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Show Sur. danoa moat o^ored religious* carstaonial Icnovm aiacng them. Self-infliotad injurioa to bodiea of participants no iongar practiced. Ceremonial originally leva ted rive days. At request of fonaar Agent time reduced to thrse daya, thoy being advised that it aignfc be thereafter observed ?rith their prcoent Impress!ona, Intorf?r«nce dangerous. TTould recotsffiend careful conaideratiou after investigation; then proper punisnment of thotft guilty of inettbordia&tioft, Sate li-vad naar Indian country and traveled aaiong thess for aisoat thirty years. Believe public interest and iatereata of tho Department will bs observed by course above outlined. 7111 ba governed by your -siahas and »ill report any change in th* situation.** On ya at or.lay the Attorney General 3dnt the following dispatch; -milta IT. Hay, United State* Attorney, Halt la%e City, Utafc. YA'.czatary Interior recjaasts. this Department to aid in preventing, if possible, ana dance cf white Hiver Utes, Vernal, froas July sooond to fifth. Will you Instruct tha '••';• marshal at once hy ^ir:., with 9nch cbrsnt £&*•*_ aa aaay be nccaasary to ta^a ail lawful 3 tope to prevent z>ny persona |