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Show 156 HETEROSTYLED TRIMORPHIC PLANTS. CHAP. ry. Besides the experiments in the above table, I fertilised a considerable number of mid-styled flowers with pollen, taken by a ca1nel's-hair brush, from both the longest and shortest stamens of their own form : only 5 capsules were produced, and these yielded on an average 11·0 seeds. TABLE 25.-Short-styled Form. I. Legitimate union. 12 flowers fertilised by the shortest stamens of the long-styled. These stamens equal in length the pistil of the short-styled. 69 56 61 88 88 112 66 111 0 62 0 100 83 per cent. of the flowers yielded capsules. Each capsulP. contained, on an average, 81 · 3 seeds. III. Illegitimate union. 10 flowers fertilised by the .mid-length stamens of the long-sty led. 0 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 Too sterile for any average. flower, and I tried to· remember to wipe the pincers carefully after each fertilisation; but in makinO" eighteen different unions, some~ times on windy days, and pestered by bees and flies buzzing about, some few errors could hardly be avoided. One day I had to keep a third man by me all the time to prevent the bees visiting the un- II. Legitimate union. 13 flowers fertilised by th e shortest stamens of the mid-styl ed. These stamens equal in length the pistil of the short-styled. 93 69 77 69 48 53 43 9 0 0 0 0 0 61 per cent. of the flowers yielded capsules. Each capsule contained, on an average, 64 · 6 seeds. IV. nlegitimate um:on. 10 flowers fertilised by the long-est stamens of the mid-styled. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Too sterile for any average. covered plants, for in a few seconds' time they might have done irreparable mischief. It was also extremely difficult to exclude minute Diptera from the net. In 1862 I made the great mistake of placing a mid-styled and longsty led under the same huge net : in 1863 I avoided this error. CHAP. IV. L YTHRUM SALIOARIA. 157 TABLE 25.-Slwrt-styled Form-continued. V. Illegitimate union. 10 flowers fertilised by own-form longest stamens. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Too sterile for any average. VI. Illegitimate union. 10 flowers fertilised by own-form mid-length stamens. 64? * 0 0 0 0 0 0 21 0 9 Too sterile for any average. Besides the experiments in the table, I fertilised a number of flowers without particular care with their own two kinds of pollen, but they did not produce a single capsule. Summary of the Results. Long-styled form.-Twen ty -six flowers fertilised legitimately by the stamens of corresponding length, borne by the mid- and short-styled forms, yielded 61·5 per cent. of capsules, which contained on an average 89·7 seeds. Twenty-six long-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by the other stamens of the mid- and shortstyled forms yielded only two very poor capsules. Thirty long-styled flowers fertilised illegitimately by their own-form two sets of stamens yielded only eight very poor capsules; but long-styled flowers fertilised * I, suspect that by mistake I fertilised this flower in compartment VI. with pollen from the shortest stamens of the long-styled form and it would then have yielded about 64 seeds. Flowers to be thus fertilised were marked with black silk ; those with pollen from tbe mid-length stamens of the short-styled with black thread; and thus probably the mistake arose. |