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Show 144 UNCLE TOM'S CABIN j OR, CHAPTER XXIX. THE UNI'ROTECTLD. 'VE hear often of the distress of tho negro scrva?ts, on the loss of a kind master; and 'Yith good reason, for no creature on God's earth is left more utterly unprotectecl and desolate than the slave in these circumstances. The child who bas lost a father has still the protection of friends, and of the law ; he is something, and can do some~ thing,- has acknowledged rights and position; the slave has none. The law regards him, in every respect, as devoid of rights as a bale of merchandise. The only possible acknowledgment of any of the longings and wants of a human and immortal creature, which arc given to him, comes to him through the sovereign and irresponsible will of his master ; and when that master is stricken down, nothing remains. The number of those men who know how to use wholly irresponsible power humanely and generously is small. Everybody knows this, and the slave knows it best of all; so that he feels that there arc ten chances of his finding an abusive and tyrannical master, to one of his finding a considerate and kind one. Therefore is it that the wail over a kind master is loud and long, as well it may be. When St. Clare breathed his last, terror and consternation took hold of all his household. He had been stricken down so in a moment, in the flower and strength of his youth! Every room and gallery of the house resounded with sobs and shrieks of despair. Marie, whose nervous system had been enervated by a con- LIFE AMONG TilE LOWLY. 145 stunt course of self-indulgence, had nothing to support the terror of the shock, and, at the time her husband breathed his last, was passing from one fainting fit to another; anU he to whom she had been joined in the mysterious tic of marriage passed from her forever, without the possibility of even n. parting word. ].fiss Ophelia, with characteristic strength and self-control, !mel remained with her kinsman to the last - aJI eye all car all attention ; doing everything of the li~tlc that ~ould b~ dono, and joining with her whole soul in the tender and impassioned prayers which the poor slave had poured forth for the soul of his dying master. When they were arranging him for his last rest, they found upon his bosom a small , plain miniature case, opening with a spring. It wns the miniature of a noble and beautiful female face; and on the reverse, under a crystal, a. lock of dark hair. They laid them back on the lifeless breast,- dust to dust,poor mournful relics of early dreams, which once made that cold heart beat so warmly ! Tom's whole soul was filled with thoughts of eternity; and while he ministered around the lifCless clay, he did not once think that the sudden stroke had left him in hopeless slavery. He felt at peace about his master; for in tha.t hour, when he hacl poured forth his prayer into the bosom of his Father, he h~d ~oun.d an answer of quietness and assurance springing up w1thm hunsclf. In the depths of his own affcctiona.te nature, he felt able to perceive something of the fulncss of Divine love; for an old oracle hath thus written,-" lie that dwelleth in love dwcllcth in God, and God in him." 'l'om hoped and trusted, and was at peace. But the funeral passed, with all its pageant of-black crape, and prayers, and solemn faces ; and back rolled the cool VOL. II. 13 , |