Nursing Quality Dashboard: Development and Implementation

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Identifier 2020_Hummel
Title Nursing Quality Dashboard: Development and Implementation
Creator Hummel, Dabney
Subject Advanced Practice Nursing; Education, Nursing, Graduate; Quality of Health Care; Patient Care; Nurses; Nursing Staff, Hospital; Quality Improvement; Evidence-Based Nursing; Benchmarking; Feedback; Qualitative Research
Description Dashboards are a tool that health care providers use to assess and analyze quality of patient care systems data in a visually appealing, user-friendly, and efficient way (Dowding et al., 2015; Olsha-Yehiav et al., 2006; Schall et al., 2017; Tan et al., 2013; Olsha-Yehiav et al., 2006). Dashboards provide productive information that allows institutions to assess benchmarking quality data and identify areas for growth (Stattin et al., 2016). The Nursing Quality team at a large health system developed a quality dashboard that displays quality metrics specific to nursing in an easy to access and understand format for nursing managers and directors to access. As a system, the dashboard seeks to continue to improve as the ultimate goal in pursuing high quality care and information transparency is to better the care given to patients (Giltenane et al., 2016; Foulkes, 2011). Until this point, the information needed to track nursing quality data, such as, fall rates or frequency of pressure ulcer development, has been difficult or impossible to gather for specific units and nursing staff (Foulkes, 2011). Furthermore, there is a delay in the information that is available, making it difficult for management to take an active role in combating weak areas (Giltenane et al., 2016). This left a gap in the knowledge, making it hard for nursing leadership to identify areas of strength and those areas that need improvement. The team identified desired metric points and created a Software Requirements Specification (SRS) reports to begin creating the report system in conjunction with the Information Technology (IT) department at health institution. The creation and implementation of a quality dashboard will improve quality care as it will deliver streamlined, accessible data in an easily interpreted format. Furthermore, it will improve time management for managers and nursing leaders as the information needed to monitor and act on quality metrics will be collected in one location, accessible, and displayed in a way that necessary to take large amounts of data and make them applicable and actionable for a specific nursing population. The purpose of the hand hygiene dashboard creation, a part of the overall dashboard creation project, is to analyze each data point collected within the dashboard including being able to isolate data outcomes specific to service lines and personnel.
Relation is Part of Graduate Nursing Project, Master of Science, MS, Nursing Education
Publisher Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Date 2020
Type Text
Holding Institution Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Language eng
ARK ark:/87278/s6t49h73
Setname ehsl_gradnu
ID 1589649
Reference URL