Publication Type |
report |
Research Institute |
Bureau of Economic and Business Research |
Author |
Reeve, Ross; Perlich, Pam |
Title |
State of Utah demographic and economic projection model system |
Date |
1995-05 |
Description |
This document was prepared with multiple objectives and various audiences in mind. Its structure reflects this multiplicity. The differing levels of coverage of the various components of the model system are intentional. We consider this document to be an electronic filing cabinet which will be expanded, modified, and updated as work proceeds and time permits. In its current state, it, hopefully, will satisfy some of the informational needs of both external and internal, data and model users. Responses relating to potential improvements are welcome. |
Type |
Text |
Publisher |
State of Utah |
Language |
eng |
Relation Has Part |
Reeve, R., & Perlich, P. (1995). State of Utah demographic and economic projection model system. State of Utah. |
Rights Management |
(c)State of Utah |
Format Medium |
application/pdf |
Format Extent |
4,460,546 bytes |
Identifier |
ir-admin2/id/48537 |
ark:/87278/s6w67278 |
Setname |
ir_eua |
ID |
212980 |
Reference URL | |