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Show Zlst CoNGREss, 2d Session. MESSAGE FRO:Il THE [ 30 J IJRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, ln answer to a resolution of the Senate relative to the Britzsh establish· nunts on the Colurnbia, and the state of t!te fur !1·ade, ~·c . • JANUARY 25, 1831. Referred to the Committee on Military Affah·s . .JANUARY 26, 1831. OrJer ed to be p1·inted, and th at 1500 additiona.l copies be furnished for the use of the Senate. January 24, 1831. To the Senate of the United States: I transmit herewith a report from the Secretary of War, containing the information requested by the resolution of the Senate of the 21st instant, in r elation to " the state of the British establishments in the valley of the Colum hi a, and the state of the fur trade, as carried on by the citizens of the U nited States and the Hudson's Bay Company.'' ANDREV\r JACKSON . • WASHINGTON CITY, 2Zd January, 1831. SrR: 'fhe enclosed communication from Gen. W. I-I. Ashley, Joshua Pilcher, and from J. D. Smith, David E. Jackson, and vV. L. Sublette, con· tains all the information to be found in this Department on the subject of the resolution of the Senate of the 2 l~t instant. Very respectfully, J. H. EATON, To the PRESIDENT of the United States . • WASHINGTON CITY, Marc!t , 1829. StR: You request n1e to communicate to you, by letter, my opinion, as it regards a military force best calculated for .the protectio? of our weste~n frontier, the fur trade, and our trade and Intercourse d1rect from M,c;;.- ~ouri and Arkonsas to the Mexican p roYinces. &r. &c. |