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Show [ 40 J Catalonia lhou'd aB: in concert with the King's to obtain this End within the tw6 months, or fuch other time as lhou'd be agreed on. And whoever confiders the Duke of finjou's D~· pendance on France, will ea!ily be. fatisfy'd, that if the King were lin cere, and m eameft meant what his Minilters had all along ·pto~ mis'd in his name, a fmall Force and a very little Time wou'd be more than enough. Upon thefe Con!iderations the Allies re-folv'd to rejeB:- th~ Offer of Money they had made becaufe it fuppos'd a particular Peace with' France, and t\Je Continuation of the War with spain, w!Jich they could not confent to, for reafons given in the firft Conf~rence · and to demand of them to explam themfelves upon the Subje~ of the Evacuat~on of Spain and the Indies m favour of Kmg charles, agreeably to the Preli~inaries, . be· fore the Allies cou'd declare the1r lntentrons with refpeB: to the Partition : and that unlefs they did this, all further Conferences wou'd be.ro no purpofe. . . , This Refolution the Allies ligmfy d to the Minifters of France, in a Letter to them f~o~1 Mr. Petkum, 'July 8. to which they declm d giving a diftinB: Anfwcr, but defi~'d ~nother Conference · which was accordmgly h~ld with them ;be 13th : in which the Depu~1es having explain'd fully the Senfe of the A Illes, and the Refolution fcnt them by Mr. Petltum, (not that it wanted any Explanation, tho the , PlenipMentiarys bad thought fit to f~y w, to avoid giving a diftintl: Anfwtr · to 1Q -t~ey in!i fl:ed on a like clear and· full Expli.cabon on the part of France: and this being a.hdme-pulh, [ 4l J ppjh, t~at left no room for EY"a ~on. When they faw ~hemfel ves thus prefs'd, they rei! lh'd tq ,Pilt r,he beft FJce th~y cou'd upon the Matter, and were pleas'd to call tl1is peremp&c;ry Summons to explaia thcmfelves a fot;mal Ru Rture of the Treaty; and that therefore nothing was left for them to do but to r.:wrn home. The Deputies gave them time to fend once more to Court, in which they defir'd there might be no delays, and fo parted. The Ex prefs they fent to VerfaiUes di~ not.Jl:ay above two or t~ree ,Hours, as (f he had g,one meerly for form fake, and 'was back again at Gertrttydenberg the 18th;· which they notify'd the 21ft wittl a long l--etter to the Pcnfionary, in Form of !J Manifefl:o, and went thernfelves away the a.S'(h. Th~s Letter I tak!= for granted yon ,b;a ve feeq,- it has been fo often printed ; and 1therefore n~ed not tell you it has in it all the Art of a Frencb Writer, and of an Able ·Miaill:er,; ,and that it is as well done, as the Caufe they are to defend, will admit: but if you have read this Letter, I cannot but fuppofe you have alfo read the Rcfolu rio11 of the States, 'July z7. in anfwer to it, whic h. is writ with that Plainnefs and Sincerity, it is fo free from Difguife and Arti fice, there is in it fuch folid Rea[oni ng, fo much good Senfe, fuch a force of Truth, that a Man muft be a very ill Judg, or have no very honeft Mind, that can't fee, or will · not own, that the Integrity and Honour of the Allies is. abundantly jultify'd and clear'd from the falfe Afperlions which the Frenc& Letter wou'd throw upon them; and tha&: G the |