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Show NOTE-O-tsRAM® ~ © ~HE DRAWING BOARD. BOX 505 : DALLAS, TEXAS INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION MESSAGE TO I~r. Lou Lorenz L DATE January 1'7, 1966 Dear Lou: Ple.~,se find enclosed the minutes you requested. I also forwarded a copy to Craig. The revisions in the Technical Definitions and Finished Form definitions which were announced by Paul Valar at the examiners clinic are reaqy to be issued to the Examiners and Ski School Directors. Bill Lash requested we clear this release with him. Would you plepse clear this with Bill. I asked Wooqy about the ski school directors ~mmittee minute~ and he did not remember only that ~. Bounous was elected chairman. Illl write Sid. I agree that the minutes require better editing which I will do on the next set. lIve been so darned busy I don't know which end is up. "\<le Ire real busy in the ski school - NEEDED: CERTIFIED INSTRUCTORS111 • REPLY DATE -~cA~OOR ___________________ _ (1~" tiA IJ &)~'. / , ~ -:.-.:c-;".-r fo"lo1 "i 'If;t~ AJ-n-<7'-£" ~ .(/4...{'. / .,a"/(' . .-J -... I~ k( l!.i " zt~ 6'~.n:>9"', ::/ ~ d'~ je~\ 2. 7 hn ~~ .~ -.(;d ~/ A;.d-v4- ~ /Ivi .t-;.J?6'?v'J / Jf'V _ ~~/!...-/ ~~ , ~ t-;;le r: <M,( "fw. / .y ) =,~.k P .. ~ .4'Ii. ...i'/I"'~ ~~ /~~ .....,., t/l'.,j: / ~ ....<4~ ~ ct • if;. /1'>U·") ) '),/.JJ'I ~ /~ .c/41(. :;:?' A:~ ./.Z4 1 /fu.t~ .~ .... ~ /,,6 /I-'j) Af.~ 4L~ c~ ) ~ . #zh... -:J ~ 4':.-w-~e '/u;--.---..r )tN /-/J .,uu<,-~/ _-/..oJI-V.C, <J 8'$~ ~~ ::>"'_. ;J;.~ /I'JAlf{~I'-?~n.r''' t1A"~ .d ~ /~.:~ /7/. 4£ /lwf 'J,~ ~.;-/ ?~ ~ .~ _& ~ ... 4~/ ~ • ...,L M.,j'-.r' :?/~~, . •. 1,;1~6< .~tJ~ .. ~...,.. /,1.c";J(" .a/f!. ~ I " ...... "- .. ~~. J ~ . [ ~lorado / ,~ ,/ y~ I /~'> -X'Z-j /o~ //~ ~~_ _ eLKTIFJ!:!) SKI 'fL\CHIR INTERMOUNTAIX SKI ASSOCIAT10l'\ INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION TO: Members, I. S. I. A. FROM: Lou Lorenz, President 2010 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 January 28, 1966 A serious need for more well trained certified ski teachers is evident throughout the entire intermountain area. At present mid-season, this need is more evident than ever. Most ski schools are actually turning away business for lack of qualified teachers. More teachers must be trained and certified, if as professionals we are to keep up with the growth of the sport. The primary purpose of ISlA is to examine and certify ski instructors. It is the aim of the association to make these exams readily available and convenient to the candidates. The chief examiners job of scheduling exams is at best a monumental task. Members of the association can help the certification committee if they will advertise the fact that examinations can be held at any reasonable time or place. However, the candidates must submit an application and check for the exam fee before an exam can be scheduled. The next time someone asks, IIWhen is the next exam?" Reply by asking, liDo you have your application in to the chief examiner'l" If an individual or less than eight individuals wish to be examined, make your application and specify the general area, the preferred dates, and times when not available. (Example: Place: Any Salt Lake area. Date: Any Sunday during March. Cannot attend weekday exam. To date ISlA has examined 18 candidates at Sun Valley, 8 at Alta, and 10 are scheduled for Solitude. Work through your area certification representative (list enclosed) ski school director or Don Rhinehart to reserve a place and date for examination of candidates that you may be helping to prepare for examination. The Annual ISlA Clinic will be held this year April 22, 23, 24, 1966. Make your plans now, so that you will be able to attend. Better yet, contact Adrien Segil, Clinic Chairman, and ask him what you can do to help make this 16th Annual Convention the most profitable ever. Your clinic chairman is contacting as many members as possible asking for their suggestions for the clinic. He would appreciate your suggestions now, not after the clinic, please. Enclosed is a copy of the U. S. Forest Service Intermountain Directory. A welldone, informative booklet that contains a very good promotional effort for certified professional instruction, and includes pictures of several ISlA members. To associate members and certified members who do not belong to PSIA, enclosed is a copy of Vol. I No. I Pro Magazine. This pUblication is directed to the "pro" who is interested in the profession. Articles in the Pro will be of a technical nature not found in the national ski publications. Non PSIA members should find a subscription to this publication rewarding. ----- -------- ISlA Membership Page 2 January 28, 1966 A list of Officers, Board members, and area certification representatives is enclosed. Please feel free to contact any of these people if you have suggestions or questions pertinent to any phase of the associations' activities. Please pay particular attention to the enclosed corrections to the minutes, B.O.D. Meeting, October 2-3,1965. Sincerely yours, ~~e~ Intermountain Ski Instructors Assn. LL:mep Enclosures CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SJ(1 ASSOGATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 2010 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 February 1, 1966 TO: ISlA Members, Institutions conducting recreational ski instruction programs. FROM: Lou Lorenz, President, I.S.I.A. SUBJECT: Ski Mechanics Lecture and World Ski Techniques Movie In the interest of helping ski teachers in the Utah areas become better informed, the I.S.I.A. is sponsoring a lecture: !IBrandenburger 1s Ski Mechanicsl1 Translated and edited by the P.S.I.A. Technical Corrnnittee Presented by: Bill Lash, President, P.S.I.A. A movie: World Ski Techniques - produced by Hart Ski Company Filmed at the 7th International Ski School Congress, Badgastein, Austria, 1965. The time: Thursday, February 10, 1966, 8:00 p.m. The place: Lafayette Ballroom, Mezannine Floor, Hotel Utah All members of ISlA, trainee instructors, and instructors participating in institutional and recreation ski programs are urged to attend. There will be no charge for admission. Sincerely yours, oCb-£L~~ Lou Lorenz, President Intermountain Ski Instructors Association !-.... '; Mr • . Dob Zeigler, Secrotary 6811 South Mcadow Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 February 4, 1966 Interwountain Ski Instructors Association 432 North 2nd Ueat Logan, Utah 34321 Deer Bobr You have been in contnct with Paul and ilave received the final chan~es to the A~r1can Ski Technique. I would ou~se$t that you ~o ahend and pubUcize this to the sid schooh and the examiners In the InterU',ountain Ski Instructors Associ3tlon. \.fa ·hnve been reluctnnt to let · this out bnc3uIJo of possible errors. So if it i.e sent out - qualify it - and aay there l!Iay be minor ndjustmentD or ch 'lO~es. In discussing the chances tilth Jltr.r:ly Johnston the other day it becomes Qvident thclt there Illisht be :tome m!nor changes in wording_ This w111 not change the If.caning or intent, but ~Rain qunl1fy it and say thOlt this could very \lell not be tlla exact manner in vhlch thcge chan&cs wll1 be : presented into the . ncw book. I would further qualify Olny usa C)f these ch.mgos becauso they \1111 not bo l!'Iade readily c\Td lable to Qvp-ryone. In other words. sone people tdr,ht have .wA11nble the 11C,", chllnRcs ~rlor · to the examlnl1t!on and other people will n~t. Sornake it ~ matter of information only. It will not bccoPe actually official until the ~econd edition Is f,ublhhed. . \ Plensc excuse the . delay in ans,.,cring your las:t letter concerninc your questions ahout ski school operation. I viii try to ~et around to an.waring them within the ·noxt , fo" days. The delay 15; not intp.ntion~ l. I .am Just .hchind In my correspondence. I hope things arc goin~ \/'ell for you. ~p.eing you Roon. fiL/lt cc - Paul V"lar Lou Lorenz Jlr.:r::y Johnston I will be looking forward to Sincerely .. : . .".. ' ~" ( .: ~ .... ." ~\ ~ " ~."". .. ' "': ., , ,(\-0' ....... nill Lash, President .. _,- - - -- -------- I ( f I< T HrD ~KJ JL V 1/1 R 'I " ·:n.llMOl 'f'. I AI" ~ ' KT 5SfX':'IA'II' ).', I T TAIN SKI IN T UCTO SOCI L. _ _ _ - - 432 North .2n4 Ve Loian, Utah 84321 J nuar,r 25, 1966 . Mr. Bill Lall , Presi PI. SoI.,!. 68ll S0uth ·eado Drive SEllt Lake City, Utah 8Un ar Billz EnclOH are the preliJli~ chall&ee to the American Sld Tecbn1que which ,i.re announce 'b7 Paul Valu. Paul revieW! thea from .., note. Gd had them retype • • V. "queet authorization to i88ue t.bu to the 1.8.1 examiner. and sld school 4inactore. BZ/a Incl. a/e c: L. Lorenz D. Rhinehart Sincerely, I.S.X". Mr. Walter Schluter ilIrofUimeor Ski SohNi I1~er Coler. Sprin&8. Color .. hJ2 Nortb 2nd West Logan, ilta h 8L321 February 5 J 1966 It sounds like your ski school is going greatl ~ath raga ..... to your problem that you iot into in I.S. I.A., I .re..ferrecl your letter to lion Rhinehart, Certification Chairman. He aJVljor his committee WQuli have to make any decisions or rul.inge on talcina certitiGal;.ion uams in ~.~).I.ji.. It -would he "S(!' op:Udon, and that is all it is, that the cause, n~ualificatioo of Candidates" (page 2) of the enclo&eci Certifica.tion ~'olia,. m;,;;;l prohibit you from tald.DI an exam .from I.r.I.,A. in that you are not a resident or working in the Division. Wit.h regard. to your rsquesli fQr a 'Soarcl hearing, no annotUlC_nt has been .de of a. 'Board. meetina prior to Spring Clinic in April. Leu Lorenz, Presilllent of I.~~.I.li. 'Would hale tl,) make this ruling. Here again I have forwarded a copy ot yow letter to hiJA. He J!4Iq or 1'lJItq DOt call a meeting prior to Spring Cl1ni.e. I am pro_b17 not aware ot all the aspects of your ea .. ; hOlle'Yer, I would l1.ke to suggest that yO\\ uncI.reo certification tn Rocky Mountain Ski Instructors Association. I regret. that I can't Gireertly reN1.,. your NQU8ets, however, I will certainly assist in eveI7 way I can. Sincerely, BZ/· Encl. Co,," ot Certification Policy ... 1965-66 CCt ~ Lorenz, President Don Rhinehart, V. Pre •• ,/Certitication Chail'llSll . .... z -[] I- «u- [] m m « m ~ [] IU :::J ~ Im z -- ~ m z- . ~ Z :::J [] l: ~I I.LI I- Z ( , ~ ", ~..1~~ " oz.. ~ ~ )~ ~ ~ 1~ ~ ~ I I :~ "~i~ ~ , 1\ ~,~~ " ~~~ ~,~ ~\\~ ~ ~~~ ~{'~A) ~.~ ~ Cl at. Paul. 1I1nua0ta 5510& 1010 w •• t lorth T.mpl. Salt Lak. Clty. Ut.h 84111 r.b. 18.. 1966 Thi. 1. to .okDowle4,. reoelpt ot a pa1r ot Hart Ja?elin aki8, r.o.i?ed oompli.-ntl ot your oo.~l I thank 10u ?ery .ugh and assur. you that th.y will b. Uled in Jay Ild. lohool and wtnotor ••• ooi.tion dutl... In the Dr.it tl_ I ha? u.ed. the Dew J.?lill. I t •• l that the1 .r. a superior produot • ... y I take thl. opportua.1ty to oo..-.ld Bart lid '01lpRJ11 for th.lr .ttort. in the prollOtioD '1I"'l"ot.,.lo_1 ski In.truotl... !be Whlte a.d,. tllM aD' the lDter.kl flla are both edu •• t10_1 •• pro_tlo_l, •• _11 •• 1004 •• t.rta1aaent. Your .d .... rtl.1A' pollol" 1a 00.801;1011. wi ta •• rtltled 1aatrHtlon 1. ot ato14 nl'l. in OOlly.Jla& our ."ac. ., Iti ".ia -7 I tJraaak ;reu ter Tentr ••• peration with our prot ••• loa •• • _.1. .... for t.y.r. to". .. 1acll viciual •• Sla •• r.l,.. (~"(.J (C,f';:,-L/r2 2o/CJ t.,..-,:::a,:- A/(!)Ii?/~ /~"v-/nC/: v/';6Ic T ~. -9~€ C'/'?-Y. c:~./~/',<' ~~~c'{-c;z /~~- P 4~·/.-:f<,a-/ r6. O$? /~7 --;:) /- .. /".." , ~, "/?c;:;¥"''''-C!J!+-' /h~ """7 /ir"u~~. ~ ~£"?' . .6P'7' Crh QA""" ~e7 C'"","'e ?U"'7"~"""'~ ~.~;?C.~,-<? C'"r" ~~<' ?-?7~ // ;v"'"' (.:/r~,,£.. ,/'?aw.;'"?a/;:; ~r.P~/~ a--",;>~ a"~7C/ ~~ec- Q.--?C' 4-Cf" A04,/ hc>-.#-("'" CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I NTl:RMOUNTl\IN SKI ASS(XIATION TO: FR01'1: INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION February 28, 1966 Attencees, Fall Examiners Clinic Bob Zeigler, cecretary, I.S.I.A. Enclosed are the Preliminary Changes to the American Ski Technique which were reviewed by Paul Valar at the Fall Examiners Clinic. Please note that these are tentative and that there may well be minor changes prior to revising the book. These changes should be used with discretion since they are not available to everyone. Please excuse the extended delay, however, it was necessary to have Paul Valar review them and to obtain P.S.I.A. approval of their issuance. Very truly yours, df;tui~ Bob Zeigler, Secretary PRELIM INARY CHANGES TO AMERICAN SKI TECHNIQUE The following are the preliminary revised definitions of "The Official American Ski Technique" as announced by Paul Valar, Chairman, Technical Coordinating Committee. NOTE: This information should be disseminated only with the ski school directors or examiners personal clarifications. SKI TECHNICAL DEFINITIONS 1. Turning: A change in direction from a straight line. 2. Initiation of Turns: (a) Stemming (placing one ski at an angle to direction of decent and transferring the weight) . (b) Hopping (complete unweighting and abrupt displacement of the skis) : (c) A forward or backward lean in the traverse. (d) A circular motion of the body (counter rotation or totation)'. (e) Stepping around. 3. 1!..P-unweighting: 'reduction of the skier's weight on the snow. Up-unweighting is used to release edges and displace skis. 4. Upper ski, lower ski: This refers to ski position in the traverse. 5. Natural motion, Total motion: All exercises used in ski teaching should be done with a total and continuous motion. 6. Outside ski: The ski describing the outside arc of a turn. 7. Inside ski: The ski describing the inside arc of a turn. 8. Unweighting: The reduction or elimination of the skier's weight against the snow. 9. l'ypes of Unweighting: (a) Up-motion - a quick extension of the body upward; an extreme lift will cause a hop. (b) Down-motion - a dropping of the body by quickly and simutaneously bending at the knees, ankles and wa ist. (c) Use of terrain. 10. Fall-line: The shortest line down a slope or the line a freely moving body would follow if influenced only by gravity. 11. Heelthrust: Implies the displacement of the skis with the turning point near the front of the skis. 12. Rotary Heelthrust: The result of counter rotation from a high body position by downunweighting. 13. Leverage: Accentuated, temporary forward lean. -t.- 14. Counter Motion: Motion around the vertical axis of the body opposite the direction of the turn. 15. Counter Rotation: A quick turning motion of one part of the body results in a counteraction in another part of the body. 16. Rising Motion: Relatively slow rising I resulting in change of edge position - it is not used for the purpose of unweighting - it in fact increases the weighting of the ski. 17. Angulation (comma): This is the leaning away from the slope with the upper-bcxty in a traverse or toward the outside of a turn. The knees and hips move toward the slope which controls the bite of the edges. 18. Forces used in the change of direction: (a) Deflecting force resistance from the side - snow resistance (friction). (b) Gravitational force (weight) (c) Muscular force: (balance) (d) Turning force: is controlled by forward or backward lean from traverse I movipg one ski at an angle to direction of descent I transferring weight I rotation and· counterrotation I leverage. 19. Short swing (Wedeln): Consecutive parallel christies without traverse I using angulation and pole-plant. When properly executed the shortswing gives good control even on steep slopes. Also a playful execution of consecutive parallel turns without traverse or appreciable angulation. 20. Method: The procedure or way of teaching: the manner used in arriving at the finished technical forms. 21. Snowplow: The stemming of both skis at the same time at equal angles. 22. Stem turn: The stemming and progressive weighting of one ski produCing a turn. 23. Stem Christie: A christie turn initiated by stemming one ski. 24. Parallel christie: A turn executed with both feet together and parallel at all times. 25. Rotation: A motion around the vertical axis of the body in the direction of the turn. 26. Backward Lean: Body position plaCing the center of gravity of the skier behind the heels. 27. Traverse: Descent at an angle to the fall-line. - 28. Edge Control: The control of the angle of the running surface to the skis to the slope either flat or edged. 29. Ski Position: Relative position of one ski to the other; closed, opened, stemmed or advanced. 30. Steering action: To maneuver by: (a) ski position and weight transfer, (b) leverage. -j~ 31. Technique: a) The manner in which technical details are treated or used in accomplishing a desired aim. b) A ski teaching system. 32. Sinking motion: A slow down-motion used as a preparation for an up or ris ing motion. 33. Forward Lean; A body position placing the center of gravity of the skier ahead of the ball of the foot. 34. Weight transfer: Moving the weight toward one ski. 35. Camber: a) side curve in ski design from tip to tail b) bottom DEFINITIONS: THE FINISHED TECHNICAL FORMS Straight Running (Finished Form Definition - FFD): Skis are flat and together, weight is equally distributed I ankles I knees and torso are slightly flexed. The body is perpendicular to the skis at all times. Stra ight Snowglow (FFD): Tails of the skis are displaced at equal angles from the fallline. Tips are together, surface of the skis are at right, lateral angles to lower legs. Snowplow Turn (FFD): From the Stra ight Snowplow, more weight is transferred toward one ski which becomes the outside ski of the turn. Upper body angles over weighted ski as the outside shoulder comes slightly back. Traverse (FFD): Crossing the slope, the up-hill ski, hip and shoulder are slightly advanced. Skis are together, more weight is on the lower ski. The edges are controlled by angulation. Stem Turn (FFD): From the traverse, the up-hill ski is stemmed, eliminating the traverse position. Weight is gradually transferred to the stemmed ski as the upper-body is angled over weighted ski I the outside shoulder moves slightly back. After change of direction, traverse is resumed. Forward Sideslip (FFD): From the traverse, the sideslipping is started with an up-motion. This decreases angulation and releases edges. Christie Up-Hill (FFD): From the traverse the turn is started with forward up-motion and turning of the skis. A sinking motion completes the arc of the turn. The skier rises to a new traverse. Stem Christie (FFD): From the traverse I the up-hill ski is stemmed with an accompanying down motion. With an up-motion the weight is transferred to the stemmed, outside ski. The inside ski is advanced and brought parallel as the skis enter the Christie phase. The body assumes angulation as the outside shoulder is brought gradually back. A sinking motion completes the arc of the turn. The skier rises to a new traverse. Parallel (FFD): From the traverse I the turn is approached with a down motion. With an up-forward motion and counterrotation the wif;light is transferred to the outside ski, the edges are changed and the inside ski is advanced. A sinking motion completes the arc of the turn, the skier rises to a new traverse. -4- Parallel with a Check: A check is used if the slope is steep or the snow resistance is great. The preparation of the turn can be facilitated by a displacement of the taUs downhill resulting in more a'ng,ulation and edging . This is accompanied by a pole plant at the end of the down motion. Short Swing (FFD): Consecutive Parallel Christies without traverse. Control is mainta ined by angulation and edging. In the American Technique I the word "Wedeln" is used interchangeab~ y with the words "Short Swing". The pitch of the slope governs the type of turn used: for steep slopes more angulation and a pole p~ant are needed for control while these movements are not mandatory on gentle slopes. GREATER SALT LAKE SKI SCHOOLS, INC. 945 EAST 1ST SOUTH • P. O. BOX 552 • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84110 • PHONES 364-2969. 277-3531 MESSAGE TO Bob Zeigl er L OATEMarch 2, 1966 Dear Bob . Would you please send me e. l isting; of the members of the Board of Directors who will be going off the Board this spring. We want to include this in the convention announcement so the general membership oan be prepaz red to vote more inteligently at the meeting. Thanks LOU 'LO'RENZ 2010 WEST NORTH TEMPLE BY SM.I &.N(.E QIY. UJAH HIl4 INSTRUCTION S TO SEND ER: REPLY DATE 1. KEEP YE LLOW COPY. 2. SEND WH ITE ANO PINK COPIES WITH CARBON INTACT. 1. WRITE R EP L Y, 2. DETACH STue, KEEP PINK COPY, RETURN WHITE CO PY TO SENDER. BY INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION MESSAGE SIGNED INSTRUCTIONS TO SENDER: REPLY /~ ,ff/ INSTRUCTIONS TO RECEIVER: \, KEEP YELLOW COPY. 2. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBON INTACT. 1 wPlr~- P~!-"LY. 2. DETA[;H :,;;,UEl, K£,,"-P PINK COPY, Rf"TURN WHirl: COPY -;-0 Sf'_NDER. \ ... f Mr. WUby Durham n.ao, lao. 121 S. West Te~l.e Salt Lake Cl~y. utab 8hlOl near Wilby, 432 NeriA 2n4 West to,an, ut,aIl 8h.3n Ma!'Olt 1, 1966 neaR MY 20 eop1e. of the list of officer_ au chairMa whiGh went out 1ft your ].allt matH .... i -FULL. Pleale 'R'.ake the tell"winc ehanges to tH _111118 118\. Change to hll ... J .... Jftrett 'Rox 16) ~nn ValleYJ Idaho 8:353 jI eldre 88 Chan «. - .,e.. )fa,. 177L Hp"rriaen Salt· I,ake C1ty, Ptah Add - Mapo Oc.aundnn P.O. lox 2U Sun Valley, Idaho 8)3,3 Daft tar ... 1599 E. 4800 s. Salt l'.lre City, t1\ah ASrocUTE, 'lilan .. ChuI_ ... Mart'1D Jlomqu18t 440 A \ Mma.rl_ St. Gu7 Ccnran 321 liwrclale Drive n Cerrito, Ca11temia Apt. ;2 Glendale. Cal1tora1a 91204 Ad.. DanII.r 'Meter 1120 Du.pont Ave. Salt Lake Cit,. J UUll 'lhank You. Tho._ M. W ..... ar'- 158 RamptOD Ave. Salt Lake CU.,. II Utala BUn Youre trul.1' J I.S.I.A. lob Ze1c1er, s.eretar)r l(~~. ~f.!~l.~~f~~~j~[.r.f:.liJnR 1 ':¥:I ASSOCIAonl' INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION -'. . '1m SelTale 1121 Au.ia Iall Urd..,.."1t,. or Utu Salt. Lake C1t7 J tJtah Dear Fill. _at. neue &tlcept our .Congratulations" on passini': the :requ1l'etor A.so.tate. We aft t Ilk1.Jl~ this 1 .. 888 of wloomnc 70U mto the later__ ain S1d. Tnnnotel'l ASIJM1at1oll. We Mall OODA" 1\ a. nleatnIN to corretlpOft4l with l"tu at anr M._ on alIT su'bj$et that will ea\de u.s M .1ee •• 8111" fttlpOn.1btl1t1e" more thorougBly. ThaB YO" tep ,....r letter ., OOnGel'll, ...... 1', Dea Ildaehart 1n4icatei that he tid net rece1ft your wr:I.ttea ftl'9" uatU IJ!aJ'Gh jri. It Yft can tldak f4 &fl3 uU\ional wayIJ in wh1ah we can ael'ft ,..u, ,lease let 118 tmow. lnol. Card, pin, Art. " IT.lee. L. Lttreuv " c. luInlo. Bob Zeigler, SeOft\o7 JCFR-llrIED :-KI TF.AUIIR INlTRMOl f~TAI1\. SKI ASSOC!ATIOI'; INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ----------- ---- Jata. S. POpe 2016 ViaDn\ A~. Salt Lan City, tTtah Dear Juu "CGngratul.atio.nsI' on passini for Assoo1ate and "'Welc.-" to tM IaM~a1a Ski Instructors ASloo1atlon. I.S.I.A. il an orlaalzat1en with the purpeae et ma1DWa1nc tJae ",1al't level of the profe.llon 'ill 8k1 teaeb:1na thNU&h Ottrt1tl .. t1ellana ..... t1lm ancI p1"eY1des tor t.u.w1d.p aar:mc aid. tutraoM:No I w1ll 'be happ7 to i... ,.our caN and pin when a requ.ire4l is.uo 1zd.ttatlon tee haa lieu seat to Craig leu' •• , !NanNr, $121 Sowta lOSO East, Salt Lake Cit,., Utah BUn. Duee in t_ .... t of tlD.oo aft pqable July l.IIt of eaoa :rear. Pl.eaae keep _ WOrMci of _ a d.4Ns. eJ:uaD& ••• eo, L. Leftns'/ c. hat_ -------- ---- Sincere17, I.S.I.A. INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 72 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah March 7, 1966 TO: Members of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association FROM: Adrien, Convention Chairman SUBJECT: I.S.I.A. Spring Convention (April 22, 23 and 24, 1966) OBJECTIVE: To become more knowledgeable in skiing teaching methodology •• by the exchange of the successful teaching aids that produce both satisfied students and more dollar revenue for the ski school. COST: $10.00 (ten dollars) The I.S.I.A. executive committee has directed the 16th annual Convention be held at ALTA, UTAH, April 22, 23, 24, 1966. (Instead of Jackson, Wyoming as previously planned.) Advance registration by mail will be required. There will be no provlsl0ns made for registration during the convention. Details, agenda, proxy, etc., will be forthcoming. Suggestions to the clinic chairman have been considered. All Ski School Directors are invited to participate and present demonstration teams. This convention promises to be of real interest and value. Attendance is the key to productivity. Let's all IIget with it," participate and improve our teaching methods. LET's ASSOCIATE linic Chairman ----- ------ ---- CERTlflED SKI TEACHbR lNTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION .. a• •l eme.n.. J INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION At~~ched,nple~ •• flnd the ~lrp1an. tlcket .e ~h8.ed for Mr. Bill LA,h. .Alao your .'PJltement dAted Febl'\1llry' 1.. 6. 1966 • Per our Mr.· .. Lou t.orenlS, President or ISlA, we are returning 80th the unuec.d nll'Pl~ne ticket ~mI your .IIftement for credit And rebll11llg. ... ... A Mr. LONna b., tatormed me tbAt he "lao baa 1t unused tlcklt purchA .. d .. ·t~ Mr. Rich..-reI Voorhtea, which he will .. urn. ne@ts. 1,aue ua ~ new bll11a, Oft t~ ~el' • • n" 4~ •• .... •• Your ooo.,..,.tlO8 OR thi. lIAtte .. will be ~t.ly AppreciJIt.ed. CB/kb 00. Lou Loren. Yoan truly, ISlA 0.0"" Bemd.OIl TN. aurar CERTIFIED SKI TF.AClHiR INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATH)~ INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION =:------- ¥.r. RU1 Sclulack.nlJeq Euoutift SeoretU7 - BlJJ5IA P.o. Box .. st. .... , S,riDa8, Colora6t Dear RwI1. Pre.ident Leu Lorenz nte"" 7ft!" letter .t Marek 10 .... , ream! .. f • .lueeoa. 0.. pollq all_ ..l tnitu.tion of aDT D1T181eul Iaetnator. A81Oc1&t10D CUaio tor the ISIA Sprinc Cl1D1e. AU that. i. required i. a letter at .. rtUleati. that 0111' ..... .u.teml the nMtlt.1lte el.inio. w. w111 eert.ainly mi •• Tom ancI hie contributlou at. ow o1in1e thi. ,..81". w. clo, ho ..... r. teel tbat the p1U'p08ee at oert1t1eatl •• ,_ Met .. we' 1£ iDftJMlCtore _10111 to .. part181,ate in tM Diw1aa where thq are wol"kiDa. Sa-Nq, 111./. ;:----" . !>ir. Rud1. Sohnackenberg , EKecut,ive Seereta17 .. RHSIA · P.o. f10x 4 St~amboat· SprL~sJ Col~red.o 'Dear Ru.d.1.t ":' . 432 NGrth' 2r.t<1 lvest .Logan, Utah ' 84321 Harcli ~4i' 1966 r.S.I.A. pr.esently does not have an l!xecutive Secretary. I hope to have .the !.f:.I.P.. Board of' Directors e.pprove nnd budget for rnlch an offlre this yer-r • . It 1irould be ' of gre~t help if you could provide the following irte?r!':l8.tion~ 1. RO,!(T lena: bag ~~L\ had ':m Executive Secret~.ry? 2. ·· Ho,,; ll'~ U',C'ltbers anea RI'1SIA have? ' . ",: 3. Wh;at:i.s the year!:r budeet for the Executive Secretery? · . h. Po YO!l . also perfdrm the dutios of the . Treasurer? 5. Do you have any ' S'lJtmeetions with rega.rd to sett.ing 'IC . thi s . office? - ' . ~ . ·'.Thar.k you. Host sincerely, I.S.I.A. Dob Zeigler, Secretary BZ/a C\; ,~_ '1,. Lorenz, President .. C. Dennion, Treasurer IATION Board of DIrectors Intenmountaln Dlvlslon-USSA Gentlemen: Aprl' 17, 1966 Thank you for your kind consideration In granting me two weeks notice. Due to the circumstances, however, I do not feel that I can accept your offer, as I could not assure you a proper two weeks work. I do not understand this dismissal, therefore, I cannot defend myself. When Mr. We I ters adv I sed me severa I weeks ago "as a f r I end" to fes I gn, but not to Involve him In It In any way, he pointed out that he could not promise what would happen If I did not reSign, but that If I chose to, he would arrange a Board Meeting for that purpose. I did not do so because I felt it would not'be In the best lnterests of the Division to do so at that time with the convention and closing of the season so close. The only thIng I cen say In my behelf Is thet I have worked many long hours for you In an attempt to do the best for the Division because I belfeved so strongly In the Intermounteln Division and In you, Its Board of Directors. I have always tried to cooperete with one and ell to the fullest extent and had hoped only for the seme In return. I would have appreCiated It if those who had criticism against me hed seen fit to corne to me so that the matter could be cleared up or If I was wrong so that I could take steps to Improve. When I was conSidering applying for this Job last year, many who had worked In the DiVision, Including past Board Members, advised me not to give up a good job because they felt that the job of Executive Secretary In this Division Involved many long hours of hard work, with only criticism and eventual firIng as the reward. Thank you gentlemen. Inasmuch as Mrs. HeIne Is the only other person bonded to handle the money and the mall, I have turned over to her the Post Office Box keys and all Items pertaIning to monies. Sincerely, ?7~~7~ Norma J. Keane P.S. In clOSing, I would like to say that I have had the privIlege of meeting and working with many fine people--Skl Club Presidents and Members, and others affiliated with skilng--durlng my year with Intermountain and they have made It ell worthwhile. It Is working with and for these wonderful people that I shall miss, and I wish eech of them my very best for their projects,-their ctubs, and their ;IS~ ~ ~ /~ . ff:i. ~~aJ~A~/ ~- ?a //~~ r ,',,; • f ~' ; \.' ~. ' :.; ;c ,',' ofeMC~ at til fi~~~ b~0 ;J l >.I(),:'} 'j f~'rl t ~)2 !?q\)rii,iJ c. i ' f?(1 tV!~; pr:~ \ <~'l~)dm:3M ' ~i'" r~: ;~:/~ "·1: ''-'~-J f -i- :.;::~»<3 ;·t () ·jo ~ 8d-~": !-"i ri ~- t I~l ·_! :':·1 ,__ ~ :: :1-'C ~~ !.C'V[l i' 'cl" t'.)n 'i ,it \/.: ,: u" ;, .'~ ~'~ ,~; t J ._":. I ,l>h<~~'! b"l u;. r ;~: ;: '1 UOf~ pN..d '~'-, . t".rl'~ Vi;.,' ", d~} t ~). ~,' <:~ .. ,., ;~i ; "~/)l t.Yr,~:; i'~ ;',. "j:':\ Le·''', q ~1 ~ ,,;, ~. ,~t ):)(.~ ~,ln t ~~ vt'r~:'" ~ -, ... " '." r;~n i,>; -.. ~ :~",IW "2 i .j ,l~.$d"t t\) {i'-}~:f,J i, : ~+ \, 4/19/66 Dear Bob & Ann, It was real nice talking with you tonight. After our conversation, I thought of more things which might help (it was probably just as weel that I thought of them afterwards considering the length of time we talked) and decided that lid better sit right down and write this before I forgot them. The attached is the "official" letter for our files and yours. This is just in the way of a "personal note". Previous to Rudi taking over as Executive Secretary (Oct. 1st, 1965) the salary was $150.00 per month plus, as far as we can determine from the records, the wife or other secretarial help was paid at the rate ot $1.00 per hour from the petty cash fund which is handled completely by the Executive Secretary for office supplies, etc o (some months this extra help appears to have gone as high as $50.00) The increase in salary mentioned"in the Contract, item #10 is sort of confusing but, as shown under "Contract" in the job description, amounts to $2.00 per new member per year. You asked about whether we did the Treasurer job also and since we do, I thought you might be interested in how it is handled. All money received goes into the, what I call, "general fund". Checks written on this account require two of three signatures - President or Vice President and Executive Secretary. The petty cash fund is obtained from the general fund. This is $250.00 out of which comes all routine office supply expense, postage, printing of envelopes and stationery, telephone, and misc. expense such as office equipment repair. (Salary & new office equipment comes direct from the general fund) This petty cash fund is disbursed just by the Executive Secretary (we set up a pay-go checking account locally for this but the previous executive secy. disbursed it in' cash) This has a separate set of financial records. The way I work it is that when the fund gets down to approx. $20.00, I make out a regular financial report and send it to the president, with a check for the amount needed to bring the balance back up to $250.00. At present the members receive about 6-10 mailings a year. (copies of minutes from B.O.D. meetings (at least 4 a year), minutes of Annual meeting, Certification information which includes annual Clinic, job opportunities, and misc. In trying to set up a regular office filing and record system, (individual folders for each member so that exam application or transfer letters, and correspo:ldence from or to that member, and any misc. information are all together) we have spent more hours than will probably be required once it is all organized o With the recent heavy load (By-Law mailing of 18 sheets, Certification and Clinic mailings, as well as the routine stuff) we have put in 180-200 hours between us for each of the past two months. page two Before that, it was about 80 hours per month. Well it getting late and my "mind" seems to be starting to "fog". I think I've covered most of the things I thought of. If you have any questions, be sure to let us know and we'll try to helpo Sincerely, Dottie Schnackenber~ Executive Secretary s secretary - WOCkl! Jtountcrin Ski !Instructors ~ssn. of the Southern Rocky Mountain Ski Assn. P.O. Box 4 Steamboat Springs, Colo. April 19, 1966 Bob Zeigler, Secretary Ifttermountain Ski Instructors Assn. 432 North 2nd West Logan, Utah 84321 Dear Bob, Thank you for your letter of March 24th granting permission for Tom Jacobson to be excused from ISlA clinic attendance so that he can assist with our RMSIA clinic. Since this is the busy time of year for this office, I must apologize for the delay in answering your several questions regarding the position of Executive Secretary and how it is set up in the EMSIA. 1. The RMSIA has had an Executive Secretary since 1962 (4 years) 2. Prior to the 1966 Certification Exams, we have approx. 450 members. We will add about 100 new members for this year from examination and transfer. 3. The budget for the Executive Secretary (salary) was set for this year at $175.00 per month. (See attached job description for the break down on this) 4. Yes, the Executive Secretary also performs the duties of Treasurer (refer to job description) The above answers your specific questions and I believe that the attached job description and contract will answer many more that you will have. The office equipment owned by EMSIA that I mentioned in our phone conversation tonight is listed on the job description. As more questions arise. which I am sure they will, please feel free to write and I 11 try to answer them for you. RS:dms c/c Hank Emery,Pres.-RMSIA Sincerely, Budi Schnackenberg, Executive Secy.-RMSIA LEARN HOW TO SKI THE SAFE AND RIGHT WAY. WITH YOUR CERTIFIED SKI INSTRUCTOR EXHTBTT A RMSIA EXECUTIVE SECRETA:1Y F"::-;T'::'TON Job Description, RequirpmentfJ And Sf1'I IH'y Scr-.ednle Salary Schedule The Executive Secretary shall be pr(~fero.bly 0. )':1omber' of :.: ~;L\ (Associ~te or fully certified, male or frJml""le) o.nci shall be !)::1 i .,;,:3.'- .\... .. J per year according to the following saJary scilec1111 P: Office Space Bookkeeping Executive Work Typing-ClerlcHl Work Total j,ionth $ 20.00 25.00 75.00 55.00 ';;;1'15.00 Year ~$ :-~L~O. 00 ;SOu. ;)0 90e).0:J :~;~~ ,100.00 The Executive Secretary may hire outslcie help to do all or pDT:', ,'if the bookkeeping and typing-clerical work. Eowever, if ho does so, ho r.-l<l3:' pay for this h~lp f''l''om the $2,lOOannuBl salary. OutHido bookkeeping help must be approved by the Boord of Directors. Exam Attendance Part of the duties of the Executi vo Secreturv s118.11 bo to F>.tt(~nd certification exams for the purpose of givinG administrative help to the ~Chief Examiner and the Board of Directors. 'I'here './ill be no addi t.iona} ')ay for this work. However, he will be paid mileage and 1.1. vlng expon:Jes0nth~' ( same basis as the examiners. ~- Expenses The Executive Secretary will be paid miloage for nttend3.11CO c,-;:; .. ,. :',"J ,') ..... Directors meetings, annual meetings and clinics on the s arne bas 1. s ~:~: ~ll':; Board of Directors. He shall also be paid for other mileaGe and ex~on~:es as approved by the Board of Directors. Contract A contract shall be executed betweon RMSIA and the Excc"clti vo SeC1"b7;":-7 to be in effect for two years from the date of signing_ At the end 0: t~ie two year period, the duties, functions and salary associated rlith t::-_u position shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors and application:. ,.,", be accepted for the next contract period. The incumbent sholl 00 ::',';. J apply for the next period. The contract shall be so viri tten tr: t :;,. :;: Board of Directors, after due consideration, fet::ls the Executivu ~. '(;I'(;vr,.'~J f work is not satisfactory J they can then void the contract :.'.nd 11i1"e [' replacement. '.:'he contract shall include a Clr.ll.1rlf' thRt th0 '<xec "r "{~·"',)~;';.'~rl,,: salary shall be increased dUI·;ni.:f, the ~('e()nd :JeRI' oJ'~" c l.~; ,C',(>l \i .~ the lump sum amount of :;p2.0() for each net adcl~t·:. ;,' ~.:r.i'J' '."n ,·;0 organization during the flr~t ;/Ilf\r ()f t:10 enn::)" ,': ·,riod" .. ~ ", "';J.: -2- Outline o£ Requirements and Duties A. O££ice Space 1. Provide satisfactory space to house and operate the office equipment in a manner consistent with good performance for' the job. 2. Office equipment includes the following: a. Mimeograph mnc/lino b. Addressorette c. Photo King copy machino d. Two file cabinets e. Multi-hole binding machine f. Typewriter g. Materials and ~upplies such as reams of paper, boxes of handbooks. h. Other as may be acquired B. Bookkeepin,g c. 1. Journal - Must be kept accurately according to recognized bookkeeping and accounting procedures for a.pproximately $10,000 cash flow each year. 2. Posting - Between 800 and 1,000 entries in journal each year. 3. Treasurer's Report - Accurate up-to-date financial standing to be presented to the Board of Directors quarterly. 4. Annual Audit - Present all necessary material in acceptable form to the auditor for the annual audit. (Not necessary if an approved bookkeeping firm is engaged to handle the booles.) Executive Work 1. Keep accurate up-to-date records for approximately 420 mor:;bers. a. Year certified - each level b. Dues status c. Clinic attendance status d. Current address e. Ski school affiliation f. Other as necessary 2. Bill and collect dues a. Send initial statements b. Send follow-up statements c. Inform Board of delinquents d. Carry out Board's action 3. Clinic excuses a. Receive excuses for m~mbers mIssing clinicz b. Present excuses to the Board c. Carry out board actiun 4. Fill out and mail membership in 1965) to nGW (ab;"11 .. -3- 5. Fill out, get officers' signntures, and mail certification certificates (approximately 180 in 1905) 6. Order, receive and mail full and aS30ciate pins (approximately 180 ~n 1965) 7. Receive and answer routine mnil a. Make necessary referrals to officers b. Send copies of outGoing to Presiuent and others as necessary (anproximately 150 letters per year) 8. Take accurntn minutes of all moetin[~s a. Write up minutes and send to Board meLbers for ap}Jl'evfll b. Send approved copies to all members 9. Write up and mnil notices of job vacancies (approxi~nt0.1J 20 per year) 10. Attend and keep exam records as directed 11. Summarize and mail exam results 12. Perform any othAr functions at the request of the off'icers and Board of' Directors. D. Typing-Clericn1 Work 1. Pe:t'form all typing and clerical \lork necossary for tho ruTIctions listed in C above 2. Assemble, carton and mail handbool::s (one for each new I::o,,:oer) 3. Make mailings to membership RS directed (approxi~etely 7500 individual mailings in 1965) 4. Prepare and mail accurate up-to-date- membership list 5. Maintain accurate ski school director list " o'iHEREAS. theS-cretary has anpl1el1 for this J)081tlon of " Executive Seci-etary of the Association, ~r)'",. THEHEFORE, the pH rt" 1 e:' hf'I'f:'to aFrree 8S follows I 1. 'rhe Associat1on shall employ the Secretary 88 the Executive pcretary of thp Association, and the Spcr.tary shall devot~ the necessary tlm~ ~n pf~ort to the affRirs of th~ AssoclRtlon i)S :rlay be rp_lulrf·~1. ~111 accor'ln;: to the terms and conditions ~.; ·f"~1. flf'(~ her~lr.~)fteT'. 2. (a) :he term of ernnloym nt ~ereunder shall be for, and the contract shall terrr.ln.'H.e arter, 8 perlo(~ of' two (2) years from the f>.ffectlve (late of U;ls contract, unless terminated PArlier qs provided hereln. (b) This contract shall terminate before the expiration of' the term of employment 8H nrovlded 1n section 2 (8) aB follows: (1) Upon death or :11sRbillty of the Secretary; (il) ~pon ilasolutlon of the Associat1on. (e) This contrecc may ~e termlnaterl by the Assoclatlon r f'(>1Use of llnBB t lsfFlctory "erformance by the Sf"'oretary or conduct Drcjudlcl~' to the ~ssoclRtlon by the J~cretary at Hny time suhJect to pr)vtslons of ~rtlcle J hereof. (d) Thlr 'ontrect '."':!Ay 'h' terminRted by the Assoc1ation on the anniversary i~te ~( th1s contract one year from date :..:pon thirty d1-~ys .... r: ttf'n notice to the (~ecretBry. 3. I'ermlnat', 0:1 of tr~tc c::mtrBct by trH" !'.ssoclatlon un''!er --- pruvl::1cms uf f3.·,~t101l ' (c) hert'!of must ~)e- mane in the followlnp: manner: (8) ,--w':) th1r"~) .lIPl~;),'j~y I;")tp 01' the \'oarrl or :)lr~ctor8 of the ~~~ori2tlon ~~ ~; re~ulRr or ppeclal meet1ng 1s required. (b) l'he i,s~oc13tl,)n sh''lll ;:rive to the Secretary \A:rltten notice specl fylnt' trJ€ :::t:I'frges ::;;K,qlnst him Rt least ten dAyS before the ;ate or the mef>tln~ at wh1ch Buch vot~ 18 to be taken. (e) fhe Secretary shRll have the right to answer the 0hHr:'cs in wrltlni~ or 'lersonHl appeArance at such meet1ng, 01> bot r,. (.:1) :he,ssociat1un sball nay ·0 the Secretary unon :t~r'~:lnr:tion of C'mr:'~oy;ent Fif>'lerPinCe pay f>qual to one month's eGI!ipensntion un'ler tLls contract. 4. "lw\'soc.ifitlon i::Ll nRy L: the Secretary compensntlon l.n tr;c ::;um o~ ;:ne :'llrj 1'!,'~ ,,'i~('venty Five (~175.00) Dollars ocr montt-l. 1:.Yf;e,t "or b",C(1 ,d, 1 eap-e lllnd travel expenses a8 mc"y be flIJrH'ove,: by tlw"rd of "")trectors of the ASSOCiation, this sum shall C;t1sti L.\~~ the total compensat10n for the "-~(~retarJ'8 i."~er'\'"lCf" 11nd eXl\pnses. The :)~cret8ry shall fur'n1sn ttlf" f"\s~:r)cl:1tlon, In:\''V!.:lflce, a breaktiown of th1s sum into se1lary ''In: expenses, 1 '1cl'l(l1nlJ: office rent, and the :.\,f8clatlon 61-':111 the'1 de!i~ct the nppllcBble wlthholt11ng +:axes from trw ~':;f]lHr:y ;)ortlon. Payment shall be due on the IHst day of tlw monte' ::: hrllch the ooyrM'nt applies. 5. The Board of D1rectors of the Associat1on shall annrove the Secretary'. mIleage and other expenses for att~noance of meeting., clinIcs and examinat10ns on the same basls as for directors or examiners. 6. The Secretary shall perform all booK~eeDl"1Sl, executive, ad.InlstratlTe and clerical worK for the 3sS0C1Qtion as directed by the Board of Directors of the Assoeletlon Anci as more specif1cally stated in the 8ttRche~ job descriDtion (Exh1bIt A). which 1s lnc)rporBted herein by rpference; subject, however, to Article 7 hereof. 7. The Secretary may, at no expenRe to the A~B0clAtlon, h1 re others to perform all except the exec~Jt 1 ve and edmini st r8 t i ve work for the Assoclatlon; orov1ded however, tr·at prior apnroval of the Board of Directors of the j,!"SOc18t1on 1s required before hlring out bookkeepin~ work. 8. The Secretary shall, at no expense to the ASSOCiation, proTide suItable off1ce space to house and operate the office equ1pment of the Assoc1at1on. 9. The Secretary agrees to hold hBrmle~s the Association "from any cla1m or liability whatsoever lncurred because of the operation of Art1cles 7 and 8 hereof. 10. The cOlipenBatlon provided for 1n ,'\-rt1cle 4 h~reof shall cont1nue unt11 the term1natlon of this contract; provi~ed however, that 1n the event the Associatlon has A net ~ain 1n membersh1p dur1ng the first y~ar this contract is in effect, then such compensation ShAll be 1ncreABe~ ~urin~ the secon~ year of this contract by a dollar "mount ner month equal to one sixth (1/6) of the number o~ net momr~rs gained. 11. Any dlspute arising under th1s contract shall b~ f'1rst negot1ated between the parties hereto; but 1f no settlprnpnt 1s reache1 with1n e reasonable t1me, then such ~i8pute shall be submitted to 9indlng arbitration by ~n arb1trator selpct~d by the American Arbitratlon Association. 12. This contract 1s not 8ssignab1e. 13. The effectlTe date of tr.ls contract ls 4'~, ... / Atte.tl .:1~~ )~ t:l;f' .~ . CE:H'T'IFIED SKI T~srT'RTJC1'OR:3, I':C • . ,( . L, '. '. ('. "t , \ Ci:RTIFIED SKI TEACHER INT£RMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 2010 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 April 4, 1966 TO: Intermountain Ski Instructors Association Members SUBJECT: 16th Annual Spring Convention and General Meeting of the Intermountain Ski Instructors Association. FROM: Lou Lorenz, President, I.S.I.A. Pursuant to the by-laws of the corporation, you are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the members of the corporation for the purpose of electing directors and transmitting business of the association, will be held Saturday, April 23, 1966, at Alta IIPeruvianll Inn, Alta, Utah, 2:00 p.m. You are also notified of a meeting of the members of the Board of Directors, Thursday, April 21, 1966, at Alta IIPeruvianll Inn, 8:30 p.m. and a meeting of the 1966-1967 Board of Directors, Sunday April 24, 1966, 2:00 p.m. Included with this letter are the following: 1. Agenda of the Convention. 2. Advance registration form. In order to plan a more productive convention, the Clinic Committee is requiring advance registration by mail only. Instructions for registration and forms are included. Registration and fee must be in the mail by or before April 15, 1966. To cover administrative costs of the convention, a registration fee of $10.00 will be charged for I.S.I.A. members. Non-members will be charged $20.00. y!Wives of members are urged to attend the convention and will not be charged a registration fee. Special activities are being planned to make your stay more pleasant. 3. Proxy. The by-laws of the I.S.I.A. require attendance for the full three days of the convention for certified and associate instructors. Attendance is also required at the annual general meeting. If you have valid reason for nonattendance, complete the excuse portion on the proxy form and return by mail. Furthermore, the by-laws state that failure to attend two annual conventions in consecutive years will result in revocation of your certification status. The proxy form is to allow members who are unable to attend to express their vote in the Association business. This must be mailed in advance - by or before April 15, 1966. 4. The lodges at Alta have offered special convention rates. A rate schedule is enclosed. Please make your own reservations with the lodge of your choice. First come, first served. The Nominating Committee for the 1966-1967 Board of Directors will include: Wes Deist, Max Lundberg, Clark Parkinson, Toni Rhinehart, and Dennis Staley. TO: I.S.I.A. Members Page 2 April 4, 1966 Members should notify interested ski resorts that bids in writing for the 1967 convention, will be accepted and presented at the general meeting. Your convention committee has been working hard and long to prepare a convention that will be both educational and enjoyable. I am looking forward to seeing you at the Convention. LL:mep Enclosures: 4 Sincerely, ~Z~ Lou Lorenz, President 1. S. 1. A. CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 72 South Main Street Salt Lake City, Utah April 4, 1966 TO: General Membership FROM: Adrien Segi1, Convention Chairman SUBJECT: Accomodations available 16th Annual I.S.I.A. Convention, Alta, Utah. 22, 23 and 24 April, 1966 The following lodges have made special concessions as follows: Rates: Alta "Peruvian" Inn, Alta Lodge, Rustler Lodge and the Alta Ski lifts: A. Double occupancy mostly B. To include two meals (breakfast and dinner) C. To include 3 days lift passes. D. Reservations to be made at lodge of your choice. E. $10 deposit required. Alta "Peruvian" Inn: Alta Lodge: Rustler Lodge: Standard Room, 2 to a room, $9.00 each, $11.00 single Deluxe Room, 2 to a room, $12.50 each, $15.00 single Standard Room, 2 to a room, $9.00 each Deluxe Room, 2 to a room, $14.00 each Standard Room, 2 to a room, $9.00 each Deluxe Room, 2 to a room, $14.00 each Super-deluxe Room, 2 to a room, $16.00 each Lift pass instructions: AS :mep 1. Vouchers will be issued by the lodge. 2. For those not using lodge accomodations lift passes may be purchased at $1.00 per day at the lift ticket office upon proper identification from loS .1.A. n, Convention Chairman ----------------~~~ -~-~ (,FHTIFILf) ~"I 'II i\( IIIR INTFRMOllf'-:TAIl\: SI< I ASSn( I AI I( )1'( TO: FF,t~l', : INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ..... --.-.----.~---,.------~--- April 4, 1966 Area Certification Representfltives Ski School Directors Don Fhj nehart Chief Exam:iner The final examinption of the season is planned for P.pri116 am: 17 at jl.lta. Thif: exam will he on a large f'cale vlith several eX8.nunlnc Boards to pick up those persons "rho missecl the opportunity to te examined (~urinf. the season. Applications sbl~ld be mailed immediately to Don Fhinehflrt, P. O. ~ox 305, l(etchum, Idaho. Yours truly, I.S. 1. A. Don Rhinehart Chief Examiner Mr. E1lg0ne Huber 671 Fa~t 9620 South Sandy, utah 8l~070 neAr Gcne. 4.32 North 2nd vJest Logan, Utah 84321 July 19. 1966 J\ttnched i8 a ~ of Credent1al. Cases for your Gommittees conelderation. I will hold their 66-67 cards until I receive recommendations from your committee. Those which are marked with an asterimk have paid their 1967 dues and their cards are presently being held. I would certainly recommend O.K. fa on f1a.rV1n Blomquist and Margaret SchultB, each of who had injuries this year} Sue Dunlap who was F •• 1st year and eick child this year. W:tth regard to John Clement, I have received a letter along w:lth a card verifying that he attended the Swiss Ski lru:~tru.ct\}N! ft.!!!sfn. technical course (fA; comparable event), however, our preBent polIcy (800 last faills B.I;. rooetifif, minutes) does not provide for subst,ttution of other cot:ntry conventions. Please note Dill Spencer 'Woo ha~ been on :m-ilito.r:,r leave for 11 years and PJ.cha.rd Arnold, military leave .3 years, and flennis GUi'Jer, .:ilitary leave S years - and have not 8. t tended clin; cs. Presently we have no writ ten policy regarding people on rrLi.litary leave. he have been keeping ttan on the books but not requiring dues or olinios. I feel we should draw up a written policy and g:i.ve them no 1l10re than 3 years until they have to recertify. I ''-lUI be waiting to hear from you. If' you have f!J:lY questions or need clarification plea. call or wrtte. Encl. als co, L. Lorenz C. Bennion nob Zeigler, Secretar,y- I I ...... fPc. ls1gle:;;'Ii,;n<cnt·' 4}2 ~.. ~ \fetrt: lrc gB.!'L, Ut,a-h Si:, Wlth th:1~ let.t~;:" t~ lIight be orl'~,N!!(i in Id.gnedrentaJ. fu:J.$d. to l"elleWOr ;:,(!:tlS a",,:;.gt~4·Hlfj !l.el., .l.),{ 3k:t lnst:r"wt.oJ"B wt~ Mn and at '\:.ne e!"ij of the rental, P6:100 ;ret.'lrrl,theaql~.ipmnt 1 • have your 1965. instructor iv+S:mr:;Vf)(:, &':;~;t,e~" 'Jut ott_ -.:1l 18 ret\l.):"l\8d as ti~ left no address. \la:n \,II(? liMen a ~'\! fl"Olrt :,;{l"U or .')U1 organ:1.JatiofJ jlS en:tQ;;;'U('~ (hlX' J,e~all:r !)in<Ung tXiftt,-t1cts'{ Mr. Doug Emanuel Suka Ski Equipment Co. llllO S. Centinela Pve. toe Angeles, Crc>lifomia 90025 ,432 North 2nd \Jest Logan, Utah 84321 Jme 30, 1966 \iI,le are vi.tally concerned over your letter ot inquiry. I am enel.oei.ng the 1966 Membership Roster with the latest changes :marked. Thie roster will again be updated in the 1"&11. We do our bert to maintain c1.l!'Tent addre8ee~ tor all of our J'Ile1Jibere but must conte.s that this is very ditficu1t to accomplish in acme case •• ll>:e cena5.n1y have a Code of EtM.c@ which Ol.1r meroben Tnust abide by or be dropped from memberehip. The specifiC ethics which would apply arel 6. jI,lwaYfl deports himse1.f in a manner whtch will be a credit to hi. !! prates.ton and his 8.sf!?ciates. 7. Adopts w1t~· enthusiam the high standard. of the profession and respons:i.bil1 ties placed upon him by the Code and requ.irement. of r .~~. J.I. and is fully awp..l'e that intentional deviation from this Code of internal discipline cOi.t1d re.ult in a loss of his 1.:3.1.1,. eredentiale and ra.ting and expulsion from membership iD the organUation. vie have an ethics committee which im'estigates and recommend!'! action to the Board of Directors a£l'ainst memben who do not abide by our Code of Ethics. The Chainnan b." Mr. Keith tang., 4764. Annabow Circle, Salt Lake City, Utah 84117. Art¥ speCific .. ses of known breach of contract or unethioal action by members should be reported to Mr. Lange complete w:i.th names and details. - 2 - June 30, 1966 It should be ·pointed out that we a180 have a Ski School lJirectortil C.omrrdttee which ea.n bring furf,her pr~8eure to bear as em: olo:/'er8. The present chaiMllM 18t Mr. Kay SnUh, 34111 Brr..>ekbank nr., Salt L&uce City, Utah 64117, nRO, lSOO eneloeed Romr for Ski School nir'ectors. A~ainJ we regret f?J'(f d1fficultiefl and wi.l1 certa5.nly assbt you in eontrol1inf' the prtviler:es you extend ua. BZ/a Encl. :ray 23, 1966 r;IA KO!'ltHr cc. Mr. !..ou Loren16, President l'ir. Ke:tth Lallge Nr. K. Smith Very truly yours, CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER I INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION TO: Officers and Committee Chairmen FROM: Lou Lorenz, President SUBJECT: I.S.I.A. Written Policy 2010 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 September 12, 1966 In order to present a continuous and progressive program to our members, the secretarS is preparing for publication a written I.S.I.A. Policyo Until this time, only the Certification Committee has maintained a current written and published policy of operation. Would you please prepare and submit in writing to Bob Zeigler, 432 North 2nd West, Logan, Utah, on or before October 1, 1966, a rough draft of the policy followed by your committee. Please include if applicable: 1. Purpose of the Committee 2. Duties of the Committee 3. Obligations of the Committee 4. Actual physical manner in which it operates 5. Any other information that may be of value to an association member or to a future committee member 6. Names of other members of your Committee In reference to #6. Section IV of the By-laws states, "Each Committee shall consist of at least three members of the corporation, at least one of whom shall be either an officer or member of the Board." Unless otherwise directed, the chairman normally selects his own committee members. Please be brief and concise. Sincerely, Lou Lorenz, President 1. S. 1. A. ~------ -~~--------------- -- CERTIFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION 3823 Villa Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84109 September 12, 1966 TO: Ski School Directors FROM: Dave Parkinson, Chairman, Clinic Committee, I.S.I.A. Your clinic committee is in the process of formulating plans and setting up a tentative clinic schedule for the coming season. I have enclosed a small questionnaire that would be very helpful in doing this. I would like to ask, and would appreciate very much, if you would please fill this out and return it to me. Your BOD and clinic committee feel that more clinics should be held, and particularly in the fall. A two-day refresher, held in the fall before your instructors get into the full swing of the season would be of much value. I would appreciate receiving the return postcard questionnaire back even if you do not plan to have a clinic, so that I know you have received it and also for your comments concerning our clinic program. Thank you. Sincerely, 1iUJ~?~~ Dave Parkinson, Chairman Clinic Committee, I.S.I.A. ----------- ~------- ~~~,'"~',~"~~ '. '~~1 (FRI 'N,!'1IFTI,RI'DM, O,~',U!<','f '\.,: T'n'A AIi"\r. :H f'R SKl A550ClAliON ,-',- ------ ---- TO: FRO~1: ROUGH DRAFT INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION I.S.I •. !. l<:iembers Lou, Lorenz, President The I.f.I •. A. Board of Directors are exploring ways of serving you better as an association. Specifically we should determine in which areas of the or~nization you a~ members wish to be better served. We are therefore soliciting your idea,s and comments on all facets of I.S.I.A. operation by requesting that you complete the enclosed que5tionnaire. The Rocky Nountain Ski Instructors .Association recently started holding their annua,l membership meeting in the F'all. In conjunction with this meeting a symposium on the subject of their or~nization is held. No skiing or ski teaching is discussed as a formal sub3ect. If sufficient interest is expressed I.S.I.A. would hold a smilar Fall Symposium for the memberehip. This symposium would be for one day in a centrally located area. It would be divided into small groups to allow complete participatj.on and expression by the individual. The subjects which could be covered are: Articles and By-laws Administrative Policy Certification Policy Other areas of interest In order to have your opinions and ideas influence the decision lnade this Fall please complete the following questionnaire at the very earliest possible date and return to: Bob Zei:le; 432 North 2nd f4est, Lotgan, Utah 84321. ROUGH DRAFT (IRTIFTED SKI '.ITJ\( Ifll{ INnRMOUN'II\I~ SKI AS50C1ATrn~ INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION I.S.I.A. C;:UESTIONNATIm: Sept. 1966 GENEP..AL ORG.P.NIZATION 1. Do you desire a fall symposium as outlines in the attached letter? Yes No Comment: ------~ ------- ---------------------------------------- 2. ~~en would you prefer to have the annual membership meeting? Fall _________ Spring Clinic _______ _ 3. Would you prefer the annual cllnic at the beginni.ngof the ski season in the Fall? Yes -----No ------Comment -------------- 4. Are you in favor of one level certification (F'ully Certified only)? Yes No l>v11y? --~ ---- ---------------------------------------------------- ([J Do you feel tho.e people unable to a ttend the annual meeting should be v represented by proxy? Yes No If yes, how many proxies should one person be allowed to vote? (give number) __________ ___ 6. Do you feel you are adequately informed a!'S to ISIA members, policies, By-laws, etc.? Yes No Comment ------. ------ ----------------------------------------- ) L 7. .P.re there any areas which you feel ISH.. can better serve you or expand their ~~ j Activities? CLINIC 1. irJhat subjects do you wish to have presented at spring clinic? 2. How would you like to have them presented? On the hill workshop On the hill seminar Class hoom seminar Hovie, --------- - ._--- I. s. I. I. QUESTIONN.AIRE Page 2 i. 1ilhat length clinic do you feel i5 best? Number of Days ---- 4. Do you-mnt to go to the expense of bringing in outside talent? ------ Even if clinic registration had to be ~ raised? -------------------------- Sug~5tions? 5. What activities would you like to have for non-participating guests? RETURN TO: Bob Zeigler, Secretary 432 North 2nd 'ilest Lo~n, Utah 84321 CER TlFIED SKI TEACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION n M October 3, 1966 TO: I.S.I.A. Certified Ski Instructor~ FROMt Bob Zeigler, Secretary The French National Ski School in Chamonix ie inviting ten American ski instructors to take part in a training cour~e for one month~ starting Nov •. 14th through Dec. 17th. The !!lchool will furnish, at no coet, training i.n all aspects of ski teaching. paesee, room and board. The individual will be responsible for his own air fare and other transportation costs. This is an excellent opportunity for young instructors to redeive advanced training. Requirements: (1) Experienced Certified Ski Inetructors (2) Approval from their Division (3) Approval from PSIA We are soliciting I.S.I.A. members who can attend this school The tran~ortation cost is approximately $700.00r0und trip tourist class from Salt Lake City, Utah. Since the list must be at the French Ski School by October 3l~ your immediate response is necessary. If you can attend please complete and return the attached form and make certain it is in my hands no later than October 15. Your dues and clinic attendance must be current. You will be notified of approval or disapproval. Plea5email to: Bob Zeigler, Secretary I.S.I.A. 432 North 2nd West Logan, Utah 84321 APPIJICATION FOR FRENCH SKI ~CHOOL CLINIC NAME __________________________________________ Sex. ________ ~A~ ______________ _ AD~)RESS ________ . _______________________ _ SKI TEACHTIW EXPERIENCE SKI SCHOOL SUPERVISION EXPl'~RIENCE. ______________________ _ ANY CCNTRlJ3lJl'IONS TO THE SPORT OF SKIING ------------------------------------------ FOREIGN L.a.N GUA CE PHONE ----------------------------------------~ ---------------- ------_. ------------ I CERTll;lE;~l TBACHER INTERMOUNTAIN SKI ASSOCIATION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION ET October 17, 1966 TO: SKI SCHOOL DIRECTORS, I.S.I.A. FROM: LEE SNEDAKER, PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN SUBJECT: "SKI SPECTACULAR" Dear Ski School Directors: On the 28, 29 and 30th of this month a "Ski Spectacular" will be held at the Terrace Ballroom in Salt Lake City. The ski show is co-sponsored by the Newspaper Agency Corporation and the Utah Tourist and Publicity Council and will present new ski lines and equipment for 1966-1967. The ISlA will sponsor a booth during the show to help publicize certified ski instruction throughout the intermountain area. Our booth is located close to the "ski deck" which in itself will create a lot of interest, Utah Tourist and Publicity Council estimates there will be about 15,000 people in attendance during the three-day ski show. We feel that presenting a booth at this show could acquaint skiers with the benefits of certified ski instruction and the areas that they can receive it, Please send me all of the promotion material you have available on your area and the ski school. I also need your rate schedule and days and hours of operation. We are starting a little late so send the material as ~ as possible; this should be a very good opportunity to publicize your ski school. We are buying the space of the booth through sale of tickets. The booth will not cost ISlA any money if we can sell 100 tickets. I will appreciate any help you can give me in the sale of these tickets to your staff or interested skiers in your area. Send your promotional material and ticket requests to: Lee Snedaker, Publicity Chairman, I.S.I.A. 839 Fairmont Circle, #4 Salt Lake City, Utah May I again stress that this is an excellent opportunity to promote your ski school for just a little extra effort. Your prompt cooperation will be most appreciated. r'-(-I'-I~'~I-'l"'I" , " ,) , 'j",., I'" ! .~ ~ 1. :~ '.'Ll} ."(.: "/\'--1, d f\ ! 1::\ 1 U\.;\lUL,l', fAIl\: I SKI ASSrXIATION I -. .,; TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Examiners, Ski School Directors, Supervisors and Special Participants (Prospective Examiners) Don Rhinehart - Chief Examiner, I.S.I.A. Certification Committee 22 October 1966 Examiners Clinic - Park City, Utah 19 and 20 November 1966 There will be a two day clinic to inform all pertinent persons with a more uniform scoring system and examination procedure. I feel that this is a must for Directors of Ski Schools as well as Examiners. Every effort will be made to completely familiarize every person present with examination scoring, etc. With this in mind, we are making the attendance fee $15.00 instead of the usual $25,00. This will enable your key personnel to attend. Then return to your own areas to train and inform your Instructors for certification. The $15.00 fee shall help to defray the expenses of full examiners. There will be no restriction on the number of supervisors from each school. I have felt there has been a very necessary need for two assistant Chief Examiners to take responsibility in the geographical areas of the I.S.I.A. I brought this up at the Board of Directors meeting at Idaho Falls and it was accepted. The assistant Chief in the North Eastern sector is Glen Evans from Pocatello and Wilbur Thomas from Salt Lake for the Southern Sector. I shall further explain this at the Clinic. Following is the list of persons not to be charged and to be helped with expenses: Don Rhinehart, Woody Anderson, Junior Bounous, Glen Evans, Phil Jones, Keith Lange, Bill Lash, Lou Lorenz, Harold Oglesbee, Dave Parkinson, Helmut Purrer, Dean Roberts, Wilbur Thomas, John Sorweide, Bob Zeigler, J. Simpson, Gene Huber. Reservations Please contact Woody Anderson for reservations by 10 November. We are making efforts for rates. I am certain that all of you feel a fall examiners clinic will be an invaluable part of the Certification Program and at the same time be beneficial to all of us in ga1n1ng more knowledge to disseminate among our Ski Schools. It is sincerely hoped that all who participate in this Clinic will have an objective and Memo from D. Rhinehart -2- 22 October 1966 realistic attitude toward what has been accomplished in the certifying of ski instructors and realize that we mutually endeavor to keep the qualification of the Ski Instructor at a high standard. Yours truly, Don Rhinehart Chief Examiner - I.S.I.A. Box 305 Ketchum, Idaho SIGN AND MAIL BEFORE 12 NOVEMBER TO DON RHINEHART SKI SCHOOL~ ______________________________________________ __ DIRECTOR~ ________________________________________________ __ SUPERVISOR (S) _____________________ _ EXAMINER~ ________________________________________________ __ 432 North 2nd 'West Logan, Utah 84321 October 23, 1966 Mr. Gene Huber, Chairman CredeAtiala CoBmittee 671 East 9620 South Sandy, Utah 84070 Dear Gene: 'l'he following action resulted from the Fall B.D. r1eeting: 1. Send registered 1etera to the following notifying them that they are dropped from ISIA: Jim i'1cConky Sean ;lalone Ken Riggs Hichard Arnold Arthur Sandmeir Clark Sanford Antonin Rac10z Eric Roiser Julia liansen(married name and address unknown) Please include note that arry pins possessed by these people must be returned for ~J.50 clepoeit. 2. Send registered letters to the following that they must attend this next Spring Clinic or be dropped: hichard Coon and Bob Young 3. Send letter t,~ Terry Grogan requesting that he submit a statement by his Ski School Director verit.ring his teaching hours. L. Send a letter by certified or registered mail to the foliowing persons i ,forming ther that they will be automatically dropped if their dues are not paid up by Feb. 1, 1967: Hans Czappek, Leonard Erharter, Elmer Fend, \-verner Jauk, Jim Johnson, Robert E. Lee (I just received a copy of correspondence from Craig indicating Bob Lee had paid at least part of his dues ... you probably should talk to Craig before you write Lee), Erich hobar, Dennis Ash, Gene l.lauaen, Raimund Wurzenrainer" Adi A. Muehlegger, Leslie outs, and Jay Price (Also received from Craig a note by Jay Price requesting to be dropped so I See no need to send out his letter). Max Lundberg should have adequate stationary and envelopes. Please send me a coW of the above correspondence for the me!"bers file. I will send out cards of trJOse members who have not been dropped as their 66-67 dues are paid. Hope you made it back OK with your truck. BZ/a CC I L. Lorenz Best regards, Bob Zeigler, Secretary ISIA OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN DIVISION OF THE UNITED STATES SKI ASSOCIATION Lou Lorenz, Pres. Intermountain Ski Inst. Assn. 2010 West North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Dear Lou, P.O. Box 4 Steamboat Springs, Colo. 80477 October 27, 1966 The Rocky Mountain Ski Instructors Assoc. is holding its Annual Seminar at Aspen on Saturday, November 5th, and annual meeting on Sunday, November 6th. Since many of the future plans of RMSIA will be discussed, we would like to have you attend either or both of these functions which we feel will be of interest to you. Enclosed is a copy of our Seminar program showing the topics which well be discussed. Hope to see you in Aspen on November 5th. Sincerely, ) Hank Emery,Pres.-RMSIA HE:dms c/c Exec. Secy.-RMSIA LEARN HOW TO SKI THE SAFE AND RIGHT WAY - WITH YOUR CERTIFIED SKI INSTRUCTOR 432 North 2nd v.est Logan, Utah f',4)2l November 2, 1966 t)n behalf 01: the F4.Jard of Pirectors of the Intermountain Ski Instructors j, ssociatlon I wish iA; thank you for too very enjoyable avening we experienced with you and your fine frienes. Your sincere ancl generous hospitality is unforgettable. bcc: L. Lorenz~ N. D. Anderson 'hob Zeigler, Secretary lJeM#E. J/taHez/ .lof ~M· "uCOflcorM ""I.Ct tit "",,'iI'n,> "LIFE" colorado dye and chemical, December 31, 1966 The Board of Directors Professional Ski Instructors of America Inc. 945 East First South Street Salt La~,e City, Utah Gentlemen: • Inc. (303) 443-5214 p.o. box 601 boulder, colorado At t~e reC}uest of 'your President, Lr. 'ill l''1~)h, I should 1i'-':e to make some comments :1.bout my lillOl.,..led:';e of P.sIA, both as 8. rJembcr a'1d aE' one of the public. PSIA is generally credited with t:le coCi,ific:1.tion of what is now called the "AmericRn Skir,,'chnique" and VIe are all fariliar v!i th the quite complete rJa!1tlal. ",,.Ie also !.::-JOV: of the succecs of the ArJcrican Team at the lost Interski. To have done this much, a'1c sUrE'lv t'lis i~; :1::reat ceal, i::; truly remarkable. All those 1tf~0 lent t'leir time and effort to t~e.se projects should be conc;ratulCltec,. 1';o1'e tha~l t'l:1t, ,I\merica:-l sed teaching owes these person~ a debt of ~ratitude. Unfortunately, this just about CUrlS ur 1!1'- 'mO\ ... lE'.~,-;E' of iC~V, - and I 3.1:1 a member. Let me cite a few specific items. Othf'!' heJ1 t~(' Cor'Oorp,te Ch2rter, I find no detailed set of Goals. I 'mo" :-lothin,,-~ of anv con te;;]~lri.ted actions, and little of accorrJ91ishe(j RCtio"',S. I hE''-ve hoar~ that .PulA is an orc:mization of individuals and I h_:--.V8 h":1l',-l that the Divisions should p2.rticilxlte more ful]y - these are incO;1;'r1l011S cti':tempnts, Dt best. ~';lere are many specific eX::Hnlllps I couL; cite, but t1lCsC; shoul,l 11e e1101.1,;h. In short, I am not :tble to tell kill te '1 J i:':'l tl:; .:lOOU t:m or <--\llL~a ti 011 of which I 3.~ a ~embcr. It seems to me tlwt ;'m inforrled memb,'r is :;,orp lil(el~' to be "u:eru;ted in PSIA - and th:'lt he '"Jill be more \1i:lin,~ to \,ror'( for its Eu~'cess. I feel this is il11portal1 t, if for no ot:lt:r ri'.'l:_',O!',S tL~ul th,'1.t FJLi. ',:'6 been tclkine; a be~ting in the ski pre,;s r"c.'l1 t.ly. Page 2 - PSIA No doubt you are too familiar with the various articles which state bluntly thR.t "there are better ways" than the American Technique. At times, it seems to me that there must be an organized plot to do away with the American Technique. I'm not going to argue the merits of one technique over another any more than I would say that there will be no new developments in ski teaching. And I don't think the answer, as one ski school director sUGgested, lies in doing away with the editor of one of major ski magazines. Both the problems I have outlined are, I believe, the result of poor communications - or worse, incom~lete and negative communications. If my correspondence with Bill Lash is a criteria, you recognize this. Perhaps I am wrong, but you have a great deal more to ofTer the member thrill a big, shiny badge. You can motivate your member::3hip to be truly "professional" with all thRt connotes. You can, through ;'l0ur Ol'1n professionalism, present the definite advantRges of your technique to the skiing public. You can rise above barbs i'1. the press by being the leader of new developments in skiing. ~lost important, you can tell your members and the public that you are doing these positive, progressive thingG. As matters stand, I cannot say whether PSI:. is in an innuential position of leadership. I ... Jould like to l,now, and the public would li1,(; to ~-<:1l0W, that PSIA is. Eark P. A::J.dison ~:PA: lvv /«-«~(- u ~J CERTIFIED SK[ TeACHER INTER MOUNT AIN SKI ASSOCI A TION INTERMOUNTAIN SKI INSTRUCTORS ASSOCIATION Box 305 Ketchum, Idaho 83340 TO: All I.S.I.A. Members, Candidate Ski Teachers, Institutions conducting ski instruction programs, and the U.S.F.S. FROM: Don Rhinehart, Chairman, Certification Committee, ISlA SUBJECT: Certification Exams, 1965-66 Season The Certification Committee in cooperation with the ISlA President is planning certification examinations to be held in the Salt Lake area December 4 and 5, 1965. The Sun Valley, Idaho exam will be held between the 13th and 18th of December, 1965. To plan an exam that will provide each candidate adequate time before the Board, the committee must have all applications and fees at the above address at least 14 days prior to the exam date. Upon receiving his or her applications, the committee will notify the candidate of the day, hour and place of exam. No refund of fees for any reason will be possible. For application blanks or other information contact your area certification representative listed below: ,~"- .. - , Alta - Gene Huber \ 1 671 East 9620 South Sandy, Utah I Brighton - K. Smith Bur1ey- 3414 Brockbank Dr. Salt Lake City, Utah Twin Falls - Lex Kuneau Box 569 Bur ley, Idaho Idaho Falls, Pocatello Ashton - Wes Deist 154 East 24th Street Idaho Falls, Idaho , i, } I,', ., ) r ., .~; Jackson, Wyoming Dennis Staley Jackson Sporting Store Jackson, Wyoming Park City - Dave Parkinson P.O. Box 146 Park City, Utah Solitude - Dick Voorhees 945 East 1st South Salt Lake City, Utah Beaver-Snow Basin Bob Zeigler 432 North 2nd West Logan, Utah 84321 Yours truly, 1. S. 1. A. ~- Sun Valley - Don Rhinehart Box 305 Ketchum, Idaho Southern Utah Junior Bounous 772 East 3350 North Provo, Utah £l~f~ Don Rhinehart, Chief Examiner -~------------- |