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Show [ 68 J can he continue in a Command under a No tion ot doing his Country fervice,1 when all poffil>ility of [erving welT is taken from him:? When nothihg is left him tha€ cah makt! '11 General be obey'd or lov'tl? W hllt EtlL couragement can he ba'fe to venture1 upoh any great Enterprize, when he is fure in SUccefs will be made a Crime, and good Succefs from him they had rather be wittlout? What Service then is it they pretend . to expeB: from him? Or what do they mean, by feeming defirous he fhould continue in his Command ? I tremble with Indignation as I write, to think how ftran gely fome Men aC'r, who would confound all things to ferve themfelves, and can bear no Venue, that !tands in the Wd'f of their De· fi<~ns; be it never fo ufeful to the \Vorld, o~ be the lnterefl: of tlieir Country never fo clofely interwoven with it. But they tell us, we need be in no Pain for our Country. There is a certain Setn of Men, the Oracle of the Party fays, they are Jure, will ufe all proper Meam to promote 11 Jafe and honourable Peace. Will they? I ask no more, let but the Event mal\e good their Words, and I'll forgive them all the re!t. But what Means are thefe to he, or what Peace are we to expett frum them? What thefe Means will he from thefe Words ! can't guefs, but 1 can tell yon what they will not be; they mnfl: not he fuch as have been already u s~d, for this is laid in oppofition to thofe who were for perpetuating the War. Now the Means they us'd, who are accus'd Of tliis, wc.:e thefc; they ke~t things quiet at Home, took I [ 69 J took , the !Jlofi;. elfe&ual Methods to f6pport Credn, cany d on the War with Vigqur ;wd ma.ii,Itain'd a good Correfpondence with our ;\ll1es, that t.tle common Enemy wjgltt fi~d no room to fow Jealoufies or make Oi'\ fdions. Qu1et, Un1ty, Credit, Vigour, Harm~ y, thefe were the Means the !ail: M-us'd to .Perpetuate the War: I leave you ~e[l to judge, what Mean~ thofe mull: be that we are no~ told will , in Oppo!itio~ t? thefe, be us d to put an End to it. But 1 ll venture to forete1 thus much of them that more proper Means they can't ufe, n~ nor fo proper, unlefs they will condefcend to ~fe the fame; and the fame if they had a M1nd to ufe, they can't, ' tis too late they are not to be had. Whlt then are we ~0 expea, fhould be the End of fuch improper Means? Or how fhall we come to a fafe and honourable Peace ? If the Means the ufe, b~ c,ontrary to thofe that have been al ready. us d, we can have no Peace, none that 1s fafe and honourable : For Jet them remember, n~ Peace is fo, without Spain and the lndte~. Etther the Queen and Parliament a.nd Natton, and the w.hole Body of the Alltes, have been there. mne Years mightily in the Wrong, who thtnk thefe necelliuy to a good Peace; or they. are fo, who think any Peace can be, ~ood wtthout them. Let them remember, tis all one which ever way we fuffcr France to keep Polfeffion, whether by a ~ormal Treaty, · or by a feparate Peace . whtch can hardly fail of thefe two Confe, quen~es, to bring the whole Weight of . ; ,spanifh Wa..r upon England ,.. and be at lafl: forc'd |