The dreadful sufferings and thrilling adventures of an overland party of emigrants to California: their terrible conflicts with savage tribes of Indians and Mexican bands of robbers, with marriage, funeral, and other interesting ceremonies and customs of Indian life in the Far West

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Title The dreadful sufferings and thrilling adventures of an overland party of emigrants to California: their terrible conflicts with savage tribes of Indians and Mexican bands of robbers, with marriage, funeral, and other interesting ceremonies and customs of Indian life in the Far West
Call Number F593 .A19 1850; Record ID 9911049370102001
Date 1850
Description Narrative of a journey to California compiled by William Beschke from the journal of George Adam, one of the participants in the party, which left New Orleans to Saint Louis and across the plains in the fall of 1849
Creator Adam, George, active 1850
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Subject West (U.S.) -- Description and travel; Overland journeys to the Pacific; California -- Description and travel; Indian captives
Contributors Beschke, William
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Identifier F593-_A19-1850.pdf
Language eng
Spatial Coverage West, United States; California, United States
Rights Management
Holding Institution J. Willard Marriott Library, Rare Books, University of Utah
Scanning Technician Ellen Moffatt
Digitization Specifications Original scanned with Hasselblad H2D 39 megapixel digital camera and saved as 600 ppi tiffs. Display images created in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 and generated in Adobe Acrobat ProX as multiple page pdf.
ARK ark:/87278/s67d4xfb
Setname uum_rbc
ID 309617
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