Highest energy cosmic rays and results from the HiRes experiment

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Publication Type Manuscript
School or College College of Science
Department Physics
Creator Sokolsky, Pierre
Other Author Thomson, G. B.
Title Highest energy cosmic rays and results from the HiRes experiment
Date 2007-11-01
Description The status of the field of ultrahigh energy cosmic ray physics is summarized, from the point of view of the latest results of the High Resolution Fly's Eye (HiRes) Experiment. HiRes results are presented, and compared with those of the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array (AGASA), plus the Telescope Array and Pierre Auger experiments.. The HiRes measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum, and the observation of the GZK cutoff are presented. HiRes results on composition, searches for anisotropy, measurement of the proton-air total cross section, and shapes of shower profiles are presented.
Type Text
Publisher Institute of Physics (IOP)
Journal Title Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
Volume 34
Issue 11
First Page R401
Last Page R429
DOI 10.1088/0954-3899/34/11/R01
citatation_issn 0954-3899
Subject Fluorescence; Energy spectrum; GZK cutoff; Extensive air showers; Anisotropy
Subject LCSH Cosmic rays; Cosmic ray showers; Cosmic background radiation
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Sokolsky, P., & Thomson, G. B. (2007). Highest energy cosmic rays and results from the HiRes experiment. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 34(11), 1-31.
Rights Management (c) Institute of Physics (IOP) http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0954-3899/34/11/R01
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 2,557,204 bytes
Identifier ir-main,10479
ARK ark:/87278/s6x6455s
Setname ir_uspace
ID 703393
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6x6455s