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Show Lintsine,Shantung -Report B The owners of land are those suffering most. They have nothing but lond. What formerly supported a family is producing nothing, Neither can it be sold,for there is no demand for it. One man bought 10 mu of land a year ago and paid 1200 tiao for it. This year he tried to sell it and finding no other purchaser returned it to the same man ffii MM t$ m MMUm/m tH¥ AW.and himself received only 000 tiao, Because cotton is a crop usually raised abmxli Lintalna 1* suffers from the fact that less grain has $& been stored up than would otherwise be the case. One well-to-do farmer owning 60 mu of ^land has already used all his Grain and has sold the fMitfM &$$& wadded garments that his family need for the winter. Another farmer near Lintsing has torn down some of his buildings in order to use the sorgum stalks o of the thick roof for fuel. The rafters for which he paid 15 tiao he has offered for 3tiao. Many have already torn >-\down their houses for the fuel. Increased Prices. , ». r -Land worth I 40.00 Is offered at | 8,00 &&OUU^L®^- f$0 The prices for grain have more than doubled in the lost nine months. Corn Wis tlicnS/ cents a catty, now i it is9/P*; red sorgum ppp the same; millet has increased!' from 4 to 10,wheat flour from 6 to 12; and beans from 3 to 8 1/2, Chicken be f and pork have dr\,, si In price, since feeding %hm is so expensive no one wants to keep them. Chicken hac dropped from 30 tolO,beef from lb to 8,pork from 00 to 10. It is not common to see animals now. Horses,mules donkeys and oxen are being sold. Few here can feed them, Grass costs 3 coppers a catty,more than a email loaf of b bread cost last spring. People have come' with money from farther south and are buying some of the farm animals. An ox thrt Is valued at | 45 00 is sold at | 8.00 Cholera* Mot only has Llntsing been without heavy rains for elenen months but it has also suffered from much sickneso. Cholera has be n severe this summer. Rip orts comoonly estimate th t 1300 people have died during the last monthp in the city alone. It" is much lighter here now,but is jjgl very bad in the villages about fyffl Often one little chilo or two will be left of a whole family.Sometimes an old worn:n or an old man will be left alone. In a village of T"" or 300 families 40 to 60 deaths will be reported. Attempts to make a living. In facing these hardships the people are f&p trying to sell what they have,are leaving for other place z.n& are turning betters, Hone are adequate. |