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Show [ 36 ] nwr~ out Friends, or ~t~on; were to be expet\eu frpm the Portuguc[e. . ~nd 1 ev,en a Qefen[ive War, Experience has !hewQ us, is mu~h better caxry'd on by Foreign Troops, whiqh not only fpares. our Men, but faves a great deal ,of Monety, and is much tl)ore convenient1for the Service, the Paflage being fo much lhorter from Jt,•ly than it is from England. And yet we all fee that notw irhftandiog the Endeav,ours ,,o fupport King Charles upon his late Viaories, no Reinforcement has yet been fent him, even from thence, as feafab\e as it feems, and as great Occation as he has for them; and the Reinforcement that was I aft fenr, 'tis known did not arrive till the middle of 'June, tho' i~ was intended and order'd, that they !hould be there in 'January. Thus difficult it has been to maintaiQ this War on the Foot it has been hitherto upon ; and from Experience we may he fnre, thus it will be, and worfe, proportionably worfe, as we enlarge it. And therefore I can'i ~hink, any body d3es in earnefl: mean more, than to do what we defign, without lofs of time, but not to defign more than is abfolutely necel[ary, or to extend the Compaf$ of th.e War, But they tell us, there is a Neceffity for it, and that Spain is not otherwife to be had : But ~v hy fo ? Have they never heard in Phyiick of fuch a Term, as Revultion, which teaches to remove the Evil from one part by proper Applicatioos, not to the Part i£ felf, but to its Oppofite ? Or have they not fo much Mc!- hanicks, as Children can teach them, who if they would throw do\vn B, whicb \s at the Top vi 4, an~ Ol!t qf !h~ir ~eacb, vtillprefent~ " - . . Jy [' ?7 } Jy try if th~y ~an'1pull ,d.own A .: ;I~~YJ J<no~.; a!Jnofl by Infima, that . us all one1w.hetlrer y0u, ptin down B dh'et\:\y, or that wlljfh f11pports• n::· :~nd 'tis t~~ fa~etjling wi~h Sfqin:; if_t~~E Kihi:;dom be ever recover'd, tt muft b~ QJ p~oper .Applic~tion~ to France. Franfc, all the World. 'f~es, I? the Support of' ~he bu~f of :Anjotl, 1md if this Support beforc'd (rom him.o~ he wilt as fur ely tumble, as if you ' cou'd . pull hilji 'with Y?ur Band5 from the T~r~ne '11e has l!furp'd. Smce therefore Wff r;an t ,reach him, we Jhould fet our felv·es With all our ·MighQ to pull from him his Snppon; an~ then he muft fall on' courfe : How. ri~ar . ~c: have been fuccee!lirlg in· tb)s, . ' you caO:t want to be told. ·:Afid. how' it caine not tO. be qui.te done,"·> 'Y?ll(lfrien,ds 1k~9~' 'wit~1 out betng t6"ld ~ and trow ·much 'foever they ~ay llfte the Red'?n''&,f tbi's, I'm J?.e. rf~ad.~d th'ey ddiJ't ·much like to hear of Iff . '4p.d_jf Spain b.e. not gain'd this way, one may wi£!i.: out the 'Spirit of Prophecy fo'retel:'i& ~e'v~r will be gain'd <tt .all. . · · · • Lc , , Rea~ ,now ·.aga,n; t~efe admir"d /~~Dpnl~ts,' and when thetr general Declamahons haf;e amus'd you, and you begin to think there· is fomething in them, then .turn to this true State of the Cafe, and the Mi·f!: they have caftt befor-e ydu will vn'mfu ; their Harangues will leave. no 'mO.re ltnpre!Iion upon you, than the famous Docror's Sptech does upon thofe that look in to his Sermon. But inftead of thofe .hnpreffions, I Connot but thmk there will re~ il\ ppon your Mind, as there does pn mine, llft•.tm'er Detdl:a\ion and Abhorrence of the black Yillany and Malice fome Men have us'd • .. tG |