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Show (64) good or bad, whether it be to ef'rablifh Popery or Protef'tantifm, whether it be enacted by an honeft, or by a corrupt and abandoned Parliament; when Ifee men that were pillored in the reign of good old George II. penfioned in this, and for the fame reafons; whenI hear 'of others hired to root out the very idea of pub/[c virtue from the minds, and tear anew[(37166 from the hearts of Englilhmen; when I reflect, but why add more to the black cata- logue of public dangers .9 it is time to look at home: it is time, even with Sientorimz voice, to call. for union among the Friends of the Confiitution: it is time that private Opinion {liould yield to public {afety : it is time that we keep hoth " watch and ward," for if the liber~ ties of our fellow-tiilajeets in America are to be taken from them, it is for the ideot only to flippofe that we can preferve our own. The dagger uplifted againft the breaf'r of America, is meant for the heart of Old England. Non agilm‘ dc "oc'cV/g'a/z'bzzs, Liberia: 2'72 (fa/)2}; (fl. In line thefe are my Sentiments, and thefe my Principles. They are the Principles of the Confiitution; and under this perfiiafion whilf‘r Iliave iigned them with my Name, I will, if neeefiaiy, as readily, teal them with my Bloodfi" F I N I S. |