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Show T OC RI?\G S ~IYR .:\. \ ence upon the city on the Tiber. Aft er lookingupon the rui ns there-about and trying somewhat to assoc iate them with their past glories, the conclu ion was forced upon us that the pr e. ent sad concl it io ns are simply tl1e re sult of havin gendeavored to build a city upon a foun da ti on other th an tha t wl1ich i approved by the rig ht eou ·ne ss oi th e Kingdom of c;od. \Ye again concluclc cl tha t if Rome ever ri . es from her ruin-; and a. hcs she mu. t build upon anoth er basis, the basis oi civil and relig-ious l.ibcrt y. \\'e called at the l\1ission of the Meth odi st Episcopal Ch urch and received a most corclial welcome I>J the courageous Dr. Tippl e, the Pastor. 11 c had us shown through t ht magnificent building which contain s spl endid aud ience rooms fo r both the Engli h and the llali ;1n congregat io n: , a well equipped Printing Department, and a College for young men. \\ 'c were also taken over to the School for the ( ;irl who pa) fnr thei r educati on. llcrc were t \\'O fi ne Ill'\\ Buildings and tlH.:y were both crowded \\ ith st udents that bore C\' cry mark of refineme nt and social s tand ing. f noticed that n1any of the day students were met h.'' their mothers. who ca111e il)r them in Autos and other classy looking turnouts. 13ct ween these two buildings there is room ior t he erection of another building which is grea t! ~ need ed. o ,·er in another part oi t he c i t~, th ere is being conducted a frl'l' '-'Chool for g irl s, and this building is crowded to its c;qwcit y. ( ;]orious work! 11ut thio.; is not all. Dr. Tipp le is pl anning a large College for i>o~ "· 11 is present qu arter s, the top floor of the .\lission bu ild ing a rc inad equate and he is i>u~ ing a iine site 0\'er in one of the best parts of the cit) , "here he plans to erect a P age On e llundrccl Five |