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Show ( ~.f ) ~Jffilr~t tiy,the fainenN'dmtkJti'l Stq_J_pCJfe theb't'he'FI'enA and w6~W9bld tenth-n-AIUg~ nfentatioil ofi oooo Me~ «til: Her; let us'ke.Wflat will be t.11e' Cfinfequeni!e~ J'he MeA •W«ff f.rlld w.ill•be rranfported at ill ver~ greatCharge,~rllf we car\"l:lev\!r make aAy ·toleub\e Gnefs rwll'tn tl\ey· wi-11' ebme {hither\ l and <eonfequehtJy. '(ali be fo~ftin~\ng, that,deptnds upb•• t!Mtl Atrival;' wnlcb may be rleai"itlllwo!vemonthfrom tlie Tiiil!: ~~e\' lay ~ eady>~a 'cftiba<'k ; "'nd l.w lien Dedut'l:·idns' nre made flirt Slek11efs !flld rOefer• tidn; wh}~ fhey 1it> at Pol'~ftrwu tb,• wart.nglfor SHips erid ,Winds; 'aodr,kj, what Numbers of t~ln11 ~~Y lJ.~I at, Sea~ ,in. fo• loin~ a Pafldge, ef• p.!tla11y'ff'lih~' thatignant IE)i~~mper get among -theni,'•whefi!w-e conlidtJt l\owl unablc thefe.Men will bHbf'!ier·\lice, u~nAanding after fo long ·a Voyage,"Which will ruake it abfolutely necef. faryifor the'm to go inrb Q!nrters of Refrelh· ment, befor-e·they take lhe iiield ; •the. Chance they have of arriving ·at the moft unwholfome Seafon of the' Year, rht U>itfcren<?e•bf>that Climate from our own in all Seafoil'i, the Numbers that will he fwept away by drinking immodentely the !hong Sprmifh,Wines, which 'tis im· '}loffi\)le to keep Men irom, Yihen they are eafy to be come at, and the intemperate eating of rich Fruits, which are always very fatal to an Army ; the many Men that will be loft by ma• ; rcding in a ftrange Country,. before they, know where they are, a Word Soldiers are well ac- quaiated with, and by which an Army ldfes· more Men ~bah can be eallly imsgin'd ))y tboft who are Straagers to thefe Matters; when all theie rliinys: are conlider'd, • after fo much ·Eil pentc arid Ttme, I believe our , oooo at the End r ~s 1 ind:of two Months af,er their Arrival w.il,. upon a modeill Comp~ion, be fouuli 'not to exceed 4-000 Effefrive. Let us now fell what will become of thofe Men France fends: They may be fetch'd from Dauphine and that Neigh- · bourhood, and their PIJce may be fupply'd from the Rhine, and theirs again from Flanders: Thev may he ~ent at tbe moft proper Seafon of the ¥ear; therr March may be made in a Month or lix Weeks; their Arrival may be known to a D~y? and all things may be concerted again1t the T1me they !hall be fit to entet upon ACHon. Their T.ranfportarion cofts nothing, and whJ:Il t:hey arnve, they are what they fet out, toooo Men; and the Wines, and Fruits, and Climate are fo litde different from their own1 that 'ci; very liLtle they !offer from them. I may add• that their Religion procures them better Quar. ter from the Peafants of the Country, than Hereticks can hope for, which makes no incoulide~ table Difference: So that to France 'tis in a manner the fame .thing in all Refpects to feod Men to Sp(lin as 'tis to Flanders; but to us, 'ti$ not only a vaft Expence, but almoft all to no Purpofe. But this is not all; I would ask thefe Gentlemen, how thefe Troops when they come to Spain !hall fublitt; how they !hall get Horfes or find forage, or he provided with fufficieni Magazines? They that know any thing of Spain, can tell them (but I know they don't want to be told) that the Country is not able to f~Jblill: ~ts own lohabitants, (nuch lefs an Army Qf F?re1gn Troops; thoft; Parts efpecially that ar• Ill our .Hands< And 1 have heard that one &reat R,ca(on for Ve(\tUring the Battle of Al· £ m4nt.A |