Publication Type |
Journal Article |
School or College |
College of Engineering |
Department |
Electrical & Computer Engineering |
Creator |
Mastrangelo, Carlos H.; Young, Darrin J. |
Other Author |
Suster, Michael A. |
Title |
Low-interference sensing electronics for high-resolution error-correcting biomechanical ground reaction sensor cluster |
Date |
2010 |
Description |
Abstract- This paper presents a low-interference and low -power sensing electronics design for a high-resolution errorcorrecting biomechanical ground reaction sensor cluster (GRSC) developed for improving inertial measurement unit (IMU) positioning resolution and accuracy. The GRSC is composed of 13 x 13 sensing nodes, which can measure dynamic ground forces, shear strains, and sole deformation associated with a ground locomotion gait. The integrated sensing electronics consist of a front-end multiplexer that can sequentially connect individual sensing nodes in a GRSC to a capacitance-to-voltage converter followed by an ADC, digital control unit, and driving circuitry to interrogate the GRSC. The sensing electronics are designed in a 0.15 μm CMOS process and occupy an area of approximately 3 mm2 with an expected resolution of 10-bits and 14-bits for the z-axis pressure sensing and the x and y-axes shear strain sensing, respectively, while dissipating a DC power less than 2 mW from a 3V supply. |
Type |
Text |
Publisher |
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
First Page |
1020 |
Last Page |
1023 |
Language |
eng |
Bibliographic Citation |
Suster, M. A., Mastrangelo, C. H., & Young, D. J. (2010). Low-interference sensing electronics for high-resolution error-correcting biomechanical ground reaction sensor cluster. IEEE Senors Conference, 1020-3. November. |
Rights Management |
(c)2010 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. |
Format Medium |
application/pdf |
Format Extent |
663,123 bytes |
Identifier |
ir-main,15614 |
ark:/87278/s6tb1r2s |
Setname |
ir_uspace |
ID |
703209 |
Reference URL | |