Nitrogen surfactant effects in GaInP

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Electrical & Computer Engineering; Materials Science & Engineering
Creator Stringfellow, Gerald B.
Other Author Chapman, D.C.; Bell, A.; Ponce, F.A.; Lee, J.W.; Seong, T.Y.;, Shibakawa, S.; Sasaki, A.
Title Nitrogen surfactant effects in GaInP
Date 2004
Description The addition of surfactant nitrogen during the growth of GaInP on 001 GaAs substrates produces significant and interesting changes in the optical and morphological properties of GaInP. In particular, multiple peaks are seen in the low temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectra of GaInP/GaInP:N heterostructures. The origin of these multiple peaks is investigated using transmission electron microscopy, energy dispersive spectroscopy, and cathodoluminescence. It is found that a discontinuous In-rich layer forms at the GaInP/GaInP:N interface leading to a 1-6 nm thick GaInP layer that is 70% In and has a PL peak energy of 1.7 eV. Cross-sectional cathodoluminescence experiments confirm the existence and composition of the interface layer. The cathodoluminescence experiments also show that the GaInP:N epilayer produces emission at a higher energy than the GaInP epilayer. Cathodoluminescence monochromatic images of surface pyramids indicate that the pyramids emit at higher energy than the surrounding GaInP:N epilayer. Atomic force microscopy of the pyramids reveals the formation of facets with angles of up to 23°. The large misorientation of the pyramids leads to GaInP material that is more disordered than the top epilayer.
Type Text
Publisher American Institute of Physics (AIP)
Journal Title Journal of Applied Physics
Volume 96
Issue 12
First Page 7229
Last Page 7234
DOI 10.1063/1.1814808
citatation_issn 218979
Subject Surfactant nitrogen; Microscopy; Crystals
Subject LCSH Heterostructures; Cathodoluminescence; Order-disorder in alloys
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Chapman, D.C., Stringfellow, G.B., Bell, A., Ponce, F.A., Lee, J.W., Seong, T.Y., Shibakawa, S., & Sasaki, A. (2004). "Nitrogen surfactant effects in GaInP." Journal of Applied Physics, 96(12), 7229-34.
Rights Management (c)American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Chapman, D.C., Stringfellow, G.B., Bell, A., Ponce, F.A., Lee, J.W., Seong, T.Y., Shibakawa, S., & Sasaki, A., Journal of Applied Physics, 96(12), 2004 and may be found at DOI: 10.1063/1.1814808
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 187,873 bytes
Identifier ir-main,1905
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ID 704139
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