Interplay between quantum size effect and strain effect on growth of nanoscale metal thin films

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Publication Type pre-print
School or College College of Engineering
Department Materials Science & Engineering
Creator Liu, Feng
Other Author Liu, Miao; Han, Yong; Tang, Lin; Jia, Jin-Feng; Xue, Qi-Kun
Title Interplay between quantum size effect and strain effect on growth of nanoscale metal thin films
Date 2012-01-01
Description We develop a theoretical framework to investigate the interplay between the quantum size effect (QSE) and strain effect on the stability of metal nanofilms. The QSE and strain effect are shown to be coupled through the concept of quantum electronic stress. First-principles calculations reveal large quantum oscillations in the surface stress of metal nanofilms as a function of film thickness, which adds extrinsically additional strain-coupled quantum oscillations to the surface energy of strained metal nanofilms. Our theory enables a quantitative estimation of the amount of strain in experimental samples, and suggests strain to be an important factor contributing to the discrepancies between the existing theories and experiments.
Type Text
Publisher American Physical Society
Volume 86
Issue 12
First Page 125427-1
Last Page 125427-5
Dissertation Institution University of Utah
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Liu, M., Han, Y., Tang, L., Jia, J.-F., Xue, Q.-K., & Liu, F. (2012). Interplay between quantum size effect and strain effect on growth of nanoscale metal thin films. Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, 86(12), 125427-1-125427-5.
Rights Management (c) American Physical Society
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 641,406 bytes
Identifier uspace,17988
ARK ark:/87278/s6hq4hp3
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ID 708209
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