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Show JlOUSI ~ 0 1' 1' .\RLT.\:\If: :\T. T.OXDOX th ey joined me at Saint l ~ n oc h' ll otel, and \\'e enjoyed a good dinner tot;ether. i\lay 16th was spent around Cia. gow lei sure!/. \\'e walked around the city and !..ought some books and prepared o ur se lv c. for the ride to J\elfast wh.ich would begin at -+:10 that. afternoo n. i\1 r. Beeman was more fortunate than the rest of us because he had the plcasl're of .:\Jr. . R. Ilanna, of Glasgow, a not her sister of :\!iss Crawford. t.o lunch with him that day. Ce rtainly he im·ited u. lo lun ch with Lim, but feeling that. their co1wersation would naturally rl'n tcr about their own families and that they would enjoy themselves more alone. the Pcnncys and I s trolled clown the street and enj yecl ourc; eJ ves partaking of a very delightful lunch in a well patronized (;]asg·ow rest;:turant. Promptly at -+:10 p. m. our tra in pulled out from the (~Jasgow stat ion for .' tranraer which we reached about. () p. 111. , and \\'here we had a late dinner before going aboard the "hip that would l<t kc us across the sea to Ireland early the next morning . \\ 'e reached lh:lfast fit 0:l.=i a. 111., l\lay 17th , and ,·is itccl the places of interest in that most clclightful city; but the vi . il enjoyed most was that whi ch we made to Lhc ship ya rd . 1 Jere we saw the entire con . truction of the ship. from the drawing - to the finished prodi.tct. which had bern launched the cia\· before we a rri,·ecl. The matter of cutting and bending the great steel frame. the ri\·cting or the plate . upon the s ide of the ship . the manufacturing of the furnishings- all were greatly cnjored by the boys as much fl by the older members of the party. \\' e hall not so n forget the 18th of :\lay, 1912. That was the· date that we left Delfast to Yisit Ciants Cause\\·ay. The ride is more Page One llunclred ixty-five |