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Show ..... · THE SILVER REEF MINER., \IOL. V. SILVER REEF, WASHINGTON COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY APRIL 15, 1882. SILVER REEF l\fiNER THE. GREAT FLOOD. I THE COW·BOY. - EGG NOG! SILVER TIEEF, t.:TAH. i\Iany. tues aJl(l His Faults. Lugubriou ~< Chapter. A Few Inc1der:ts From Among the I The Beclofn of tbc Southwest, His Vir- A Startling Romance fn One l'ublished Ever:r Saturday Morning. Many curious incidents of the great El Pa5o Times. -- ,..... Stu ben Republican. Otllce-Munm Buildin!!:, Lower MaiR Street flood in the Mississippi vulley ha ,.e 1 There i:s 110 more fnmous character •· Pri~bee!" been published. Among others are 1 in western society than the Texai" cow "'Sdeath ;" TERMS OF SUBSORIPfiON: Onto year ... . ........ ........ .. ............ ~6 00 -~~~:~r:~~~::::.-::::.:::~·:.:::·::.:. :·:.:: ~ g~ · \ID' '>fonth ..............................• 1 00 Delivered by carrier, per week .......... -. 25 J. N. LOUDER, Publisher. BAILEY & PARSONS, related the following: I boy. lie is an institution that needs Two fierce aml :::lightly intoxicated The water does not come slowly so I to be seen in his own territory to be knights of the Red Cross had met in as to gh·e people time to escape, but 1 known and understood. l\[any wild the midule of a wide lane leading to suddenly. A. man in Desha cou11ty, and ~mprob:~ble ~tor!cs m·e told of him. the frowning castle of Sir Philip De Arkansas, says his place was oyer- H1s explOits furmsh themes for the Laocifolimn Catnip. tlowed in a twinkling-water pouring poet, the novelist'nnu the bi;,torian. Both had recently returneu from into his bouse at every opening, He Some represent him as an object of the Crusades, where they had been had a mule hitched at his gate. He terror, ro:tming about the pntiries of temporarily engaged in a hurrah with waded to it and took his wife and in- the west ready to do any deed of dar- the Saracens. fant on the mule, hoping to reach a ing and de\iltry that may sugge·t it- There were several ga11ons of bad ridge two miles distant. 'l'be water I self to his ferocious naturP ~ Others blood between these two haughty (Successors toT. C. Bu.iley,) soon took the mule off its feet. After belien~ him :m · norant and degrad-ed 1 knights, for :1s luek woulrt have it Land Agents and Attorneys swimming a while the nnimal appear- creature, who nows aml care:; no I they both loved the same :rirJ. Iluman ed on the point of sinking under its load more for the things that belong to I nature has changed bnt little in the Salt Lake City, Utah. when just in the nick of time a raft eivilizcd lite than the brute he herds. six hundred dusty years which have BIRD & LOWE, manned by three negroes, c;ame to There are other:i who pietnre him as a I rolleu by s ince the events herein retheir relief. Of coui·se everytlling in bold, .chivalrous, en ring creature, with corded occurred in mellow Old Engthe house wns swept away and lost. no faults and no blemishes, a very land. Of those cbi\-alric .days noth- Land Agents and Attorneys Thihk of a man ]Qsing everything in nobleman in every respect. But those ing is left but mellow old Englishmen. Salt Lake City, Utah the. worJ,l he had in an instant, and so who have such ilieas of the cow boy, The giddy yonng thing in question many p-recious lives! "\Ve shrink from ob;;erve him like the old woman did was Lady Viola Catnip only daughter r:w-Notary Public in tbe office. contemplating anything so awful. the moon-"from a distance." of Sir Philip. She was a daisy • .Xot far from Arkansas City lived The fact of the buE:iness is the cow So Egbert said "Prithee!" an old man named 1\Iansion, with his boy is in mnny re;;pects very mnch' And ~ogbert said" 'Sdeatb !" daughter. Suddenly in the night. the like other boys. He is not a devil in- This meant business. flood burst upon them. He called to cm·nate, neither are nil othc1· jnYenile Egbert laiJ his lance in r est, and GIBSON CLARK, Attorney at Law and_ Notary Public, his daughter to follow him, but a masculines. He is by no means a swtlllg his glittering battle ax on swift cu rrent struck him and bore saint, and we ha,·e seen several other high. :Yogbert followed suit, and him :nvay amid l1er screams for help boys that are not likely to be tmns- they rnshed upon each other like HP. caught hold of a trte and held on ported to paraJise in the tlcsh. hungry boarders bre:1king for the SILVER HEEF, UTAH. C. MANTOR, till morning, but never saw his d:wgh- About the only uitference tetween dining room. This terrible matinee ter again. him and others of bia tribe is the dif- occurred ut 3:30 P. liL on a cool day As a companion story to that toid a ference c:1nsed by his surroundings. in tbe latter part of December. 'l'he few day ago of a cat fish c:lllght in a He is not surrounded by the comfo1·ts two knights fought until sundown. hotel parlor, \Ye no-w ha,·e oue of a and refinements which we cHll civili- Then they retired to sheltered nooks SILVER NEEF. large buffalo fish caugbt by a gentle- zntion. He is at any rntc the ndopted on each side of the lane, muttered a Physician and Surgeon, UI'I'ICE-Nextdoor to Halpin's stoi ... ~AIN ST., man in a more :tppropriate apart- son of n:Itme, and knows buL little of few :tppropl"iate la;;t words, wound MAURICE M . .KAIGHN ment-namely, the llining-room. It artificial life. their watches and died. w:ts sen·ed up for breakfast on the But he is nlao free f om the low and ·when the sun mose on the follow- NO. 23- 'j cr\.P IT 0 L ,! Mnin s,., 811 Vt'r keel, 1 THE BEST t Wines. liquors & t CI&.\RS Obtainable in the I I I UNITED STATES. ! J. H. CASSIDY. I I M. II. QUIRK. BABTHOLOJ!!EW J. QU~:W. QUIRK BROTHERS The Pione-c:r Billiard ~~1.1 Finest. Bllllnrd and Pool Tabl~. 8 • In the Territory, First Class Liquors and Cig;ars Always on hand. FINE CLUB ROOM IN REAR I A. t; t 0 r n e Y a~ La-w-, day of its cnpture. cunning YiCPS of his ~ore fortunate ing morn, the Lady Viola ambled --·----~;,;;,;,;,;_-;o..r;.~o:..:¥0;~..{ ..~ ~. ... -.--;.--...cA.o..;;...c.:- · --~t~jlne in Silkestown, lifo., brotl:!!!_r. His vices ~J.L.:wne:tr on thP slowly rlown thP l:JnP "" ,.. wblte . was a funeml in skilfs, moving along smface anli he is nevc, I· worse thnn he palfrey. She nrrh·eu at the stamping [IK Horn Saloon FASHION BARBER SHOP Firet door north of Q.uirk's Saloon. MAIN STEET .............. SILVER REEF the ruain street townrd some high seems, but often a g~:eat deal better. ground, anti saw the dead knights ground, where the interment was to On his nati \·e plain~; be is a verv dif- disposed in negligent attitudes under take Jllace. ferent boy from what he is whe1; sur- the hedge. Horror-stricken shP. gazed Turnabout CatecWsm. rounded with the illurements and from one cold, pulseless corpse to the "Who is this wan?" temptations of the ci'ty. There he is othe1·, then she paused to ejecnlate: "An English patriot." indeed a ldng. The pr:tirie is his "Oh, Egg, this is terrible! Oh, "What is he trying to do here in kingdom, the cattle his snbjects, his Nog, this bt·eaks me nll but quite too HIS TONSORI L PARLOR IS F1RST America?" saddle llis throne nnd the whip his up! Dead! And for the paltry lo,·e T cla~s i~ all i:; uppointment8. nud ali t 'l'h h · h" h I <l ~ext door to the drug store,] Main Street. Sliver treef, Utah .... Always on band tbe best .... WINES, LIQUORS ..L~D CIGA.RS GEORGE :'{ILLER. work i8 done wilb car•· and expedition. The "Create a row between the Eastern seep re. ere e IS a Ig -sou e ot poor me. .Alas! 'Vhat can I do • }H t P~ t style in hnircnuinl!,and the smoothest nnd ·western States." generous creature, he scl"inges to no to condone my unfortunate C'rime." mavC!!. Callllnd be convinced. d 1 1 th h 1 11 · A 1 · • Exchar.ge Saloon, MARTH\ KELLAR. "What has the G-overnment done to mnn, au can oo,;: e w o e wor l In I t t liS Instant a black friar who Proprietor. him?" the face. He is ready to share his l:tst bad been stealing chickens during the Cl:tpped him in jail." . crust with the weary stranger or ri sk. night, slid out of the hedge. The Peter Mahn~en, "What does he do next?" his life, if need be, to defend the weak poor girl sa\v him and fell 0j1 her :'IIAIN STREET ........ .... SILVBR REEP "Calls on the English )finister at Washington to demand his release." "Wh:~t does tbe English Minister tell him?" Blacksmithing ~ Repairing "That he can't. be an Englishman and an American at the same tinw." "How do they feel over it on the -.. A L~n Ks~~~sn~Ie~>~h~~~~~?e~~~l2J;":- other s ide ?" . . . =~~~~bn~:;;~t !~~tsi~~J;i~::' ~r~~~~~'~1f~e~ "Very sore." lng a specialty. PETER llt:AIINKIN:- ''What are they calling their Minis- A. LE 1\'Il\10N, ter?" "A 'sycophnnt' :mel 'to:tdy.'" "What did they do in London the other night?" (UfNIDIEIRITIAIKI.EI~,J in ·~:.:~~~~-g;~~~l~~;~~ignation meeting . • • .. .. . . . . . . "\Vho presitled ?" Carpenter and Builder. "The Lord ::Uayo1· of on." "What was the meetingcnlled for?" "To protest agai11st the impri~~u-all kinds of work done to order. ment of Engiish citizens stirring up --- I re,·olution in the United States." Main St., South of Postoffice. "What diu some of the 8peakers a<l\·ocnte ?" Sending a fleet. of English ironelads TREMONT HOUSE hither to demand the rcll'ase of their countryman.'' Washington, D. C. "How do we feel over this?" "Oh, jolly. Lamblike! We '"ant th eir irondnds to come. 'Ve' \'C got cartloads of bouquet~; to ueck 'em Tll~S POPULAR It9TET .. HAS RE:;<:N E~ w!t h. We'!! give a b:tll in thei1·1Jonnr. ttroly refitted. ~RV Inlt !lecorumodatronsfur 011. several ball!i--from Gove rn o r'~< :~t-~~~~:t:."·~~:i~~~~~f'tt;r~~e~~d~~a\~\:~:f. I L,);;Jil.l. Genera: Hancoek is ~ertin•~ 1:erma,$:l.c~tJv o:rdar. ,. 'em !·e:nly. We're ,'~arh:-ring ~~~~ ~~ ;, for em, too. Etgllt mch.-[~~:w F- P. HILL. Proprietor. I York U raphi~. :mu oppressed. knees. • He loves to <1te the world have fair "0, Father!" she cried. "What A. LEVY, · ······:::.:~ ··· · ·· Proprletor play, :111d scorns dishonesty and c:m I do to condone my sin?" treachery in e \·ery form. It is only Give the church £2,000,000." when exposed to the vices and temp- "Havn't got the gilders." tations of the city that the cow boy "Put a memorial window in the shows to disa<lvant:tge. At home he chapel." i!\ a high-toned and noble being, a "Can't afford it," charaett'r of which our free institu- '·\Veil, th en, name somethino- after Lions need not be ash:uned. them in their mentory." " -------- For a few mornentR the maiden Proposing. turned al\'aV her l'lassie ht!ad in The difficulty of proposing to the thonght. The black fl"iai' impmved young lady is not always the most se r- the oppor!nnity to go throngh tile At this popnlar resort none but the choic.e~ t Wines, Liquors and Cigars Are dealt over the bar to patrons. ~Pr in1te Club Rooms attached to tll.e c stabli~bment. Calif ~nia Brewe.ry SALOON. lleatl boJ:eR, poek. Pting the two ious one- the snitor has to ei1counte•·. watcheR, ~;ume lvose chan<Te anu a North Main Street, Silver Reet Popping the questJon to one'st5rospec- reeeipt for horRe liniment~ As the tive mother-in-la\\' or "asking papa" 1!il"i t~tme<i a bright: inteligent glow JOHN PEN DRAY , ..... Proprietor is freqn en tly the more :1rdnous under- Illmnumted het· radwnt features like a Jack-a-lanter. BEST OF LIQUORS & CICARS-, taking ot the two. ·when Profes:>or " I ha\·e it!" Raid the girl. And Lager Beer on draught. Aytoun was wooing ~li8s Wilson, "Whieh ?" saitl the friar. daughter of Prof. Wilson, the famous "You know the milk punch tlwt Deer, - - - • "Christopher North," he obtained the you and the old mnn sw ig to~ether? " 12~ Cents "Well, I should smile." lady 's con8ent conditionally on that of ''Yes; we ll, from this hour hence-her father being seclll·cd. This Aytotm forth and forever, it shall ~ called was much to shy to ask, ai1U he pre- Egg ~og !" ------ vailed upon the young lady herself to Gt·eat Cities. conduct the necessary negotiations. According to t:lC last :11Jdition of "We must deal tenderly with his Rand & 1\IcXally's "Atlas of the feelings," s:tid glorions old Cb rtsto- Wol'ld'" the following nre the la1·ge8t phcr. "I'll write my reply -QJ1 u slip c ities in the world. with the populaof paper and pin it on the hnek of 1 tion as shown by the latest Cf>nsns: yom· froek." "Papa's answer is 011 London, 4,000,000; Pads, 1,988,800; the back of my di·css," said Miss Jane, Soochoo, 1,500,000; Canton, 1,300- as she e ntered the drawing-room. I 000; Peki11, 1,:mo,OOO; Xew Yorl· Turning her round, the delighted 1,206,590; BeJ·lin, l,lll,G30; King-teProfes! ior 1·ead these words: "With ching, 1,000,000; Ph"ladelphia, 846,- thc author's compliments., i 984; \Yo-chang, 800,000. "' el te' s 'Srsvmy Sih"er Reef, Utah. . a-Thil ~ancinl! Pavilion nt the BrewPTy IS at 611 times at the ~en• iee of the pnbli'for the pnrposPI of fOcinl rccrention."'Q No improper Chllracterl! tolerated. l'lHE~ W~.t.Tl!:. .. . I l I ' |