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Show November 25, 1970 i·'lr.. r-Iax Lundberg % Alta Ski Lifts Alta, Via Sandy, Utah 84070 ~~: Demonstration Team adjudi~ator5 Li ted below are those wh0 will serve as adjudi~ators on the 5th for the ~ele~tion of the Demonstration Team: Andy :ihearer DC:'.1r1 ;;,,)b~:;rt:: i'la.-<. Lundbe ['9 Glen ~vans ELi ,,'(mci .-'- Ji ,i ,~ ,.uuld [1. :. j)C mad(ci;:v,,:l:'al get i r: t u u,; h ()ther P'2')P.l c with t,) fill EJiJ /bp in c.ou.;h ith ~arl. ; ,iller ~'Jh,:: indL6tt~d ht' "Jith U., but ,lpp.rc,_iat>'.:d thE;.',.all. ,. hav~_' also ~~ill tc c(:pi Sb::-igl.0C and hav"e bec'n una:)l(:: to .Jith him.. lleilse let me knc\lj if theLf.: .lre any you would like to suggest that I get in tou~h out the li~t of adjudi0ator~. Very :;incerely, .c:;mllN J. cGND SE~H2TARY I.S.I.A. cc: Clark T. Parkinson Mr. Jerry Muth, President R.M.S.LA. P. O. Box 368 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Muth: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very truly yours, E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 I. S. I. A. QUESTIONNAIRE ~t~ / ."",. .: 1. DOES YOUR DIVISION RECOONlZE A,~D ACCEPT TRANSFERS FROM SKI INSTRUCTORS CERTIFIED IN A FOREIGN COTJNTRY WITHOUT RE-EXAMINATION BY YOUR DIVISION? nYES I I DNa 2. IF ABOVE ANS'VlliR IS YES, DOES YOUR DIVISION RE~UIRE THAT APPLICANTS FOR TRANSFER PRESENT PROPER CREDENTIALS AND PROOF OF CERTIFICATION STATUS? 00 YES DNO 3. IF ANS\-lERS TO BOTH ABOVE :~ES, PLFASE GIVE A SHORT RESUME AS TO MA11NE ~1'{~ -DIVISION USES '1'0 PROVE VALIDITY OF RETURN ENVELOPE ENCLOSED. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION November 25, 1970 TO: 1.8.I.A. Board of Directors FROM: Clark T. ParkinsonJ President SUBJECT: B.O.D. Neeting Dcar Board Member: A meeting of the B.O.D. will be held at Park r;ity Resort Center, Park City, Utah, on Saturday, December 5, ]970, at 4:00 P.M. Please plan to attend. Attached find the agenda for th.· n.O.D. meeting, and a proposed budget is attached for your consideration. If your name appears on the agenda for a report, please submit it in writing with sufficient copies for the B.O.D. members. If you wish any additional "old" or "newt! business items added to the agenda, please nc,tify me by December 1, 1970. I am looking forward to meetine with the B.O.D. I'm sure our meeting will be very productive. The meeting wi 11 start promptly at 4:00 P.M. and adjourn no later than 6:00 r.M. Th~re will be a short Committe~ Chairmen meeting aftf!r the B.O.D. meeting. CTPdd Attachments Sincerely, ,//Lt>/A __ Clark T. Parkinson President ~;r. IllL' ; ,undb< "g .~ ,\lti' Ski Litts Alta, Vi~ Sardy, Uteh 84GJ~ : 'f . .;:..r \.::1 th LicL<d bf'J ~)\ .. ; , h f( 1 ii' i., ely .h, "n r [;(,,<1,\ ,':,o])ect:· E,' t, ')d (IX r , i u1e c' ._ ~-l tell Cluld DC" 1'" ,;j t h 'I madr' , __ J [, ., I 'll '- (' iuhc wJ. " 1 ':";E·rv~ ,l' .; (; j lldi ,:,:1. tor 5 1< :; ~-J of thE' D~mOn{ltr 1 i i .!J . cam: ha.. l,uncrl( r Glen l:.vElr 1"1 with lJ" ,iller ,,]h. 'r ~.at"d he vt "i i,r' iat C1 thE' t (~,j .co'- ,i ,lr if"; h" '1c't L c·th'"_ I r· \" 'It: ,u i1 ,;j h h~ Ill.. .l:1 '_.,). J..€'t m. k~, Ii h ,lYE' al so r ".rlbl e to 'Ire any r .. 11 t;. .1.'.1 1 'auGh < , 'hdt th 1 \' t , < ud: , i lr :erely, L ' '. r-; J. PUND /." "L,' '{ 1.!:>.I.A. EJP/bp INTERMOUNTAIN SKI tNSIRUCIUAS A&8DClAnDN TO r- Mr. Leon Dean I ( DATE 3832 Parkview Drive L Salt Lake City, Utah 84117 ~ DATE November 25, 1'970 Dear Leon: ReI B.O.O. Meeting I would like to invite you to the B.O.D. meeting on Saturday, December 5th, at 4.00 P.M. We will need you there to take pictures of the awards being presented, pictures of the new B.O.D. and new Officers, etc. Appreciate very • much if you could plan to attend. //1 /y,# / y~~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President SIGNED NC-R73 J::/ T'" Drowtl"\!) Boord Inc, Box 505, Dollu>, Te)(o> DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP TO I Mr. Junior Bounous I DATE 711 East 3230 North L Provo, Utah ~ DATE November 25, 1970 Dear Junior: Re: _B.O.D. Meeting 1 would like to invite you to the B.O.D. meeting at fark City, December 5. It will be held at the Treasure Mountain Center at 4:00 P.M. I feel it is important t.hat you as Ski School Directors COIlIRittee Chairman attend our B.O.D. meetings so that we have a clear channel of cODIIlUnication between the B.O.D. and Ski School Directors. ~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President SIGNED NO-R73 J:' Th' Druw_ng Boord Inc, Box 505, Dallas, T('~as OETAC H AN 0 FI LE FO R FO LLOW-U P TO I Mr. Albert E. Ellis I DATE 1716 East terry Street L Pocatello. Idaho 83201 ~ DATE November 25. 1970 Dear Ala Re: Historical Committee I can't thiDk of any items of business regarding your committee that need discussing at the December 5th B.O.D. meeting. However, if you have any items of bUSiness, please let me 'know. ttve instructed Leon Dean to take pictu for the Historical Committee and Newsletter at the B.O.D. meeting and Examiaars Clinic. He a1 has some pictures from the Salt Lake Winter Show. He'll get plenty of shots of the Demonstr~ion Team tryouts. I'll look forward to seeing you Park City. Let me know if you want us to make arranaements for rooms for you and Glenn. ~. BY Clark T. Parkinson, President NC·R73,t, T,(· D'0'""'''9 Boord In(, 80>< 505, 001:0>, Te!<os SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP TO I Mr. Fr4J1k Gillette I DATE Route 1 L- Burley. Idaho 83318 ..J DATE November 25, 1970 Dear Frank. Rea Awards Committee At the B.O.D. meeting on December Sth, the Awards Committee Policy will be discussed under I~ew Business." I would appreciate it 1f you would be prepared to present to the B.O.D. the outline we discussed on the phone. The Awards Committee 1s a relatively new committee. and I'm sure the B.O.D. will be enthusiastic about our ideas. ~ Ctad/ BY Clark T.Park1nson. President SIGNED NO-R73 ~c T1w D'o",ing Boord In(, Bo" 505. Dollus, T<-x05 OETAC H AN 0 FI LE FO R FO LLOW-U P I TD Mr. Lex Kuna" " Box 5.48 L Burley, Idaho 83318 ~ DATE November 2S, 1970 Dear Lex: Rei Fall Seminar t would appreciate a short written report from you to'be presented to the B.O.D. under "Old Business" on tbe Fall Seminar held in Burley. 1 think a breakdQWn of income and expenses would be sufficient and your general impressions and recommendations for next year t s Seminar. Mary Ellen can provide you witb the appropriate figures. Do not incl\lde in disbursements tbe room and board expense of the B.O.D. members or the expense of the Certifi,cat COIIIIlittee ...... separate these expenses under nAnnual Meeting." 1 appreciate your help very much. ~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President NQ·R73 '9' Tc(. DrGw:ng Boo,d Inc, Box 505, Dollus, Texo' I DATE SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP I TO Mr. Max Lundberg I Alta Ski Lifts L Alta, Utah 84070 ~ DATE November 25, 1970 BY Dear Max: Ref 9th Interski I think it would be a good idea for you to bring the B.O.D. up to date on 9th Interski and the overall arrangements, etc. If it is neee for I.S.I.A. to help you with expenses, we shou present them to the B.O.D. Essentially, the B.o should have an idea of what the overall program i and how P.S .I.A. is handling it. Would you mind giving us a report in writtng on this • . ~ ~lArk T. PArkinenft_ PrA.in_"~ NO-R73 :c-' i~,.-, Druw'ng Board Inc Bo)( 505, Dallos. T,-,xos DATE • SIGNED CETAC H AN C FI LE FD R FD LLDW-U P " I TO Mr. Anely Shearer~ I 3700 Gilroy Road L ~ DATE Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 November 25, 1970 Dear Andy: Re: Technical Committee I can't think of any pertinent items of business that would require discussion at the December 5th B.O.D. meeting. However, if you can think of anything that the B.O.D. should consider, pleas. let me know • . ~ BY Clark T. Parkinson, President NO-R73 '~: The Drawing Boo'd Inc Box 505, Dollo5, T('xos DATE SIGNED DETACH AND FILE FOR FOLLOW-UP '''' .. " TO I Mr. Ed Pond I DATE 466 East 5th South ~ Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 ~ DATE November 25. 1910 Dear Ed: Re: Credentials Aftet the December 1. 1970, deadline for dues payment for 1970-71 dues, would you prepar. a list for Glenn Evans to present to the B.O.D. for action. You eould probably give it to him at the I.O.D. meeting. ~CUJ7 BY Clark T. Parkinson, President SIGNED NO-R73 :c, Th" Draw'''g Board Inc, Box 505, Dallas. T,.'xQS DETAC H AN D FI LE FD R FO LLDW-U P Mr. Otto Hollaus, President CEm'R\L SKI INSTR!](;T('lRS ASSOCI hTICN 75 North snelling ~t. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Otto; November 30, 1910 On behalf of the membership and B.O.D. of the 1.S.I.A., 1 would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Resort on December b, 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. 1 have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full details. I must apologize for the late inVitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busy. 1 recently traveled to the H..H.S.I.A. Fall Semina.r and Annual Heeting in Aspen, and Lou Lor~lz, member of our B.o.r. and Certification Com.ltt •• , traveled to Mount t~od to attend the P.N.S.I.A. Examiners CUnic. Both Lou and I can attest to the value of attending other Divisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our CUnic. You will be our guest in Park City, and 11m sure the visit would be Leneficial for .11 of us. CTP:ld Attachment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me .0 we can make arranbements: Offie. Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322-0364 (8tH) 48b-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson Hr. Dick Crick, Pre.1dent i\LA~I~\ ~KI INSTRUCTOP.S ASSOCIATICN F.r. Lox 4-230 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Dick, November 30, 1970 On behalf of the membership and B.O.O. of the I.S.!.'\., 1 would IH,e to invite you to our annual Examiner" Clinic at the rack City Cki. Resort on December 6. 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will b* picking our Demonstration Team. 1 have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full details. I must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extce~ly busy. 1 recently traveled to the R.M.S.I .... Pall Seminar and \nnual Heeting 1n Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, lHIIIber of our B.O .ti. and CertU icstion Collln1ttee, traveled to Mount Hood to attend the p.r;.s.!.'.. Examiners Clinic. !loth Lou and I can attest to the value of attenGing other Divisions' functions. we would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You will be our guest in Park City, and I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTt:' :ld Att.achment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me so we can make arrangementsl ctUcc cc: Ed Pond (.101) 322-0364 (801) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson Mr. Paul Valar, President EASTERN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Franconia, New Hampshire Dear Paul z November 30, 1970 On behalf of the membership and B.O.D. of the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City ski Re80rt on December 6. 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full detail.. 1 must apologize for the late inVitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busy. I recently traveled to the R.M.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and Annual Meeting in Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, member of our B.O.D. and Certification Committee, traveled to Mount Hood to attend the P.N.S.I.A. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can attest to the value of attending other DiVisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You will be our guest in Park City, and I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTP:ld Attachment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me so we can make arrangementsl office Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322-0364 (801) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November 30, 1970 Mr. till Stdckland, President FAR WrST SKI INS'l'RUCTORS _\SSOC!AT!QN P.O. Box 1674 Big Dear Lake, Californid 92315 Dear hill, On behalf ef the membership and B.D.n. ef the I.S.I.A., I would like to invite you to. Qur annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Resort en December 6, 197\). On Saturday, the 5th. we will be picking our DemonstratiQn Team. I have attached a cepy of the announcement to. our members which will give you full details. I must apologize for the late invitatiQn, but getting ready fQr the ceming seaSQn has kept me extremely busy. I recently traveled to the l{.H.S.1 .'\. Fall f;eminar and ,\nnual Meeting in ,,"spen, and Lou Lorenz, member o.f eur B .0.0. and Certificatio.n CODIDittee, traveled to. Mount acod to attend the P.N.S.!.A. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can attest to. the value of attending o.ther Divisions' functions. 'iie would be more than happy to. have yeu or yeur designated repre$cntat1ve attend our Clinic. You will be ou-r guest in Park City, and I'm lure the visit would b. beneficial for all of us. CTPald Attachment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President r.~;. 1£ you can attend, please call me so we can I:1~.ke CicrCinsemcntsl Office Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322-0364 (8tH) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November 30, 1970 l-Ir. Don Kurtz, President NORTHERN ROCKY MQurnAIN SI~l INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 2202 'touth ){erper Cody. t"yomin~ 82414 Dear Don: On behalf of the membership and E.O.D. of the 1.5.1.A., 1 would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City ~ki Resort on December 6, 1970. ~l Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full detaila. I must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extreccly busy. . I recently traveled to the R.N.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and\nnual Heetini in Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, member of our B.O.D. and Certification Committee, traveled to Mount 'Hood to .ttoact the P.N.S.l.A. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can ilttes' to the value of attending other Divisions· functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You will be our luest 1n Park City, and I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us- CTPsld AttacllUlent Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson Pres1dent P.s. If you can attend, ple.s. call ~ so we can make arrangement •• OLf1ce Home cc: Ed Pond (aol) 322-0364 (801) 486-8023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November JO, 1970 Mr. Mark P. Addison, President ROCKY i'10UNT\llT SKI n;5r::,UCTOl~S .·\$SOCIATION 990 Rose Hill Drive toulder. Colorado UOJJ2 Dear liark: On behalf of the membership and B.O.D. of the 1.S.1.A., I would Uke to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Resort on Dec.ember 6, 1910. On !:jaturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full details. 1 must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busy. I recently traveled to your Fall Seminar and Annual HeetLng in Aspen. and Lou Lorenz. member of our B.O.D. and Certification Committee, traveled to Hount Hood to attend the P.N.S.I.A.. Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and ! can attest to the value of attend ins other Divisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your deSignated representative attend our Clinic. You wHl b. our lu.st in Park City, and I fm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTPaid A.ttachment Sincerely, Clack T. Parkinson l'reddent P.s. If you can attend, please call me so we CaR make arrangements: Office HOllie CC: Ed Pond (SOl) 322 .. 0364 (801) 486-6023 Mary Ellen Parkinson November 3D, 1970 Hr. ~all1am F. Lenihan, rrcsldent PACIFIC NCh'TUWEST SKI INSTRUCTORS \SSOCIAnON 1114 ~'orton !)u!lding Seattle, ~a&hln~ton 98104 Dear Bills On behalf of the membership and 13.0.0. of the I.S.1.A., t would like to invite you to our annual Examiners Clinic at the Park City Ski Hesort on December 6, 1970. On Saturday, the 5th, we will be picking our Demonstration Team. I have attached a copy of the announcement to our members which will give you full detail.. 1 must apologize for the late invitation, but getting ready for the coming season has kept me extremely busye I recently traveled to the R.H.S.I.A. Fall Seminar and Annual Meeting in Aspen, and Lou Lorenz, member of our B.O.D. and Certification Connittee, traveled to Hount Hood to attend your Examiners Clinic. Both Lou and 1 can attest to the value of attending other Divisions' functions. We would be more than happy to have you or your designated representative attend our Clinic. You w111 be our guest in Park City, ,me I'm sure the visit would be beneficial for all of us. CTP:ld Attacbment Sineerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.s. If you can attend, please call me ao we can make arrangement •• Office Home cc: Ed Pond (801) 322 ... 0364 (801) 486 .. 80~ Mary Ellen Parkinson ::r. r:ave Parkinson 3623 VilL.1 :)rive Salt Lake City, Utah J4l09 Re: Clinic Committee "It the h2cel;,ber 5th i:.oard meeting, T would like to call on you I:Csarding the estiraate oi cost for a minimum of three i;;\ud a !;(aXiWUfl of four clinics, princip;llly in the ":outheastern Idaho area. 'ouIc' you please prepare d brief written report outlining your objectives as Clinic Committee Chainnan and your estimate of the expense in-volved in putting on these clinics. It is important that the' rl, a.pprove these expenses dt the beL;inning of the season. . 'ouie: yet' plei1se have enough copies of your report for each noan! uCl,dcc. CTP:ld S ilh:er~ 1 f, Clar~. "arki",o" President Novetnber 23, 1970 TO: Glenn Evans FROH: Clark T. Parkinson SUBJECT: Credentials Committee Dear Glenn: Our B.O.D. meeting will be held Saturday, December 5th, and the subject of Pepi Steigler will be brought up under "old business." If you haven't contacted the other Divisions regarding their policy on transferring foreign instructors, please do so before our meeting. T will callan you during the B.O.D. meeting for your report and your recommendation on how I.S.I.A. should handle this problem. Refer to our Bylaws regarding membership requirements, and you'll see that in order to accept these people without them taking an ex alii or transferring frau, another Division, we would have to amend our Bylaws. I would, however, like to settle this question at our meeting. I appreciate your help very much, and 11m looking forward to seeing you. r hope you will be able to help select the "Demo" Team on Saturday_ eTr :ld Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President P.;'. please prepare your report in writing with sufficient copies for each Board member. Hr. Lob ~\utry P.P. Box 308 Park City, Utah s4060 near nob: l\ovclnber 23, 1970 He: December 5th Boare; MCE' L in \ I would lil:e to invite yuu to the I.S.I •. '.. Board of Gircctors ;;'cctlllg at Parl: City on Saturday, r'cccraber 5th, at 4:00 P.;-!. at the Tn"l~;lln~ ;:ountain (enter. CTP:ld ~)incerely , G 1 a r-:J:. ""rkin son Presill.Cllt ;',. "reI Finlill50\1 640 fast 5900 South >1urray, Utah dt. 1\.)7 Tiear Fn.c: NoverJbcr 23, 1970 Re: Decclolber 5th Board 'eet i.n!: 1 "JOuld liLe to invite yOll to the 1.:::.1.'\. Board of Directors ;r,eeting at l'ilrk City on ;~i1turr:.ly, ;;eccmbcr 5th, at 4:00 P.:l. Clt the Tre;isure ; 'ountain r:entcl,-. CTP:ld :) incere 1y, Clark T. !'urkinson President !'fr. Leith Lange 4784 \nnabow Circle ~.)al t LaLe City, Utah ,'j'4117 rear; cith: November 23, 1970 :·:e: DcceHlber 5th Boaru ~ ee L i n,_;. I \omuld 1i1,c to invit(o you to the T.~).l.' .• Board of Director;:.. r,cE'ting at :CarL {'ity on SaturddY, ;'ecc!"ber 5th, at 4:00 P.:l. at the Tn::~d;ure I~ountain Center. CTP: ld :iincerely, Clarrr. rarkinson rresiJent ?~. rave Larsen, Treasurer 3091 [ast 7180 South Salt Lake City, Utah 34121 !lear Dave: Nove~~cr 23, 1970 Re: December 5th Hoard ;leeting \5 we discussed on the phone regarding the financial statement and the budget, we should be prepared to present to the Board the 1.:;.l.A. budget. After we finalize the budget, I will prepare copies for tIle D.U.L:., however, 1 will asl you to present it to the Loard at the Hoard liteet ing. CTP:ld S incercly, Clark T. Parkinson PresidE::nt November 23, 1970 :;r. Lou Lorenz 29 East 4th South Salt Lake City, Utah ti4111 fear Lou: Re: December 5th Loard ; ,(-;etinc~: At the I)oard meeting r'cceIrlber 5th, I would appreciate very liluch if you \'lOuh: prepare in writing brief reports on the following: 1. Pacific Korth\lcst :;11 Instructors /\ssociation--r:xan;incrs C1 inie. 2. 1'.:';.1.1'1.. The i •• 1.\. report ",auld just Le a very brief suumary of the ,"('" gr(!ss of 1'.;;.1.\. dnd ",hat 1.:;.1.\. has done. ,,'oulJ you :)1e.l:;'_ have sufficient copies of your reports for all Eoard C:cEl),crs :in attendance. CTP:1d Sincerely, clarf!? Parhinson President :<r. Dave Chap 1 in Lox 161 l' ,3rt City, Utah 04060 near fJ';1ve: NOVeIilber 23, 1970 Re: December 5th Board f'ecting .\t the J;oard ,ucetin!; at Park City, under "old business," the subject of the I.S.I.\. ~ovie will be brought up. will you please rrep~re Cl brief written report based on the discussion we had at the ~.>:ccutive C;on;mittce meetin{; regarding the decisions made on the I.S.I.".. 'iovic • . \lso under "net" business," the posters \-le discussed for distriLucion to retailers and the ski school signs should be presented to the Hoare. I think it would also be helpful if we got from the noard tentative <1pproval for an I.S. I.,". party, and .:e should have a general hie.l of the expense involved. Could you please prepare a written report for the Board encompassinr; these items and have sufficient copies for the Board ILcmbers. Sincerely, ~ Clark T. Parkinson President CTP:ld [tr. Ed Pond, Secretary 466 Last 5th South Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Dear Ed: November 23, 1970 Re: 1.S.1.\. Hailing Procedures At the December 5th Board meeting, under "old bUsiness," the subject of the problems of mailing to our membership will be brought up. ',,fould you please prepare a brief report to the il.G.D. on the steps taken to alleviate this problem. please contact tlary Ellen regarding a change of address card that DuHac is currently preparin,:;. :Jhe will fill you in on the details. please have sufficient copies of your report for the Board members in attendance. CTP:ld Sincerely, Clar~~. Carkinson Presit:ent ;lr. ,:"A Lundberg \lta ski Lifts Alta, Utah 8407U November 23, 1970 He: 'iemonstration Team ,\t the DecemLer 5th Board meeting, under "old business," the subject of the remonstration Team will be brought up. Would you pleasE' prepare in writing a brief outline of the modifications of th£' DeElOnstration Team policy from the original that Bill Haskin~; prepared, so that a motion can be presented to amend the original Loard action. In addition, I would appreciate your putting in your report the estimated cost of uniforms. Hould you please have sufficient copies of your report for each one of the Board members. CTP :ld Sincerely, C1ar~. Parkinson President ::r. Bill lIasl--ins \lta Inn Alta, Utah 84070 Dear Bill: November 23, 1970 Re: 1!inter Sports Show Appreciate very liiuch your worL on our booth at the ;linter :~ports-;how this year. I feel it \.,ras very successful and worthwhile, anG J would appreciate if you would thanl, the people who helped you for Ece. I think it would be of interest to the Board for you to give a brief report on the show at the recember Board meeting. The meeting will be held Saturday, December 5th, at 4:0(} P.il., after the :'er.lOostration Team tryouts. I would appreciate very much if you would submit to the Board in writing a brief outline of the expenses incurred and ilny comments you feel appropriate regarding the show and your recommendation for future activities of this nature. ~ould you please have sufficient copies of the report for each one of the Board members. Sincerely, ~rk T. Parkinson ~!:Sident CTP:ld Mr. William F. Lenihan, President P. N. S. LA. 1114 Norton Building Seattle, Washington 98104 Dear Mr. Lenihan: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in om~ Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Mr. Fred Nelson, President Elect P.N.S.LA. A & T Ski Company 1725 Westlake North Seattle, Washington E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Poca~ello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Paul Valar U.S.E.A.S.A. P.S.I.A. Eastern Representative Franconia, New Hampshire Dear Mr. Valar: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re--examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a fe,v minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 // //./ /,~?:::// : ~:/:- Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Otto Hollaus, President C.U.S.S.A. 75 North Snelling St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Dear Mr. Hollaus: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already h3.ve met and solved this problem and c.('Il~ld pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President LS.LA. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very truly yours, / ///,- ,.". ,.' / ~:-/":/'}/ / :.:>/ /~. / .r.' /..,~' "., "," >'/' /.!, : .. ," ,7 t: V ___ .~':':, /,//~ ~.' 0,'( -://..;-- E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman~ Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Dick Crick, President A.S.LA. P. O. Box 4-230 Anchorage, Alaska 99503 Dear Mr. Crick: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very ~iu1y yours, . t' ,/', --.....:: .. -;' / " //:,. (;, j'/, '" (/:.', ' , C- /_.//,(~): [~/~.// "/,,.; E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Bill Strickland, President F.W.S.I.A. P. O. Box 1674 Big Bear Lake, California 92315 Dear Mr. Strickland: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pa~s your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President I.S.I.A. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Mr. Don Kurtz, President N.R.M. S. LA. 2202 South Kerper Cody, Wyoming 83414 Dear Mr. Kurtz: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers v7ho are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by. I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President LS.LA. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 E. Glenn Evans Credentials Committee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Iciaho 83201 Mr. Jerry Muth, President R.M. S. LA. P. O. Box 368 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Muth: November 25, 1970 As Credentials Committee Chairman of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association, I would like to solicit your help in solving a problem which has developed in our Division. Namely that of foreign ski teachers who are recognized as Certified in their home countries but not in the U.S.A., who, quite naturally, feel that they have passed all of the qualifications to be transferred into our Division without being re-examined. Since our Association has no precedent to go by, I thought perhaps your Division might already have met and solved this problem and could pass your procedure for handling it on to us. I have enclosed a short questionnaire and a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you would please take a few minutes to fill out the attached form and return it as soon as possible it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. With best regards and wishing you a good season, I am, cc: Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President 1. S. LA. 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Very truly yours, / " , )' /'/'''.' , ';/;/, J' ,/' /" ""-'.(>///;' :..>-:(".,,- E. Glenn Evans Credentials Comrn:i,·ttee Chairman Intermountain Ski Instructors Association P. O. Box 4253 Pocatello, Idaho 83201 I. S. I. A. QUESTIONNAIRE 1. DOES YOUR DIVISION RECOONIZE AND ACCEPT TRANSFERS FROJ.\1 SKI INSTRUCTORS CERTIFIED IN A FOREIGN COUNTRY WITHOUT RE-EXAMINATION BY YOUR DIVISION? DYES DNO 2. IF ABOVE ANSWER IS YES, DOES YOUR DIVISION REQUIRE THAT APPLICANTS FOR TRANSFER PRESENT PROPER CREDENTIALS AND PROOF OF CERTIFICATION STATUS? DYES DNO 3. IF ANSWERS TO BOTH ABOVE QUESTIONS ARE YES, PLEASE GIVE A SHORT RESUME AS TO MANNER YOUR DIVISION USES TO PROVE VALIDITY OF CREDKN"TIALS PRESE:N"Tl'ED BY TRANSFER APPLICANT. ----------------- ID~TURN ENVELOPE ENCLOSED. --- --~------ Mary Ellen Parkinson 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Mary Ellen: November 25, 1970 RE: John Holt r1embership Box 633 Sun Valley, Idaho Mr. Holt called long distance and mentioned that although he paid his dues last April, he hasn't yet received his membership card. Please send him his card if the records bear out his statement. , If you've no record on it, please contact me. (He indicates he is fully certified) Thank you very much. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. Mr. Robert vfuipkey % Glen Evan's '-I,r.t' (,J ~J t...'lA.j /dv.. Pocatello, Idaho Dear Robert: RE: November 25, 1970~ Membership Transfer ,j ~({~" ':; t-'f ~ /I"'-'-?) z:::; I have received otification om P.N.S.I.A. that you are a fully certfied member ~n a association. They did indicate that dues had not been paid there for the last two years, but it is my understanding you have been trying for that same period to get transferred down here. Hence, we will waive the dues for the last two years. Upon the receipt of your dues of SlO.OO for 1970-1971, we will instate you as a full-y ' certified member of our association. Please mail ,;' said dues to Mary Ellen Parkinson, Executive Secretary, at 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Let me take this opportunity to welcome you into our association and wish you much success in the coming season. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S.I.A. i-I L . Brian D. NcEneny Box 171 Driggs, Idaho 83422 November 25, 1970 ~ .l- l~" Dear Brian: ... . ... . . _. :, r .---- /' .. .. -. We have receive~onfirmation _)f your full certification in P. N. S. I. A. and indi(;~ion that· -·you arc in good standing there. Upon receipt of your $10.00 for dues for this year, we will instate you as fully certified in our association. Please mail such dues to Mary Ellen Parkinson, Executive Secretary, 3823 Villa Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah. Let me take this opportunity to we1~o~e you into our association and wish you a lot of success for the coming year. EJP/bp VERY SINCERELY, EDWIN J. POND SECRETARY I.S~I.A. Nove~ber 29, 1970 ~,1.r. Al E. Ellis 1716 F,ast Terry Pocatello Idaho Dear AI: !lutfValle!l Paul Ramlow ~un Valley Ski School Thank you for asking me to ,i oin you as a commi tte member, hOvlevAr, 1 must decline the invitation. 1 havp made it ~ rul~ to stay out of ski politics, at least at the present time, and this would comG under this heading. ~'ilrs. Dorice Taylor, head of the 3un '/allE"Y Publici ty De:Jartment, kno'H(~ more of the history of ~un Valley, an(l the Sun \!alll?Y Ski '~chool, than any living person. ~he has been with 3un Valley from the very be~inning. She must have something in her files that you can use. Please use my name if you write to her or sneak with her. Sorry about my dccision~ If I should change my mind, I will let you know. Best regards, 6.i!J Cd. .ul-.,- Sun Valley, Idaho Telephone (208) 726-3311 Owned and opmtted by Janss Corporation INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mary Ellen Parkinson Executive Secretary 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, utah November 30, 1970 RE: Certified pins for Milt Beens Dear Mary Ellen: We have recently completed transferring to our association the fully certified status of Milton Beens. Milt has gotten in touch with me and indicated that he turned in two associate pins to Max last March and was to receive two white pins in exchange. He further indicates that he has paid his dues during last springs clinic. After confirming those matters from our records, would you please send Mr. Beens his pins. If there is some reason why the pins cannot be sent immediately, please let me know. EJP/bp Very S.ince~y_ -t!!?'~/ /~ e c:.~k-. ~ EDWIN 0" POND SECRET RY I.S.I.A. October' 1, 1970 TO: ~Tr.STERN 51 I TniF. NEt'iS, st i Organ izat ion Department FItOH: IntenilOunLain S1"i Instructors Association SUBJECT: News Release For Immediate Helease: I.S.I.A. ce1eLrated its 20th anniversary during the annual fall Seminar and General l'iceting September 19th and 20th at the Ponderosa Inn, Burley, Idaho. t\t a banquet, all past Presidents were honored and av:ardcd plaques in appreciation of their contriLution to the Association. The Board of Directors elected Clad: T. Parldnson as President. Hax LumlLerg, President for the last two years, did not rUn for reelection. rlr. Parkinson has served as Secretary and Fxecutiv€ Secretary for the Association. Sleeted Vice President was Phil Jones; Secretary, Ed Ponu; an,; Treasurer, Dave Larsen. Six Board of Directors were elected: Phil Jones, Park City; >J.ax LundLerg, Alta; Lex iunau, Hurley; Frank Gillette, Logan; Dave Chaplin, Parl City; and Jack Colven, Sun Valley. CTP: Id Sincerely, Clark T. ParLinson President (\ctooer 1, 1970 TO: 11r. ',~'il1ial:: Rude, District lfanager FRO~-l: Tnten!ountain Sl i Tnstructors Association SUBJECT: Ne\v5 Helease For lunediatc Hel C:ase: I.S.I.A. celebrated its 20th anniversary during the annual ~all Seminar and General Heeting September 19th and 20th at the Pondero~a Inn, Burley, Idaho. At a banquet, all past Prcsi(lcnts \,-ere honored and awarded plaques in appreciation of their contribution to the\ssociation. The TIoarJ of Directors elected Clark T. Parkinson as President. Max LundLerg, President for: the last two years, did not run for reelection. >lr. Parl, inson hds served as Secretary and E>:ecutive Secretary [or the Association. Flected Vice President was Phil Jones; Secretary, Ed Pond; ane; Treasurer, Dave Larsen. Six Board of Directors were elected: Phil Jones, Par~ City; Max Lundbcr~, Uta; Lex lunau, Burley; FranL Gillette, Logan; Dave Chaplin, l'ad City; and Jacl Calven, ~un Vulley. eTP: ld Sincerely, Clad. T. Parl.inson President October 1, 1970 TO: SIIING, Skiing Scene DepartlHellt FRm1: Interr~,ountain S},i lustruccors Association SUbJECT: :\ews f~elease For IUiJ.lIeoidte j{elease: 1.~:;.I.A. celebrated its 20th anniversary during the annual Fall Seminar and General ~!eetinb September 19th and 20th at the Ponderosa Inn, Burley, Idaho. \t a banquet, all past Presidents were honored and awarded plaques in appreciation of their contriLution to the Association. The Ioard of Directors elected Clark T. Parkinson as President. Max LundLerg, President for the last two years, did not run for reelection. :1r. Parkinson has served as Secretary and Executive Secretary for the Association. Elected Vice President was Phil Jones; Secretary, Ed Ponu; anu Treasurer, Dave Larsen. Six Board ot Dix:ectors were elected: Phil Jones, ParL City; ~~ax LumlLerg, Alta; Lex 1 unau, Lu.rie),; FnmL Gillette, Logan; Dave Ch<tpliu, Pari City; and Jack Calven, Sun Valley. CTP:ld Sincerely, Clark T. Pad, tngon President Ed: Here is one more transfer that you can take care of. Thanks, M.E. Name ~ ~ .MODERN MECHANIZED MAlUNG / PRINTING DIrtC 65 WEST FOURlH SOUTH SAIJ lAKE CITY, UTAH 84101 • TELEPHONE (801)328-8748 ---------------------------------------- Date ____________________ __ Time ----------- Whi Ie You Were Out Name, ______________________________________ __ Of __________________________________ ___ Phone ____________________________________ ___ 0 Telephoned 0 Called to see you 0 Wants you to call 0 Will be o Will call back in later Message __________________________________ ___ INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Jim Reynold Secrist Box 5326 So. Lake Tahoe, Calif. 95705 Re: I. S. I. A. Delinquent Dues 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 October 2, 1970 The record of the Association indicate that yo~r membership dues are over sixty (60) days delinquent' at this time. This letter is to not~fy you of such delinquency. In the event your dues are not paid within sixty (60) days of this notice, I am bound by the by-laws of our Association to submit your name to the governing board for termination of membership. I am sure you desire to retain your membership in the Association and have merely overlooked the payment of dues. However, to avoid further action, please remit the sum of $15.00 within sixty (60) days to the above address; this amount includes a late fine of $5. Association EJP:mep 1'f r. t\ 11 e r l :. : 11 if, 17l{:. ;,an T<..:Lty ::UCoel Pocatello,1t:,';'0 ,,'3?()1 Dear \1: ('c: ;!istorical r:OH.i ,lttce I indicated J wouiu call the \'odl.·d li:emLers rcgardinr, con'Littcf' assignr,enu;. \'hen '\oJC vlsiteu lD Lurley, you exprcsseG a de,sill to cOlltinue dS the :ll.storiC.Jl "hal.ruJ.n. I feel that you have done d cOl,lI:;endaLle job ,'lith this COl,ilLittec dnd would appreciate vel'y I"uch your continuint; as Chain"an. On October ItLL, l.ve are &<.'ill,.,; Lo have: an ;:xecutlve C:(Jidlllittee ::ectl1l0 , and I ,,:i11 ree- O! ,L't.:lIU to lheL that you tCl.lain as Hi!:>torical (~hdirr.~an. T ~ldV" SOI"e i...1CdS on Lins COi.,mittce, and 1 will fan-lard to you a 1 r'id outline of Llle: rluri'0se, oLJcct.i,ves, and activities ot tLe 111stori,cal COL:r.,ittec this cu!::in!:; year. 1 definitely Leel Llut. the r: 1 in ic shou Ie L e l:eco rded ott fi 1m, and we l,' iII pur sue tk! t in 0:01"[' "';et,.:111 laler on in the year. I diJpreciate your accepting this position, dnd T a:r lool in.~. forward to hod ing wi th you this year. CTP:iu Sincerely, Gladf. Parkinson President ~~r • .lad r;Ol\i(:ll Lox JJ '-un Valley, I.JaLo ear .lad : lctotcr 5, 1970 r;«: Ethics COTllmittee I ,,,oul(~ ':lpprcciate 1.l it you would accept the Chiiirmanship 01 the Ethics Cuundttee. 1 feel you could handle this jot, anci H won't teqU1.H! a gt'eaL (Jeal of your tiLle. The fiL'st onler 01 Lusiness HOU Id be to lIidl,c a t'CCollu;,.emlation to the rvard on . eel'l' ('1 4th <'is to wiwt you ",Quld consider ilppropriate in so tal.' as lay :Ll.th 1S concerned. T v-'ould sUG<.:.csL that h'e prescnt to the roani :, letter oj (epril~,anu to 1 ay, signeo by all hoaro r:elc,bcI's with tbe i::.pl1cu dlJ.t:dt that i1 (Ul. ther actions on his part continue, \.'C \,;ill tal (; li1-S pin av'ay. Iet,}cen Hm'! anel iecer:!bcl, 1 "ill sClld you up a l:t"Cl.fL, vhl.cb J ,,,ould feel appropriate, and you can tal.e it froJ': tliere. (,Ie are Luillt to hi.lve an Executive COliullittee Heeting Octabe!.- Itth, and J "Jill rccoIilJ;;end Lo the ... that you Le approved as Ethics ;;o;f,,;;iltce f,hairn,un. I 1tJOulcl appreciate veey much if you would accc,Jt L1,is pOEitiou, and if J uanlt hear trOIll you, I will dS!>Ul!;e that LI:i" 1:, okay. S illce r-t~ 1 y, C La.!!? l' .rkinson President '~'ctotCJ: 5, 1970 TO: r.:xccutive COIfll::ittee FROM: Glarl T. Parlinson, rresident SUBJECT: Executive C()llif'!ilte€ r<eeting :~lear Corurliltee £';emtcr: Due to a conflict in schedules, the f:xecutive Committee :fceting has been sel for Friday, Gctober 16. It will be held at ry house. I,uffet dinner "ill Le at 7:00 P.rt. The rneetinE \"ill f,tart at i;:OO 1'.:1. sharp. (~TP: III ~il1cerely, Clart: T. Parkinson President '11.: • .Junior T'ounous 77 2 :::<1st :L)O t'onh :'rovo, Utah <'.':'(:;01 ~'(,ar .Tun io r : !~e: Ski f:chool ':irectors i"ol:riiittee ')iilce lUJ:ley, I have Leen attcwpling to Let oq;dnizeli ane: conLiCL indiviuudls \"ho I \.,;ould like to have accept committee Chdi!'L,;mslllps. T vOlilci vel')' j~;uch apprcci;1te yOUt" continuing as r.hairrLan of tLe c': J :~cbool i..iceC:Lors C:OL,I,.iLtt:!e. I dttellueu briefly the ~;l i ,C,ctlool Dln::cLuJ.:s COl •. LliLLee :lecting in rurley, and as I recall, it \id~; lil<..'i.r eXi-J(csseJ cesire Lo h",vc: you continue in thl.s positivn. 1]grcc' itb the!" aud \-Jill look fO.l'.idru Lo ,,;ork ing ·,,'itb you durinL the CO,;'ill'~ year. '!e have tentatively scheliult::u the f.xaJ;)iners C:linlc [or tile fiL'st ',eek in ';t::cen,LeL'. 1 vJUulJ very j,uch liLe to have you schedule a "'I i'c);()ol C'iccctors l:eet ing our ing this tiLe. I '·lOU Id 1 He to persOTlcl11 y VI si.t ,·'1 til the '~OL.;.;l.Ltee on severdl ~tCLiS and ideas that I h.-We re~, an' Ll; thif, '~or;;lnitcee, as \,;e11 a!" ~:et.tlng to },TlO\v allot the r:ir.ecLnt'!". 1 v/culd appreciate very p;uch your accepting this posilion. 'c 'vC an '-xccutive C,)r<ilnittee ;'ectilli', 5<.:heduled for ''''ctol'cr 1('tl1, .md 1 "'ill sutniil your nan€! to therr as li~y rf.!CoIHTlcnciation for 0hi.lin,:].;, t L:,i~, COl.lDiittec. Sincerely, Clar\. Pparl. inson I'resiJenL - - CENTRAL SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ROUTE 1, BOX 65, SLINGER, WISCONSIN 53086, PHONE 414/644-5517 October 6, 1970 Reply To: Above Address Ed Pond, Secretary 9728 South 1650 West Riverton, Utah Dear Mr. Pond: One of our members has moved to Pocatello, Idaho and would like transfer his membership from Central Ski Instructors Association to Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. His name is: Charles H. Zurbuchen Pocatello Heights 5-G Pocatello, Idaho He is a FULL Certified Ski Instructor (CSIA #352) in good standing in the Central Ski Instructors Assoc. Please let us know if you need any additional information. Very truly- :~\~• . \, \I {C .~ G-::~c--" -,\)_~--~--- Don E. Phelan Executive Secretary - CSIA DEP:ep cc: Clark T. Parkinson, President Otto Hollaus - Information Copy Charles H. Zurbuchen - /~Ah--~' s-~ f~/J~ ftF 3d; 1970 J ~. CL ~'I./1-f . w~ 10~~ T~,I .. fl, ~,,~ &v~ - J tAJ Mh .:to a-iJ 77L.A' /VV't-/'u/ ., J~.e.- ~ ~~fD/L( ~.~ . ' .;(':;;VV{,.,..uCUL-d (?r'/L h 1~, ? ~)ne , :I /\./Vl7U- deJYl::f ~~ ~ ,M.)~ vVU>CY- LJ~I CV2- - / .~ JjcW- PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA, INC. 1801 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 October 7, 1970 Mr. Bill Lash 2m Dougl as Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84110 Dear Bill: I have been asked by the Board of Directors to write to you for an inventory of the items taken in the burgalry of the PSIA office. Also, were the items covered by insurance and what should be done to follow up on this. The Board also asked that I ask for any items that you might have that are not under the seal of the sheriff. Anything you might be able to provide I am sure will help establish this new office. Would you please contact the Post Office in Salt Lake City and have the mail forwarded to the new address. We are receiving requests for PSIA manuals. It would certainly be appreciated if we could receive a supply to take care of the local requests. Would you please inform me of the manual charges. I sure would appreciate any assistance you may be able to give me. My husband and I moved back from Minneapolis on the first of August. We are delighted to be back in Colorado. I plan to help the PSIA for a few months. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Best regards, \.~~ j--a.t Patricia J. Swenson Executive Secretary ., , '- PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA, INC. 1801 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 October 7, 1970 TO: Divisional Ski Instructor Associations FROM: Professional Ski Instructors of America, Inc. RE: Mailing lists Please rush to the new PSIA office in Denver the following information: _ ( 1. Names and addresses of your Divisional Ski Instructor Association officers ~ and directors. Also, your divisional office address, if any. Please include i lIt·, Pr ~ telephone numbers, if available. It would also be very helpful if we could ~'~I, \' receive the zip codes and area codes. You may wish to include key individuals YJpY" in your Division such as committee chairmen, etc., if so, please include their ' titles. This mailing list will be used for our general mailings. 2. Do you have a Divisional publication? If so, is it distributed to your entire membership? How frequently? 3. Do you have mechanized mailing facilities? Do you have paid employees? A' permanent office? Do you have a current up-to-date mailing list of your members? We are very sorry to cause you any inconvenience but we are making every effort to establish an efficient national office and your cooperation is appreciated. Please note the new PSIA address and telephone number: PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA, INC. 1801 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 (303) 322-0041 PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA, INC. 1801 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 October 7, 1970 Mr. Clark T. Parkinson, President· Intermountain Ski Instructors Association 2245 Oneida Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 Dear Clark: Thank you for your letter and list of the ISlA officers and directors. Any assistance I can receive at this time is greatly appreciated. We are pleased you have selected Lou Lorenz as the ISlA representative to the PSIA Board of Directors. We will place Lou on the PSIA mailing list. (We are sure you understand that in accordance with the PSIA By-Laws, the ISlA must ratify the PSIA By-Laws and pay dues for their members in order to have Mr. Lorenz considered as an official representative on the PSIA Board of Directors.) It has been very gratifying to receive dues and support from the Divisions. The minutes and other materials will be in the mail within a few days. We were able to open an office only 2 days ago. It is quite a task to establish an office with limited information and materials. If the PSIA office can ever be of assistance to you please do not hesitate to contact me. cc: Lou Lorenz --------- Sincerely, Patricia J. Swenson Executive Secretary -- --_._-- ----- ~D Mil" T Bc~tJ S .5'(5), LIIKG rn. III Y C; l3e"1fO;r1 I MJN;.)cSOTA S~"OI I .r IIAve /LtfV/Ii1J/)~£> C)('If2.. $cCn€T/fI2.Y oAJ 5t5U€;tAt-. OCCASI()IJ.5 ()F THIS t2~t(u CSTr CJ/,u 'reNt $c~ TtfAT IT is TIiKt tJ cl\l2..~ OF, T!{AIC5 7J1tA;K ------ INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION professional sic i ill "truclors of ({fl/I'ricu, in •. :!(l!) dougills SIl'<T/. !UI. hox 71i2 silit III!!!' city. u/llh .'Ill iO (lie hOI :I,,,:,-,12:lIi 0 'l1i1 ..~,. Wa ;P " i'at Swenson, ixecut i ve :~ecretary PSI/I., INC. 1801 York Street Denver, Colorado 30206 Dear Pat: 'i~elcome aboard! \'Ie had our Fall Business Heetins on October 3rd. At thut meeting, the memhership requested that a committee re-ce ive and invest igate the by-lm.s that have been ratified by the other divisions in order to recommend to the Eastern members the course of action which we should take. Therefore, please send me ten (10) copies of these bY-laws, each one notarized, and II notarized note to the effect that these are the bY-lm.s ratified by the other divisions and presently governing PSIA, Inc. Since I was unable to attenc1 the BOJ) meeting on September 19 & 20, I would appreciate H full set of the minutes of that meeting. I would also like addresses of the members of the HOD, some new it is available, and a copy of the latest finan-PI ease fonmrd the enclosed copies to Hessrs Shlleffler, Johnson, I·!uth, Lenihan, I"INIl ~N '1';"'5- I Schneider, and Youn8, FM<!~" ~VN~ 1't~~rH~;tN ,. .r",~.t_,,~r £t..J£ 4/#11 S~~tf;) ~£r ~ e~,/-J,.. -'--~---'---~----- ------------ October 14, 1970 Pat S\Jcnson, F.xecutive Secretary PHOFF.5!)IOtrAJ. SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AHF.RIC'. INC. 1801 York Street Deliver, Colorado ti0206 Dear Pata please find attached our current I.S.I.A. roster. A new roster will be printeo in approximately one month, and we \.-ill for~ard it to you. l~cgarding your questions, we do have an I.S.l.A. Newsletter which ia puLlished four tln,es a year. It is distributed to all members plus our registered people. ~le Use OuMac, Inc. for all mailing. l-le employ ~ary Ellen Par~inson as our Executive Secretary on the basis of $1.00 per 1.lclillership, !2.00 per certification application processed, plus ;2.00 per hour for any stenographic work that she does. - CTr aId Attachment Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President Mr. Frank Gillette Route 1 Burley, Idaho 83318 Dear Frankl October 19, 1970 Attached is an outline of the ideas I had on the Awards Committee, which we discussed on the phone the other day. I would appreciate your reviewing this and giving it some thought. Any suggestions you nlight have to improve this would be greatly appreciated. I have also included a copy of the Committee Outline, which was approved by the Executive Committee and will become part of the overall Committee Outline for all the Committee Chairmen. I will be in touch with you shortly regarding your ideas on the Awards Committee, and I appreciate very much your accepting this position and will look forward to working with you. I feel it is an extremely important committee, and the things I have outlined will be meaningful to the Association. CTPlld Attachments Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President ,t!j) til' I c)9'1 ,s, j"c. FRANCONIA, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03580 Tel. 603-823-5536 l' Paul Valar, President Walter (j,raf, Vice President Paula K':Valar, Treasurer Franconia S~i School .',I,'iI; ,/ ((, Sunapee S~i School Mittersill S~i School i/Ll!. lU1/~),Ll!iL-J(ln{ IH'IlLJ j.iJu!: ,!vLiio:( L.J ,Ja iXI1LLj OVl~,LJojd .l/ud liLe !}(YJ[ de- , ,I ,-- , 1 I ' " ,- ,,-ive.!!..'! (fLel/ can £.Civc LV) i/.l /- e,)/UlJJA1,~. ,(R.Lffi ml~ dlJmLLc,1{ 10 (let aeUe//. ;{R.CJ,I,-!- meni, J bu-! lAe:/ CULt? /.JL"p-D! /.JrwwcJ L!Jz.de//.. luvull/ le_t /jle oml0<. /.Jtand cuul.L! IjOI.l ((;LVe me UOI.UL 600,{ /.JL3e, 1 wLU /.Jeeill can p,nd a U/.Jeri .o Ve//.. 1 f__ '0 1' WJ Ut (~/tf :lJlC,J>. 1/01.1 Well/7.. a / 0;1[ i'! I, ~_ carl /'lave, a ('XlU lr aOUJv- tm 'tUo L e;, h/eu. ... 'r' n;!,LI L{I I , oil' ., '/ (I' ,-/-,~ f) H J ruJIL) , /leOIl -° f'. /ILC/L, (MOll I paV7../.J /Lv/un..... 0 ~ /1 f)(,,1pi./e flill u l),1(>nce, (1'1. Slw.!1 lIIe) tiLe .. dcw/tim.!_ YJi (,lIllie ,{eC{lULe, ,~/L(l{ iA (JI> out (l Ullud (Illv) flUr I/(L1 1)(>('/1 Jone. /0/1.., .IiLe. Lon~l/L0M. 1 Jo rwi.udCJui (n «0 J~,e !WII/' bu{ jJL.u Sl e:/., tiu> (~Cl/.J (e/U'~ bo,'{/.) O/-U}~fLL,)' e;i ULaL Ln~endto .90 0 YeA. Je j'INd, Aoj1Jle hL-j/(~/Ul ful.L /'O/7..WlI wu! "L-Ll'l mV).-:Jc) OlUl. meelu~~r') oni,! i>lt / I • t' J'" I ., I /' I, I, / "-.' '. ,!-' (HU', liN? ".1UT'!,','. ,LOve 110 con/ucf Wl.fn (UII/uoo:I. --ie (d.O co:ne DI"r;LLtcML{A--- on Iii,') I/tlll (}I/('l~'! .. y /,'o:)fol/ 1/1/';./11.')( ('(Jur/lf'Il') u.-) IUI,je/l (0/1 (,(e !~n. ,I', Ilnt,l/IOU!, WP 0/7..(,., in no 111(.1//11/ It) i()(~n Ito fiLL! ILOIi. /e did ,)endfI,L -lltc mem!JC/L,-)/ l.iFJ of Oll/L detmf/".1 1'10(0/&). ~(" now !O'1:'I?C/ (L c~'n'lii~ (fcc: (0 /.J tu;t!I.!Jl.e fLf!1U 6,/{ WM and 10 nr:L~e '1.E'.co'7!'l!cn,hfLor&-J to OlL'l mcmbcl"vJ. i/u'rLe (Lljo "'~CJ7l<) io be /.Jollie 1,lle/.Jli.-on IW!!J, ui7efJ, CIl 0'1, no( (/(2 1/le.rn!w·7.-1lLiJ) (/ll",j ,.'!L (!-J-w,L.I bit /.Jome dLvwLorw we/l.c rlf) J. in laci .Ii/I (> <fw'/.) /0'1. l.t L/.J I ,1jPJj,R. e I c. e./ c. ,e (I'1.r2. (Ill rhme (; e.LfL'1 (a/~ en !~)Il "jl[(j':('/7../l ow! '!UIl( /0 !/(/vc /lOllle /7..(',-)ul(,j I) ('iolu' (If/of/Ie/I... u'oL/;l/l ()O~/J /0 1)1 t. I loLl ,'LIf!1 I/w t I!lU/I:'/() (,Lint{ tlllC.1 /0.', () fac.::'ini,L IW/1 rwl OLU1. {5lVen-uon. "I I / " .ve U<,-:JO /lX-lIl,· .. {(/ m:u~I <> C('/I. I<L'U I I:'1 (;', ;/..C "/ 'l,.}// ,, :J '{IJ ),LrU 0/1.(' (J(U" fi, 0 II"I .CIWJUjC we W{,,- -UII, .I! !' I I I I ('. !' , pay .< I ell! /lOIT/ (I.e/l.(', WW,- ueflLlC . fU/J /7..o:n 01.//( ULU'/J. ,jOI 'ue ,jlA• _, anil' /lXlC-• <J" {,'u ne 1;0(,,1 1)/1 (ff/.r! \/(,AI/ ti/-('./,( (/,) /0'1/, liIll /e/ ,flu: I/lI.lI.IC((' /)(}'/,1 comc ()') WLIA /.Jomc , '/' ) .,' , '; "I, , '1 (' , (lJl.:1/1J('II,,) , / U' 1//('1(('11. (/J/lF'Iil/KIII COI/UlIlIlI.ictl Ii UIl,-) IIU.ll CO:IIl.!. ,{i//7..oar/!1. /-olu[,(l/l;.j 1//1 I ';(//1 1 la /, ,J, I/It'lf .-',111 III' ('\', ,~., '(/1; f/'.' "I", lei l{ll' I I, )(} 'i ,'c" 110 I I{ lnJ/IILl:~l ('/JI l,f. , ,.', , /' I .1 , I I , '! {' I/tlh'd't,,) {nil { I:lt> II'-''''! -( i:l Or I )L, / '_J . 'oil/.: iu ell.' II J 'iJi/1 UJllL /)(U:lljl~ /J/lf)·C(VJ/.J, dll.J.O(',elJliVL (.iJ0 IlWIl! unvwLncJ mi.-dmLtIPe--J. : • • • • • •• (liu.luliA'1l /w /(0) J ,I I )w/) I'M, we ILC./l.C iJ1. f/u>. "(L.11 /:.ell.0 ()ouvJ', ww ",fccI ('j /J./L( (Jl. WUIL Stan do- r II ' ,~ 'I '/ . -' I , , I i...nn. IIV.1[ o,' .. u£,e !W/l;'~. ~e (Me .j'U,1L rw,L (')/lOWl. enow!l., 0'1. ;/!U~iJC cven ,-j'Ilf.U'L-L e- J )' I ' I' ,/ ,~ ,/ ,j J J rwW7L 10 ,,-cl UlL WI/(/,{e1IA 00 OU.'1.ILV/u-.?. lie rww lUlU. LntCJ/iXt'Li.. ,to.'lt:. <e /.JOIllC CWJL-qe/. J~ (nti: ./r:("l. evC/L /'),0 ./.Ji~.'Ull!{ i~a-L bl/ /UlVLJ?} (llL (/;~nlel1jl o:mmLUee, we Ol!/. h.eerJ poL, h,C1 onl 0 Fel. )0 die ,wended dUUl1-e1 wL-,Ll nul_ oe rrode, lAc mem- 6c;{'J!Lip Lj ,j //u}/If;li LII ,fa t/O WZ -to cordWllC UJLj. ~ (' 'oiU /IOWCVei''--j [0/7.. fil.c !:L/VJ f liJne ncxi. wird eR., )wve an CXClJni1l.t'R1 CX(J)TI. v (' 'uLL{ heef) flU? fAiJIf} wul07. /1(11 ('(J1l/l/oI, i ('/1/ II (I(' ({( :/ ((('l/di// WII! I I/'/!! ii,· (1/ l,.1/(//7..:/e. i,~e :l~Jc'1 Wilt , {' d I ." 'lo/" (lL U)f],' W(,A.C 'lJlIIn up ),'1 a COl/filL 1 (C.c. ::lU, f l' If,') 0, { ("(iI,IlI,l•I e/?/.J t.iJ111I CClC.c/L. /L. Ol- Li.oll C1.)IIIfl!LUee mellll)c,(,.J. 1 WL II.. ;-,cluL '(Oil (/Ie /XU/..[LCUL-',M; elI [C/l l/Lelj aJl.C uvai.-l. a!J!{'. I /lOne Ihal! all ii-in/II in (":J,-jI~ll!in'l l/La( ,'ou ,jli.[ILi../~e ,w l:,-wwllJud I ' , 90WJ on. ,-"' alr' I (_V_ J.1{, 11011f-0t 1·,~l '/J.1 .( ne" lI.;7.{,';(' . /(0! /7.. me (e' n CD/Ie -'IOU U/U. J.I rwf. 'j ) (I 'I !. /'. -, " -. ," WI( -1( u/ !(>.,. J) /0 u, c· OWl,· /1.LUlu.1 UI,}U. L Lcu·;e {( 1/. ,~ .! INTEJ\MOUNTA fN SK I INSTIWC:T()I~S ASSUCT ATION EXl'cutiv(' Cllilllili t L('f' !'kcl i ng C La rk 1';1 rk i Ils()n !I;l\,c' La'sen ( I, [l,Il(' I 1l1, I q 7 (1 ');1\1(' P;lrk i 11:;()11 1,1)11 !.'>Ie 11-, MLlX Lundberg 1':<1 Pund l)ilV (' Clw P li n !'I,lt'y E11"11 J':lrkins()n, Exccutive Secrct:ny CLlrk n()Ll'd LiJ;ll [)nve Ch;lpJ ill Vl,lS jl'viLed hC(',lll:;l' 11(' Ilnd il contributiun to m:lkc regill- din); [Ill' ISLA movie. CLlrk stated that he intended tn u:1' fOlming board. fL'el. He wants evcryone to these Executive C:ommittee meetings as] puliLv :;tntc [ileil' (}pillion and let him knO\v h(1\; th,'y ':Sc\ Re'p,)rt: (See attached) Clink ;Jlld Mike \I)i Lsoll aLtl'nded this conventiun '.:0 c'('_ if t 'it fe' I\'as ;my \"ay to fUl-t11C'l' I:cl;]t iOllships bcll"e'l'll ISA and ISLA. "-.l'ith L;]nge's aw;!rd plaque' \v:!S brought up - j L W;]S nlllL'd that he would bE: presE:ntee! I<lith it at the BOD meeting in conjunction I;lith the EX;lminers Clinic. CI;]rk read a letter from PSJA regarding their new Executive Secretary and their new p,)licy. He wrote to Pilt Swenson and indiC'nt(,d that Lou Lorenz would be our repre-ssentative to PSIA. He' nOLed till' ,Il-tiele til;11 W;lS in tile October issue of Ski magCl-t: ine. Hl' said th;ll' the Intcrl1l11UllL;lill Divit-;il)ll \vas quuted as not wanting our Associatp melllDl'rs to become members ,)1 PSlA. Cj,!l'k IVOlidel'l'd if he should write the mae;azinc ur PSI,\ and straighten them uuL nbouL our position ,u; tIl the Associ3te instructors. PSIA hdd il meeting September llJ-20 ;jIlt! ISlA did llLll l1:l\ll' d l-epresentative at that meetinc>;. eLll\; read ;1 letter frllll1 Pilt S\vellSell rq,,;ndill)', llllL' pll~;ition with PSIA. LclL! suggested drafting;l LetlL'I' tll I)~;II\ til 'lll! lilll' Illilt we were not in attendance becaUSl' we were not aware that IvL' Wl'l-l' illViLl"i. Lllnt Ih' have not ratified their by-Ialvs because we have not seen them anJ j,L them kIIU\" vJC' I,'cr,' the first division to ratify ;] SI't of by-laws and that we ;lre nul d),;:1i11:;{ h:1vil1/', :lssociates as members. Clark said thClt he would take can' (,! lhi~; uvC'r the i,uard of Directors name. f"IL Ive should also send a lettl'r tll Puug Pll'lffer J','garding our position. it h'uuld not be a good idea to direct maiL tIl [Illy ski magazines. Phil Jones Lou felt Committee assignments were brought to the 11'\('r. Clark stated that it was his idea to reorganize ISLA into cumll1i t Lees under vi Cl' pr,'sicknts. He wi II try the commi t tees for one year set up ClS we h:1VL' )'('(,11 do Lllg i I' I he PdSt. Committee policies IverE' gone over, Lou Lorenz stated that commiLtee,; tilat r('(I,:il'(' l'llnlinuity should be cuordinated.-:f the' nel, committee can gain eXpL,t'iencl' [1'0111 Llll' 1-"nlJcr committee it \-Jill be helpful. Clark discussed the policies f(ll' the commi 1 t ,"'S alld said that they should be used as and outline and not as law. Notion: That we accept commi t'tee out 1 i 11(,; with the ammendments Lou suggested as parL of the pulicy uf the !\,;:I"L:ialion (Pond- Lorenz). Notion carried. L 'j sussested that iL be' the rl'~;r"'I,;ihli{v "I thl Secretary that a11 commictL'e reports arc kept on file. Eel Pond suggested that pet-haps Fred Finlinslln could bL'come the nel" By-Le1l"s Cc'c~mittee Ch;lirman. As a member of the b:ll he is V('[,), IVl'11 qUidified. Bob Autry was sU6gested ---_._--,------ 1'>:( (' It iv(' Committee Heeting Hinl1t('~;-lO/16/7(l P~l :',t' .) il~ clizlirmall of the Racing and roaching Commitl-('('. r:l inie' Committee - Dave Parl<insoll felt Llla( tl)(, ';nld11 ilr('as and Idaho arcaC' nl'cdl,d onl\' lllH' lll- l\~o Illen to pllt on Llw~(' t'i in i C,i I)l'call~(' o! ('xl)(,Jl~es and tile nllmhcr of people i1'\' e,ll'e'd. l'l'rli;lps Olll' Il1l'Tllhcr or (-I!l' /)C'Tl!()JlStLlt ilill TC'ill,1 c0l11d he IIsed alon\!, \vitll tilL com-mitte'l' clidinllilll. Dave staLl,d tllill: thi~ COllllllill,'l' Will; uriginally formcd to operate for till' ~ll1illl ;jrl'il~ ilnd l1elp t IIClll. Phi J le,ll t 11:lt t lie j\~:;ociiltion should sllhsidL-:(' the l'xp('nsl'~ of Llll' clinic cOlll11litt('(' :Inrl give tile "hninlldil lllOTley to operate so \ve do not 1':II'l' 10 cll:lrgc the pcoplc' tOll milch. T,Oll [(,It llint thl' first thing the Clinic Committee ~illlilid ell) \vllilld he to lllilkl' :1 ~t lldy or Ivll<1t t ]1es(' peop'l e want and how they 'wallt i l pre- ,'11111,<1 ilild ,:liso their findllcLll l'''IH'll:lt ions, IIp !l'lt Lllat perhaps some of tl" r:e::;hers (II [Ill' COllllllitt('l' should he I rom Jd,I!lll--\ve s1wuld go over it wi th the Idaho people :ind 1 illd I'IIL \vl,at they expect, Davl' l'l'miJ1(lrci LOll l/r:lt h(' /JellJ senl Ollt a letter to l:'e ski C'cl,,)ol directors and bad th,,'m tL'1] Ilim when, hmv :mel \vhy they wanted these clinic.", J\\\nrcls Committee - Clark read his brier outline in )-l'gard to tbe committee. He' \vould 1 ikl' to have a Ski Instructor of the Year L\Will-d ,mel also a Ski School Director of (he Yl'iJr. (Perhaps one wbo certifies or rq"isters more candidates than any other school.) Di~cllssion \vas beld regardim', TSA r('lwL'sentative' and the politics involved. Dave felt tlillt sOIllC'one \vho was not LIce Ol-Ll'lill'd "'l1IJ!d hl' n !~(lod representative. Clark said I-e \v()lild call Hike and let hilll klll'I\1 :1 ill'\, :-eprl'scntativl' hilll been appointed. Phil felt \vl' ~;llolJ1d not changl' it he('.'lll."" "Ill' 1"T:;,)n I-cit :J ll'rl:lin \.Jay. Lou felt a neutral per-son \vllllid he:1 hcttL'r jlersoJ1 III l'('I'r(':;('I!L ISI;\. Till' President of ISlA ,.;ould be the idl'ill jll'rsl,n tl) rl'prl'Sl'nt liS. LIl,('t ion ,lilt! l\l)lllilldt iOIl Cl)lllIllit Il'" Till' (I"l'~t ion I";l~'; r:lised as to whether or not it sllLl(lid Ill' ,I sLdnding ClllllllliIL,'" 1'1- I(,!-t dS iI :;pl'('i:ll (,OJlllllittl'e. Ne\\'~-:lettcr Committec - Tile l{[vlSTI\ 1]C'wsletter Wile; "hOWll to the members. Discussion \vas held as tl\ till' pros and con~ :lntl what tile ml'11llwr:-; C;;Pl'ct of tile ne\.Jsletter. It \vas SUI![Cl'Etcd thilt perhaps Marilvn She:lrer \vOlild Ill' ~'.\l()d [or the job. ISlA Movie - Dave Cbaplin has done SOIHl' rcse,lJ:ci, un making a movie for ISL-'I. We could make a mO\'ie for about $1,000. Dave' Cell Ii" \vcl~; 110t l:ECchnically able to makE the movie bllt \v1til cooperation of variolls peopLe ('0111<1 }(10rc1inare the effort. A 25-30 I:lim,te film \wlild require' five to fifteen flill d:lvs Oil IIIP Idl1. Dave presented to the committee a tOrJn:lt rc'!-'.drding some ideas for till' 11J:lkillg ,,[ 11)(' promotional movie. Do '\Ie \vant a pro-lllotil) lUl filill or a certificlLioll (l1-il'llll'd Jilin? LOll felt that the association shoilld not lillilllCl' a film beCCllIS(' of eX\1('I1:-;(',';. Till' Ski :~l'llu()l DiTE'ctors shoilld do this or some oti'rc'r cOlllmittee and raise their OloJll Cill:lncillt',. ])iscllssion was held regarding thE feas-ihilitv of doing it. \V'e should cont;lcl sOllie O! the other divisions and see what their ideas are on the sllbject. Clark i~ r;oing lo Aspcll and will research their movie. Kothing fllrther will be done pending rcsearcll, Budget Committee - Discussion was held regilllJinl\ the proposed budget and exactl\' \vhat was l'xpccted from tbe different committC'e's. LOll lelt it \'Jas bard to project expenses es-peciallv in tlw certification area. How milch of thl; registered fee is going to certi-fication and ho\~ much to administration? Hay ;'I',gested making and study and suggesting to the Executive Committee or BOD the results for their approval. The budget should mere'1 \' be a guideline; SOIll(' committees must fllnet ion on a strict budget and others are vLlridble'. Demonstration Team - /\ proposal W:IS ncceptcd hv I he BOD. Hax reviewed the proposal ",itb tIll' COlllmittee. He.' wOlild lilu' to II:IV\, :1 lll1iCOl'lll Jlllel get the sel('ction done as soon as po,s,'-' iill l'~ cOllld be dOlle in con jlllll'l ion witl. till' 1~,(:IJllinC'rs Clinic either the dav hefore Dr L'I day after. He fclt lhl' C('ltilil'dtioll Cll<lirJllall and the Technical Ch.1irPlan shoilld :,:r. il cL h examiners to choose till' IklllOllst-rnt iOIl Tl'Jllll as Ivell as preparing a \vritten test for ,111 cilTldidate's to take. 1\ l'Olllpl('L('1y 1\('\,) :;c,lectillil shoilld be made this :'a11 0: t e TeeFl; Etint al1e\, so that \vl' don't !,ilVl' ilny pnd>1clll::. It should be stipulated t:iat lear:] ~'kI'1hlrE lT1uEt be full\, certified JI);d 'I member ill i-',dOel standing IVith the AssociaL_oll. Also pllt in the lettc'r that is sellt "l: Lhat resillts "'Illl he final. Spell out \\hat requirements ....,£- Fczcc-utiv(' Committee' Hccl Ill)" ~lillllll':; I()/I(,//(j Paze 3 art l' cz p c' c t L'd . Pili I 1- l' 1 tall l ',.1 l l' illil :i I j( )I , I d 1)1' 1) i (' " I'" I'; I (' il Y l' a r . Study shoilld he made :)f tIle cxpeclat ions 01 the j)c'llIonst,;lL ion Tl';IIII. fvlolioll: l'kthods of Et'll'clinn ;l1ld 1I1('t. 1,(,(I;: oL I.I'c'rirll', Y('('ords shoilid he to tilc discretion or the COlllllliltl'C' (,i,lil'll('11 el,I' ;I,'ct ((' '1,']'1('1(<11 or the BOD (Lorl'l1Z-)Ul1l'S). I-\ntion carricu. l'l'pi Stl'i)',ler - Pllii talked to Bill L;l;:!J to ! ;:,,! I';!: i I tllese people arc cerLified. 1'SJ/\ ]'l'cciv('s notice from !\llstrialJ :;y:;l0111 cilll V(';lJ' I,Jjell their certified people' on it. S!:l'igll'r is c('rtified; com111ll llicalion:" ;Ir(' Li;';'! Ill'. Bill felt it \vas safe tn ':0 ahead \,Jiti, SLI'il',lc'r's ccrtificatioll "itll IS']J\. !:LII! l'1'i('rtained ;] motion that Ie rc allmved to \,Jrite' Pc'pi a letter jndicnlillg til;:!: ill' had Iwell acccpted as a member and exrlain hhv \Il' ildd suc!, a delay in accepting I'Llll How \'JOltc! t"e' Sllll Valley people get traLsierred into llie' Associ:Jtion? We s11Ou1<1 seL 'ip some liJ,I\ oi transferring these people into our clivj",ion. He cOllld change tile hv!aws or mal,,(, it a ,'111C'cific ,.,lay of doing it. Clark \,'ondl'rcd what the other divisions tiid, l~Llrk c;;:ici il,' ,liould find out what the others dll in regard to this probll'lil. ELLics (ommittee - TI~(' problcm 1'11'1'''1'11' illtL'r'''pti'll' 11l(,(,tings was discllssed and some Sllrt Il[ solution should be COII1l' lip \vith, ]'1'II:;\p:; il 1('Ltvr to K. Smith should be sent 0\'1'1' t:II' ROD's signature. Thioi \liaS inc]ndl'd in Lhe I1l('l'Ling of the BOD on Sept. 20. Lll'l fclt Ive should write a letter to tLe elf",'1 tllal tl'e BOD felt K. Smith's conduct ;-It t he Seminar was non-professional in tilE-' r,n iii (, [ D u'soll1tion that if conduct of ti J S nature continues some action llii 1'1 he Lilk"f1. (l,nl was given direction to do t'j},s. Examiners Clinic - will be held Deccllliwr 6-7 ;ll~ Park City, weather permitting. PNSI!\ Examiners Clinic at Mt. Hood in Novemher aro'll1d the'15th. Disc,lssion held. Mot ion: Tliat \vl' scnd LOll Lort'nz to 1 ill' I'NSli\ )<;";;1I1Iil1(,1'8 Clinic and pay his air fAre, lodging ;1i1el fooel l'XPl'IlSl'S (J()11l'S-r.111)(!Il('r~I). i'lntion carried. That ,liE' sel1d the President to the I{MST,\ SI'11linar and that we pav his travel and loclging expensL's (L('l'I'llz-Larscll). Hotioll carried. Clark SAid he had a !\Ian call reg:Jrding /\l1stri;1l1 Pl'(;1l1c applying for jobs with Sun Villle\,. He felt that they should not he alllnvc,l tu lill positions that American in-structors can fill. Discussion was 11cld. ~ldx fclt- t:at we needed a reasonable policy rogdrding this, but at this time IvC cOIIId not lakE' n position. Motion: Tl:at meeting adjourn., (Jones-Pond) 1'j(l/ ion carried. I-\el'ting was adjollrned at 11:50 P,f'i u ,.~ - '1,:\' " ;. ). INTERrl,('I~JNT AIN S~(~ Ir~STRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Tl': Execut ivl' Commit tee; ,';.'1 ,1\. FROM: Clark T. P,lrkinsun, Pn,,;,deni": SUBJECT: President I s I{epo,:t Mike Wilson, I.S.I.A. Reprt's,'nt,'~1 ive ti) r.~~.i\., and I traveled to Idaho Pillls and attended the I.S.·\. nOilnl fI,·".lng. T.· plll'pO;;C of my trip was for me to become acquainted with the lI(lal'~ ,lIld to t' ,I'll"'.'. !Tly interest in the I.S.A. arid to determine if there Here any fl),\';}S in which the two organizations could cooperate in activities uf lllutlL:1 intcl"'s!. J're:;iJcnt Wes Deist suggested that the ski instructors :;1':11 IilC!11h('i ,,', i :'S f 01/ "~~ .1\., emd I suggested that we concentrate on selling meHll'er~;l;ips j'(' the in: ITII,'cors throu[jh the ski schools. I indicated that I would discu:,~'. \,i; Ii the ,'{NIl/ Ivp Committee of I.S.I.A. and the Board methods of implem(,lItini~ ,',,; lel'sl,ir ~"l;lS to I.S.I.A. members. Letters of thanLs were sent j p t!l(~ PO!l(~"l'OS;l lnn management and staff and to Lex ~unau and Harold Stanger il' the l'J.,:,ir\f'nt thanking them for their efforts durinE the Fall Seminar. Lcttf'J' wel.e S(i1( t(, Ke:ith Lange, Bill Hash.ins, and Bob Bybee thanking tllem fOt' tj,pi, Sf't'viu';>o LeLters were sent by Dave Parkinson, former Secretary, to tho:;e jn Ii" Uilfuls dOll;din:~ ~ifts to our Fall Seminar. 1';ary Ellen Parkin<;on forwarded lel I. ~, J .]1. (:;,['(1:;, ,IOU pins to John Herbert and Sverre Engen. All Ski Instructors Division:', 1'.',.1.,\., imel ski publications were notified of the chanEe of officers and J',,'\! 11)(1' hers (.j the Board. Secretary, Ed Pond, forwarded a credentials lettel I') <itl r.I<%1)e)'5 \JbObe dues are not paid, giving them until December 1st to pay t hpiJ (llles alld late fine. Keith Lange was invi ted to the f)cCf'ml>Cl' Ho,lrrl Veeting, and Dave Parkinson has gone ahead and purchased a 1,1"11''-- and had it cllLraved to show our appreciation t 0 K e it h for his s e rv i (' e <, v .' r !' 'n yea r ;: • CTP: Id Rpspectfully submitted, " /1 ( / / , ',j./ I) i:larl: T. Parkinson P r f', S idf'l: t INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION TO: Executive Committee I.S.I.A. FROM: Clark T. Parkinson, President SUBJECT: President's Report October 16, 1970 Intermountain Division, U.S.S.A. Meeting, October 3 Mike Wilson, I.S.I.A. Representative to I.S.A., and I traveled to Idaho Falls and attended the I.S.A. Board Meeting. The purpose of my trip was for me to become acquainted with the Board and to express my interest in the I.S.A. and to determine if there were any areas in which the two organizations could cooperate in activities of mutual interest. President Wes Deist suggested that the ski instructors sell memberships for I.S.A., and I suggested that we concentrate on selling memberships to the instructors through the ski schools. I indicated that I would discuss with the Executive Committee of I.S.I.A. and the Board methods of implementing membership sales to I.S.I.A. members. Old Business, Board Meeting, September 19 Letters of thanks were sent to the Ponderosa Inn management and staff and to Lex Kunau and Harold Stanger from the President thanking them for their efforts during the Fall Seminar. Letters were sent to Keith Lange, Bill Haskins, and Bob Bybee thanking them for their services. Letters were sent by Dave Parkinson, former Secretary, to those individuals donating gifts to our Fall Seminar. Mary Ellen Parkinson forwarded letters, I.D. cards, and pins to John Herbert and Sverre Engen. All Ski Instructors Divisions, P.S.I.A., and ski publications were notified of the change of officers and new members of the Board. Secretary, Ed Pond, forwarded a credentials letter to all members whose dues are not paid, giving them until December 1st to pay their dues and late fine. Keith Lange was invited to the December Board Meeting, and Dave Parkinson has gone ahead and purchased a plaque and had it engraved to show our appreciation to Keith for his service over the years. CTP:ld Respectfully submitted, !,: / j2~C6h Clark T. Parkinson President ~-~~~----~~----------~------~ ------------ I N T E R M 0 U N T A I N 5 K 1 INS T R U C TOR S A. B. C. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA October 16, 1970 President's Report P.S.I.A. /' :'){w-1,{-fmL I LE:7Te e.. F iJof'..1 ex t;.@ s~f i!{) jJfJ /5 L () (. j.1- J t ", ~ p, S, I. tl fl2I2P ~~u LO~~J\.IZ.~/, ~ t, (ll f; (), p. . /, 3 :5/C/ ARTICLE.. v / ) C:r(j cr;.,lL/Pjlf.-'ic!' /;/tHl,::' <1 1.~,I.):j ()OSrnbA/ V d" Y iJ Committees 1. 'j/' Policy Gt::T £:XEC, Cot\AM, APpR{)V~L-ASS 0 C I A T ION 2. (I) rEVIew CDlMlAAl n.?~ A (JPOI""7 rW?NJS; Election and Nomination (") LOU LOj?U,JL SPF<!I i'1L (') (2 GIAND/N"? V) D. Newsletter E. F. ' G. H. 1. Policy - j..f;;;-X kUIVAU / 2. 3. R.M.S .1.A. II-if,iI?~C1'OP 'f't', (i(» A1lV.!e11S'i. Ft')e ~OIT'l\o'2... Next publication ! ,,/ I.S.I.A. Movie - DA~i' CHAPliN 1. 2. Objective: Pi?OIMCTlbJ<iAL., natNlolL,) It) UJl-\~~ ~ kl) wlt?1() Budget - t!OST <' Q) seu IT ? b) e.evr IT ~ Budget ~/ i-I1f-.lAL-,LSIS 0t;::: LAsT 5YRS 2, .. {!CvISIDI'{ -TE'R~Y MO(2.f?f~ ~/ -----.- I. 2 Ethics (-kAY SMli1-I -wHAI TO bo:- sEe 8Y-l...A1IJ-s rt) R~.LLljrv70lJ fPo(,U- j( (r, 8. 0, i), <;:f (,2- i r(J? "1 () -s(.{-t ~"'h\ I J. Niscellaneous 1. Examiners Clinic DIfTE PLAtz ~iif.- lL~J ANNbUN(fflv171O r ~ PDND ______________ _ 2. Travel Expense Policy: TRIf)$ SHOULO ~ 4PPI'.lOl:JC;(J ~y e:lo.'H!, CoV}1M'n?~ of< Bo4fi'D r.el{)fL ~KZ.N ~<>SSIt!:£Z M13~'TS Of."7TAI~ sHooL./> ~ CoAlSirJ'if~YJ P.N.S. I .A. Examiners Cl inic ~ /""'00 L.ol?rtV ~ q-) i){l'f )roV~) .' ~ J S::tt Sun Valley Symposium 3. U.S. Department of Labor--Manpower Administration ..t..,.:::-< ( y l~'l..,,· PIP PSIA SKI INSURANCE PLAN PSIA INSURANCE MANAGERS J & A I nsurance Associates October 23, 1970 Box 20067 Billings, Montano 59102 Phone 14061 245-6616 TO: Members & Non-Members of PSIA Gentlemen: This letter is to announce that the PSIA Ski School Insurance Program continues to prove a resounding success. We have great news for the 1970-71 Ski Season! Because of the continued good claims experience and the cooperation of the PSIA Ski Schools, we are able to continue the low premium rates we enjoyed last year. The insurance covers both the ski school and the instructors individually. The contract provides not only liability coverage for claims that may arise in the course of teaching skiing, but also provides premises liability coverage for the ski school office, and areas you may occupy temporarily such as a booth at a ski show. The very low premium rates can save ski schools hundreds of dollars. We urge the schools who are not presently under this program to check out the enclosed rates against what you now have. It could mean many dollars saved. The program, which is underwritten by one of the largest national insurance companies, is not mandatory for PSIA members; however, the more schools that subscribe, the larger the spread of risk. This will help to stabilize the market and assure the program for the future. The program is available only to PSIA member ski schools. If your school is not a member, it will pay to join now. Request a membership application from our office when you send in your insurance application. A great deal of underwriting credit has been given by the insurance company to the fact that PSIA strives to promote professional, well-managed ski school operations. The ski season is approaching fast; the time to act on this is now! out the enclosed application and return as soon as possible. Do not tate to contact us if you will have any questions about the program. erous ski schools discovered they can enjoy large premium savings by insuring in the PSIA plan • • • It pays to belong to PSIA. Best wishes for a successful ski season, PSIA SKI INSURANCE PROCESSING OFFICE ~a~ JTL/ms ~-------------------- - Fill hesiNum- II INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Mr. E. Glenn Evans 480 Washington Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Dear Glenn: October 23, 1970 Re: Credentials Committee I appreciate very much your accepting the job as Chairman of the Credentials Committee. As I indicated on the phone, our Executive Secretary will handle the mechanics, and all that you will be required to do would be to make sure that registered letters are sent and that the Credentials Policy be adhered to. I have attached my report of October 24, 1969, to the Board of Directors who approved the report in total, which I think we can use as a basis for the Credentials Policy. One item we discussed that requires immediate attention would be to poll the other Divisions regarding their policy on transferring Certified foreign instructors into their Division. I have attached a list of the Division Presidents, and I would appreciate your contacting them. Based on their response, we will be able to make a recommendation to the Board on what our policy should be and whether the Bylaws will need to be changed. Another problem that we have had for quite some time is trying to determine if a person attends the Sun Valley Symposium. If they do, of course, this will satisfy their Clinic requirements with I.S.I.A. However, there are many instructors on our roster who we are not sure still work at Sun Valley, and perhaps you can discuss this problem with Jack Colven and see if Sigi Engl could provide us with some sort of list of those who attend so that we can use it as a check off for Clinic requirements. If you need any help on these two items, please feel free to get in touch. Again, thank you, and we will see you at the Board Meeting in December. CTP:ld Attachments Sincerely, _/f;;h~k Cla~T. Parkinson President -- ''"-'-- TO: FROM: PROFESSIONAL SKI INSTRUCTORS OF AMERICA, INC. 1801 York Street Denver, Colorado 80206 Telephone: (303) 322-0041 October 23, 1970 PSIA Board of Directors Divisional Ski Instructor Associations Other interested parties Willy Schaeffler, President This letter is to advise you of the status of the Professional Ski Instructors of America, Inc. and to try to keep you up to date as to what has transpired since the Board of Directors meeting on September 19-20, 1970. The last vJeek in September Hank Emery, Pat SI'Jenson and myself met at 1801 York Street in Denver where we decided to rent an office for $200.00 a month. The office is located in the same complex as Summit Films, Ski Racing, Skiers Gazette and other ski related businesses. We have one very large room that allows for expansion and if need be, a meeting room. After renting the office we went and met with Charles Novak, President of South Denver National Bank. Hr. Novak agreed to act as Trus tee of the PSIA until such time our / belongings I'Jere released in Sal-y Lake City. Wi thin a week, the Rocky Mountain division sent in $7,170.00 and~acific Northwest division sent in $4,880.00, this provided the funds so that we were able to pay Quality Press the past due amount due them for manuals and printing in the amount of $6,796.82. Our Trustee, Mr. Novak, sent payment to Quality Press's bank in Salt Lake City. As soon as this I'Jas accomplished the District Court of Salt Lake County released PSIA's property under attachment and issued a Satisfaction of Judgment. We paid oUr outstanding telephone bill in Salt Lake City in the amount of $409.50, paid for office rent and rented some office equipment. As soon as our property was released in Utah, arrangements were made with Hadley Transfer and Storage to ship our belongings to Denver. The truck arrived today, October 23, 1970. The shippinc] and stoY'age fees amount to $561.27. After paying the above mentioned accounts payable, our Trus;tee transferred to our acco~nt $3,536.41. Today we received dues from the~ar West division in the amount of $2,050.00 resulting in a PSIA checking account balance of $5,586.41. I feel one of our most important obligations at this time is to pay our creditors. Most of them have been very patient and understanding. We have approximately $4,400.00 in outstanding bills that must be taken care of immediately. Therefore, I urge each di_'v'i~io~!~_c2gpeT_a_te_ailAup.9y __ d_ues_~_s _~~Q~.il_s_"pQss i b~. An .itemi zati on of our long over-due bills were listed in the minutes of the meeting held in Denver. ,, i ,I " . PS IA report -2- October 23, 1970 I have been able to get Bill Lash1s cooperation in helping with the shipment of all of our property from Salt Lake City to Denver. He has consented to come to Denver and spend a day with Pat Swenson and help with the establishment of the new office. Louis Tannebaum, public accountant, has certain accounting records and data that he has obtained from Bill Lash and Hadley Transfer and Storage. Mr. Tannebaum will close the books for the PSIA and ship them to Denver. We have been advised that Touche, Ross and Company in Salt Lake City have decided they do not wish to undertake the audit from their office there and recommend that the audit be accomplished in Denver. We will have this done as soon as Mr. Tannebaum has time to complete closing our books in Salt Lake and return them to Denver. Since time is of the essence, it is most important that we try to do something about the 1,400 technical manuals we have on hand as well as arranging for the sale of the new books. We are committed for 3,000 new manuals which were printed by Cowles Publishing Company in New York and are now ready for distribution. I strongly recommend that we ask Bill Lash to help distribute and sell the old and new manuals. No one knows more than Bill, the contacts, problems and other related factors in selling these manuals. We will try to set up this week-end a procedure for ordering, shipping, distributing and billing for the new and old manuals. Bill Lash will have nothing else to do with any function of the PSIA, therefore, I strongly recommend, that if he is willing to do so, that he be encouraged to handle the manuals in an interim period, at least until next April. We hope to be able to have a mailing go out to our general membership within the next few weeks informing them of the status of the PSIA, send out membership cards, order blanks for pins, manuals, etc. I hope this gives you some information as to what is going on. The PSIA is not dead we have just moved to a new launching site. As for myself, I am up to my ears as Alpine Program Director of the US SA and have to work for PSIA after midnight. ._ .. __ ._----- Mr. E. Glenn Evans 480 Washington Pocatello, Idaho 83201 Dear Glenn: October 23, 1970 Re: Credentials Committee I appreciate very much your accepting the job as Chairman of the Credentials Committee. As I indicated on the phone, our Executive Secretary will handle the mechanics, and all that you will be required to do would be to make sure that registered letters are sent and that the Credentials Policy be adhered to. I have attached my report of October 24, 1969, to the Board of Directors who approved the report in total, which I think we can use as a basis for the Credentials Policy. One item we discussed that requires immediate attention would be to poll the other Divisions regarding their policy on transferring Certified foreign instructors into their Division. I have attached a list of the Division Presidents, and I would appreciate your contacting them. Based on their response, we will he able to make a recommendation to the Board on what our policy should be and whether the Bylaws will need to be changed. Another problem that we have had for quite some time is trying to determine if a person attends the Sun Valley Symposium. If they do, of course, this will satisfy their Clinic requirements with I.S.I.A. However, there are many instructors on our roster who we are not sure still work at Sun Valley, and perhaps you can discuss this problem with Jack Colven and see if Sigi Engl could provide us with some sort of list of those who attend so that we can use it as a check off for Clinic requirements. If you need any help on these two items, please feel free to get in touch. Again, thank you, and we will see you at the Board Heeting in December. CTPlld Attachments Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson President Geraldine Price 1134 Ramona Ave. Salt Lake City, Utah Dear Geraldine o : October 24, 1970 ~E: I.S.I.A. dues. Thank you very muc h for y our telephone ocall of October 24, 1970. It appears that we have made a mistake in our records and did not credit you for the dues paid last April. This letter is to ask that you disregard the notice of delinquent dues s ent to you, a.nd accept our apologie s for this error. Thank you for your help in this matter. EJP/bp Very sincerely, EDWIN J. POND Secretary,I.S.I.A. BOARD OF DIRECTORS, P.S. 1.1\ professional ski ill strllctors of america, inc. 209 douglas str"et, p.o. box 7"(i2 salt 10/:1' city, IItlll! .'ill J() alc SO] ,'I.'ir,-,12:1U C'~"~-"~ , j"<~' 'lll~r PAUL VALz\R, RENE FARWIG and DIVISION PHESIDl:N'l'S Gentlemen: Reply to: 1114 Norton Building Seattle, Wa. 98104 October 26, 1970 I am dictating this letter after receivin9 Jimmy Johnston's memo of October 22 C011ccrning tl1c st~tus of rSIA 111allers. Inter-Ski Bidding Attached is a summary of the bids. As I understand the function of the Committee concerning equipment and financing, the decision is to be a collective one of myself and Jimmy Johnston and Jon Putnam. I will be communicating with them today concerning these bids. You can see from a review of the summary that out team will be adequately equipped and that enough money has been contributed to insure that they will go to Europe. "iu UOlt::: 1 LIlt:: U.1:::>o!-'!JUl.llL.Lll'J ;OL-l.U.L l10;:' ~teJ.l ~~lt lCivk vf ir.LL.ti"tsL irl filffl ri~lll.;:,. Presumably this should have been the principal source of funds for our Inter-Ski Team. The main makers of ski films, such as Warren Miller and Summit Films, were not interested. There are two or three possibilities that may involve the PSIA as a producer. That I will fill you in on subsequently. Basically the concept involves raising enough money to have a small, independ~nt company put together a work print of a film and sell it to additional sponsors, based on the quality of the print, I have obtained preliminary commitments from two or three potential sponsors to put up two or three thousand dollars. Nothing firm as yet. There is a hungry, unknown, but very competent film company in Seattle interested in taking a whack at it on this basis. Anything any of you can do in assisting in lining up transportation for our Inter-Ski Team, both to Mt. Hood Meadows at the end of December for a 1 O-day training period I and then on to Europe will be greatly appreciated. I think we are in a position to offer an air carrier film credits I provided we have a film in exchange for tickets. Whatever any of you can do to raise more money will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely I BILL LENIHAN BL/OO -~------ October 27, 1970 SUPPLEMENT TO LETTER TO PSIl\ BOARD OF DIRI~CTORS The Committee on Equipment Clnd rinancing, consisting of Jimmy Johnston, Jon Putnam and myself, unanimously recommend that the following bids be accepted: K-2 Ski Co. Garcia Ski Corp. DeMetre Ski Sweaters Benjamin Harrison Weiss IKS Imports Smith Goggle Co. Cape Ann Mfg. Co. Lange Co. Marco Polo Ski Products Edelweiss Skiwear Skis and poles Bindings Sweaters Gloves Hats Goggles Parkas Boots Down Parkas, shirts and warm-up pants Uniforms I have advised the bidders that we would attempt to furnish them with indication of the bid acceptance and summary of the bids by the 1st of November or therea bouts. If I do not hear from you by the first of next week, November 2, I will deem that as an authorization to proceed to sign supplier agreements with these companies on behalf of PSIA. There is some need of " urgency due to the fact that many of the items involve special manufacturing and there is substantial lead time required. If you have any questions, please call me. Sincerely, rz;::/, <" /? ~" f-""~~" <.:-L.(/ BILL LENIHAN --------- SUMMARY or BIDS Name 1. K-2 SKL CO. Skis Poles 2. GARCIA SKI CORP. 3. Poles Bindings DeMETRE SKI SWEATERS Ski Swea ters Travel Sweaters 4. BENJAMIN HARRISON WEISS, INC. Gloves 5. IKS IMPORTS Poles Hats 6. SIviiTH GOGGLE CC. , J.l'JV. Goggles 7. HEAD SKI CO., INC. Skis, GLM only 8. CAPE ANN MFG CO. Parkas 9. LANGE CO. Boots 10. MARCO POLO SKI PRODUCTS Parkas Parkas Warm-up Pants II. A & T SKI CO. Sirldings 12. SCOTT USA Poles 13. EDELWEISS SKIWEAR DIV. DAY MFG. Uniform Contribution $9,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 1,000.00 100.00 -0- 100.00 50.00 -0- 500.00 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 200.00 -0- -0- Bid Description 22 rair skis, 6 pair GLM skis 12 pa ir 12 pair Allsop 28 pair Marker Also will furnish boots, badge~ etc. for team 12 to be designed 12 to be de signed 12 pair gloves 12 pair 28 Knit Hats (Morrison) 12 Smith Goggles 6 pair GLM Skis 12 Mighty Mac Parkas ($85.00 retail)Parkas for delegates at $42.50 each 12 pair competition 12 Down Parkas 12 Down insulated jack shirts 12 pair Warm-up pants 26 pair Solomon 505 bindings 12 pair poles Verba I commitment to furnish equipment from inventory. Als slacks and blazer. (Time is problem) ----- - ------_.---------- ------- ----- esc ART DEPARTMENT 218-755-2950 M1<, ED \PDf\) D 4-0(..;, E'l\ S"(r;-Sf) BEMIDJI STATE COLLEGE SA CT J-AK C C \ 71.( U 11::\ r-r-- I BEMIDJI, MINNESOTA 56601 L.<.;? PV 0 C- T7-1 c::- E:'~rl/' l It'\ VTtA/ D F3 L() C: ? I AI S" A f...( () ~<-Eq)0t:51 Trl1'\T r1!\v S"'''ITGS" rfSe- ~A/.)~Ft-7<G-f) '-rt, I AJT1~7<-/IA [) c~ I\) 7'1\. \ ,0 ;; i IlJ c.c.-: ,!., ()J AS srr I L-L A..,pJ /\c:r, c,; t::' I-tH= M 16 C,'R-· ~,. it!\ l,) <;'/7\ '-;.-1 I /,J (11(.0;0 TAJ0 f\ UJ,L\s' cS:)N L_' -r' It::]t,\ f DffA f<~"; , 7~ f·tl\ lJ C' /V ~f- 12 t: ( f i () (: I) AtJ ,-' 1=(') ~ .lIt Ii c_ ;Nt-(V~ ,/11 Ii Tl t) AJ <""'.l! ;:" ""'1~'.. ;'--:-IoV' -,- I '--"'" -.~ t '\ PL "I,. ,':> __ {_', ----,-"-\:::/ '-.', L f\Vli " /v\C1Ilt::)CI<'. t't,· (;(;,rj AcSSt'('IA-7--1 0A..)S. /\ L.L T \(7-/'A,r0T ! s:r.:c,fC.. I N rc~(u O~)~')-;-AJ,v "fl) A.C:CC:~PT fv\ \{ <;7?\-'r l:' S l0 iTt1 ~I !? M 5'1/\ A ,\,j (.) tv \ \( /il'\Lrvt (3 eR. S'H I P v~ ,r1-/ J 51 1\ c t; L', Paul Valar: President WalrerGraf, Vice President Paula 'K. Valar, Treasurer l f/Jaul C29~Jols, !JI1C. FRANCONIA, NEW HAMPSHIRE 03580 .. Tel. 603-823-5536 t'e 10be/1. 27, Ij,/,U. Franconia Sid Sunapee S~i Mittersill S~i School Mrs. Mary Ellen Parkinson DuNac, Inc. 65 \~ est Fourth South Salt Lake City, Utah 84101 Dear Nary Ellen I October 28, 1970 ReI Max'..- Ring Attached is an invoice which is charged to my account for Max's ring. please draw them a check. Also write checks on all outstanding bills. Dave Larsen is going to close the books out up to 10-31. We want everything outstanding up to that date paid. CTP: ld Attachment Sincerely, -!p Clark T. Parkinson President , I,I I. I STREET AOORESS CITY AND STATE SH IP TO CITY .... NO STATE WATCHE~ ENGaAVING JEWElRY AND WATCH REPAIRING DIAMONDS TROPHIES -Q 104893 CONTRACT .~ "EVERSIE SIDlE WI'I[N o WILL CALLI MAIL CASH I C.O. D. I c~ 1°M 4CCT ·It.40SIE .... I.T·I"AIO DUT il C!fIEDIT MI.MO / '\ OE,SCRIPT/ON CODE PRICE AMOUNT I IrA,., lj'O , (J /0J . 01 S.C. lotto OINJ. • 'f) .D3 ,s.C. flP fla.ci( (j . . • • • . .' '" • THIS /wP . to KlRO\ASf: TOTAL TERMS OLO fEO. HO. Of PA Yt.4 ENTS BALJrHCE TAX , TOTAL STATE 2 S/ MONTHLY PAYMENTS COHTRACT TAX LESS OOWN SUB '711· :./ PAYMENTS TO BEGIN PAYMDlT TOTAL TIME OUE OATE EACH MO . MISC. PR ICE ,. Olff. OJNTRACT . 17'1· ~[ BALANCE TOTAL OUE RE C 0 By ®. Hr. Hax Lundberg Alta Ski Lifts Alta, Utah 84070 Dear Hax: October 29, 1970 Re a Demonstration Team In revising Dave Larsen's original budget, we would like to make provisions for your committee. You mentioned that you would like uniforms for the team. Could you between now and November 15th try to determine the amount of money you will need for this and let me know. Appreciate your help. CTP:ld CCI Ed Pond Mary Ellen Parkinson Sincerely, Clark T. Parkinson Preaident |