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Show Salt Lake tribune, Friday, May 28, 1971 U.S. to Continue! Utah Missile Launch Areas Tribune Washington Bureau WASHINGTON - The I Army -has advised Sen. WaI-[ .lace F. Bennett, R-Utah, that present plans call for continued use1 of the Black Mesa and Green River missile( launching sites in Utah. In answer to an inquiry from the senator, the. Army said the long-range Pershing missile firings were moved from Gilson Butte in Uintah County.to Green River "to decrease logistical and administrative costs." The firings began April 27, 1971. This site also handles launchings of Air Force Athena missiles. Athena launched from Utah site An Air Force Athena missile •was scheduled to be launched last night from the White Sands Missile Range launch complex, near Green River, Utah. The multi - stage research vehicle was programmed to impact on White Sands Missile Range, some 500 miles from the launch site. Army personnel monitored the firing and provided safety and data gathering support. Intermittent roadblocks onU. S. Highway 70 between Las Cruces and Alamogordo, scheduled to begin at 10:45 p.m., were to have been lifted after the firing. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGER, JUNE 25, 1971-PAGE 3 i6 ^ The Times-Independent Moab, Utah Thursday, June 17, 1971 Athena Launch Successful Air Force Officials have {announced the successful launch of an Air Force Athena missile Thursday (June 10) from the White Sands Missile Kange test complex near Green River, Utah. The re-entry which, 1'aun-eched at 11:25 p.m., impacted as programmed on White Sands Missile Range, some 500 miles southeast of launch point This was the 12'9th Athena missile to be launched in the research program. The solid propellamt multi-stage missile carried one of a series of1 experimental re-entry systms to study reentry phenomena of space vehicles. Data 'collected is used by the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Aeronautics and Space Ad-miniisfeaition. re-entry to study rentry phenomena of space vehicles. Data collected, is used by the Army, Navy, Air Force and National Aeronautics and Space administration. Green River student ai cited during graduation A student aide at White Sands Missile Range's launch complex at Green River, Utah, won top honors at his graduation in May. He is Steve Raff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raff of Green River. Steve was valedictorian of his high school graduating class May 24 with a 4.0 grade point average. He was an honor student all four years, andpriorto graduation, received offers of scholarships from five different Utah colleges. They are Dixie College, St. George; Snow College, Ephraim; College of Eastern Utah, Price; Southern Utah State College, Cedar City, and Utah State University, Logan, He has accepted the one to Dixie College. The young student aid began Lworking at the WSMR instal-ption in September 1970 and as assigned to Plants Branch bf Communications Division. He will continue working until the end of August when he leaves ') prepare for school. In his on-the-job training, iteve performs various sad-ninistrative duties such as ping, filing and assisting with upplies. Also, he fills in as [leeded in other duties and in perating the communications (control console. In college, Steve expects to najor in business education. |