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Show ..... , • • • %t:T.r.. !mfi ,etitor : But all hitherto was Words on~ fr, and would lignify nothing, ~mlefs the Execution of this eifenti.l\ Point was j:ffeGl: ually provided for; and ,there was but one Way of doing this, which was to rpake this Cej]ion one of the Coi!dition_s of continuing the Sufpenfion of Arms, , agreed to q the :;4th Artic;;le, to the Conclufion of a gener~~ Peace; which was accqrdingly done in tpe ;7th Article, which declares, That this Su(.. penfion fhall continue till a general Peac~, provided the King of France executes all tha't is promis'd on his Part in the foregoing Articles, and the whole Spm1ijl1 Monarchy be reftor'd, rendue & cedee,tp K. CharleJ, as is fettl'd in thefe Articles. This Article touch'd home, and difcover'd J?lainly, that all the Frmcb pretended to confCnt to· in this Funda: mental Point, was mere Grimace ; and that they meant _!10thing elfe but to draw the' A1- lies inw·a-feparate Peace, and leave them tb1 get Spait~ as they could: This was the mb:!t they meant, and I am apt to think, for Reafops I will give you by and by, thev did not mean fo much; bur whether they did or not, they~ did not want a fpecious Cover for their Oppofition to thi> Article; they made 9reat Prcifeffions of the Sincerity of their King's Intentions; that he would puntl:ually e. ecute all that depended upon him; and that he would endeavour to perfuade his GrandforL to a Compliance ; but that to force him to it~' ap.d that within fo fhort a Tenn, was riot in · his Power; that it wou'd therefore be impof- · fible for the King to confent to this Article ;" and .to collfent to the reft of the Prelimina-rieS, [ 15 J ries, unlefs an abfolute Sufpenfion f A ., were agreed to wou'd b 1 o rm!l~ t the Mercy of the Allie: to :ave h!mfelf Into. a much worfe State ~:n put hlmfelf thele Pretences you may b anti before;. and no Art to fer cliem off· B e ure, ~~nted eafy to anfwer That th ut to all this tWa> fuaded, that if' the Ki ey were fully pernell in this Matter h ng ~ere really m carcall hisGrandf~n with~utnugh~/ertainly reprovided he atl:cd the fa. apy lfficulty; and he could towards it a If ;.rt, and did all Article, he mi h a' ccor mg_ to the 4th would rake nog ~d:f:rnd upfn It, the Allies the ~7th, to be in the age 0 ~ny Words in when he had f;ithfull War~~~~ upon him, P arts of it and furr Y per Oim d the other to be dei!·v'er'd enhdred the Places agreed fi~ppofing up to t em i 1 1 • what they ob. a ndt le ; ~t 1: ~hat were not a pretended Je e to this Arttcle, which could hardly be b~~~~~· real Difficulty, quence then would b d ' the Conteeicher truft to tlle ce·' th~t the Allies muft v. ' ,)mcenty of Fi .rrance to that of the All' ranee, or fuppofing it not i . les. As the King, the Duke of A . n his Power to oblige curing the reft ~f"t~o ~fign, would by execy of the Allies. {( e r~ty be at the Merthe AJties made ~ P~a~n t. e other Hand, if out this Article, they ~WI~~ ~he Ki~1g withfor t,he Recover , of ou 7 at Ius Mercy which ~as the g1eat p~~~tsp;nifl' M;marchy, entred ,mto the War . o; wh1ch they never nope to a in l but ~luch they could abandon his G~~ndfo f_ he h~ld not abfolurely no means depend on n 'h":'l· tcl h they could by ' w 1 e t 1ey had nothing but |