasing the traffic, settled the point to the satisfaction of the parties who had set the enterprise on foot. But the arduous nature of his duties, and the anxiety they entailed, finally affected the Cap· tain's health; so that he was obliged to re· nounce the service, and return home. The Company, however, appreciating his efforts, presented him, on his last arrival in New York, with a handsome testin1onial, in ac· knowledgment of the energy and judgment displayed by him in overcoming the extraor· dinary difficulties he had had to encounter. N urnberless vessels lay at anchor in the barbour, in n1uch the same predicament as the California beino- obli(red to 'vait for their ' 0 0 crews until the mining season had terminated, IN CALIFORNIA. 227 or advanced so far as to render the operations at the diggings too laborious and unhealthy to be continued, even by the strongest, or the most inveterate gold-hunters; some of whom, persisting in their work in spite of the remonstrances of the more experienced, fell victims to their cupidity, by braving the climate. The masters of the vessels resorted to all sorts of expedients to preserve their necessary complement of men, but in vain. One, the captain of a fllerchantman, whose crew had refused to work, and openly avowed their determination of going to the mines, sent to the Commodore, and they ·were all carried away, in double irons, on board the · Ol1io flag-ship. But such severities as these, notwithstanding they answered their end for the moment, produced no pern1anently beneficial results; and, as a rule, the men were rr1ore masters than the n1asters themselves, w'ho, making a virtue of necessity, became resigned to their fate, consoling themselves for their disappointments by indulging in the dissipation of the town. |