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Show TolegX-ua 4 Uintah* JUL -21914 , Hartla, Supervisor ia Charge, Fort Duchesne, U t a__. On June thirtieth Secretary Lane aent tho folio-sing - dispatch; Pa tar Hanson, ,-. Register, Lane Office, ... Yernal, Utah- I a® advised hy -»ira that white man ara giving countenance to proposed Sun Danoa aaong the "yhita Biver Utes, isrho propose to hold thia dance in defiance of diraotions sent from thia office to tha Superintendent, of "ffhich they have notice. I v.iah that yon would make it your buoineaa to at once got into comaunic&tion *»ith any frienda that you have in tha neighborhood of thia reservation and adviga them strongly that any oncourasjezeent of this breach on the part of tha Indiana will be an aot against law and order. Do all that you can to discourage tha holding / h* C.n ______ ,u¥* c_ p- & oo I_J s •'r <• - ^ . r (Over) / ' • zaxxxxxxx |