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Show DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES INDIAN SERVICE mado no difference between those Indians and thoir white neighbors. fo) no difference Is to bo noted. As explained above these Indians wero not ready for citisonship when it was placed upon thorn, consequently they make little use of it. 0. (a) . The granting of citizenship to those Indians ha3 provod a ."failure only in that it M s removed cor tain forms - .; ",V of control and discipline whioh the Government has otherwise exeroised. This has boon somo hardship both to the Indians and from the point of good Government. fb) Tlioso conditions still exist and will for many yerrs to come. Thoro aid no preventive means further than tact and good administrative ability on tho part of the Officer in charge. i 9. (a) Thoso Indians now possess the right of citizenship •• i • during tho trust period. (b) Soo foregoing answer. fc) In tho ovont of the repeal of tho Burke Act tho Government should retain control over those Indians during tho trust period, both as to thoir land and tho police 4 ' oontrol ovor tho Indiana themsolvoo, • 10. fa) The introduction of white settlers among those Indians has bean and now is a hardship upon them, but this is a necessary1 hardship through tihioh thoy must pass at somo timo, and, taking all in all, it is probably as -./,oll now / •' as later. In the oase of a goodly portion of the tribe. |