The molecular clock

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Publication Type pre-print
School or College College of Social & Behavioral Science
Department Anthropology
Creator Rogers, Alan R.
Title The molecular clock
Date 2013-01-01
Description The molecular clock uses evolutionary changes in proteins and DNA to measure the passage of time. Yet molecular evolution is clocklike only to a first approximation. Uncertainties arise because of variation in rates of molecular evolution, because of difficulty in calibrating clocks, and because we measure molecular changes only indirectly. Statistical methods now cope with all of these uncertainties. As these methods have matured and molecular data sets have increased in size, the molecular clock has grown increasingly reliable.
Type Text
Publisher Elsevier
Volume 14
First Page 55
Last Page 16
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Rogers, A. R. (2013). The molecular clock. Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition, 14, 55-61.
Rights Management (c) Elsevier ; Authors manuscript from Rogers, A. R. (2013). The molecular clock. Treatise on Geochemistry: Second Edition, 14, 55-61.
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 985,881 bytes
Identifier uspace,18790
ARK ark:/87278/s6qg230v
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ID 712636
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