Harmonic Progressions: Undergraduate Music Majors' Experiences and Career Aspirations

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Title Harmonic Progressions: Undergraduate Music Majors' Experiences and Career Aspirations
Creator Andrea B. Pischnotte
Subject undergraduate; students; music; college; career; motivation; influences; experiences; MEd
Description This study focuses on experiences that undergraduate music majors encounter while pursuing; their undergraduate degree in music, and how their career aspirations change as a result.; Specifically, it investigates the following question: What experiences do undergraduate music; majors encounter during the pursuit of their degree that influence their post-graduate career; aspirations? Undergraduate music major students at a private liberal arts college were asked to; complete an online survey inquiring about their reasons for entering music, the people who may; have influenced them, their high school and college experiences, and their current career; aspirations. Six students were chosen for in-depth interviews regarding their career aspirations,; and were asked to elaborate on their experiences that have shaped the way they think about their; own future career. Using the constant comparative method through an expectancy-value theory; lens, findings from this study indicate that students who were exposed to music career; opportunities were more likely to have a positive self-identity with music, and to pursuse a career; in the music field.
Publisher Westminster College
Date 2019-05
Type Text; Image
Language eng
Rights Digital Copyright 2019, Westminster College. All rights Reserved.
ARK ark:/87278/s6m678sf
Setname wc_ir
ID 1595998
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6m678sf