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Show (51 ‘fi{\g‘:fi Velqu Ind. H. Pr. Whenwill you _e.nd.'yqui; Bacb'rous Cruelty Ibeg not t efcape, Ibegtodye Mont.Shame on thy Prieft-hood,ott haa?tf qcchhpr prayy'ts I's cacann brinbrgin- ~| - Isit not brave to fuffer with th -+ When Monarchs fuffer, gods themfelves bear part 0L glye: Then well may'ft thou, who but my Vaflal artI charge thee dare not groan nor thew one fign Thou at thy Torments doft the leaft repine Ind.H.Pr.You took an Qath when you receiv'd your Crown The Heavens fhould pour their ufual Bleflings down The Sun fhould fhine, the Earthits fruits produce And nought be wanting to yuor Subjects ufe . Yet we with Famine were oppreft, and no Muft to the Yoke of cruel Mafters bow [on zarro, Spatialswih + Immortal, Endlefs, thou muftthen endure Which Death begins, and time can never cure _ Mant. Thou artdeceiv'd : for whenfoe're 1dye The Sun my Father bears my Soul on high + He lets me down a Beam, and mounted there He draws it back, and pulls me through the Air: < Lin the Eaftern parts, and rifing Sky You in Heavens downfal, and the Weft muft Iye juftifie Chr, Pr. Fond man, by Heathen Ignorance mif-led Thy Soul deftroying when thy Body's dead Change yet thy Faith, and buy Eternal Reft ?;r - Ind. H. Pr. Dye in your own, for our Belief isbeft Mont. In feeking happinefs you both agree - But in the fearch the paths fodifferent be . That all Religions with each other fight - While only one can lead us in the Right - But till that one hath fome more certain mark fealth :by y Cruelty p:evail gth ebgg Poor humane kind muft wander in the dark "And fuffer pains eternally below i (hall kao j :he Rac Forgetful of it, why then blam'ft thon me Chr. Pr. Thofe pains, O Prince, thou foffer'ft now, are light Compar'd to thofe, which, when thy Soul takes flight ¥ Prich Mont. 1f thofe above, who made the World, could b - For that, which here we cannot come to know (br. Pr. Thatwhich we worfhip, and which you believe - From Natures common hand we both receive All under various names, adore and lov One power Immenfe which ever rules abeve ‘Wice to abhor, and Virtue to purfue, Is both believ'd and taught by us aix;d you r r' f:\ o e 3 vb" R bt Bu |