Figure 61: Vascular Distribution and Anatomy (Including 6th, 7th, 8th Nerves, MLF) of the Pons

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Identifier gold_textbook_figures_061
Title Figure 61: Vascular Distribution and Anatomy (Including 6th, 7th, 8th Nerves, MLF) of the Pons
Creator Daniel R. Gold, DO
Affiliation (DRG) Departments of Neurology, Ophthalmology, Neurosurgery, Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, Emergency Medicine, and Medicine, The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland
Description In this axial section of the pons, the proximity of the 7th (VII) and 8th (VIII) fascicles can be appreciated, and a lateral inferior pontine syndrome (anterior inferior cerebellar artery, AICA territory), which could involve both of these fascicles, could cause acute prolonged vertigo accompanied by an abnormal ipsilateral head impulse test (HIT, fascicle of CN8) and ipsilateral lower motor neuron facial palsy (fascicle of CN7). Although a ‘central' acute vestibular syndrome typically has a normal HIT, exceptions exist where an abnormal HIT can be due to a stroke. Commonly a ‘central' abnormal HIT can be seen with lesions affecting the root entry zone of CN8, or those involving the vestibular nucleus or with labyrinthine ischemia (AICA territory). A lesion involving the middle cerebellar peduncle (MCP) itself can also result in acute prolonged vertigo, but if the fascicle of CN8 is spared, HIT will be normal. A dorsal midline lesion can cause unilateral or bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia (INO) due to medial longitudinal fasciculus injury (usually stroke or multiple sclerosis). Dorsal pontine injury can also cause a horizontal gaze palsy (VI or 6th nucleus) or a gaze palsy + INO, causing a one-and-a-half syndrome (+/- 7th NP). Finally, the central tegmental tract (CTT) is in this vicinity as well, making oculopalatal tremor a finding to look for months after suffering a pontine lesion (e.g., hemorrhagic cavernoma).
Date 2022
References Gold D. (2022). Neuro-ophthalmology and neuro-otology : a case-based guide for clinicians and scientists. Springer International Publishing AG. Retrieved September 16 2022 from
Language eng
Format image/jpeg
Type Image
Relation is Part of Neuro-Ophthalmology and Neuro-Otology: A Case-Based Guide for Clinicians and Scientists
Collection Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library: Dan Gold Neuro-Ophthalmology Collection:
Publisher North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Holding Institution Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah, 10 N 1900 E SLC, UT 84112-5890
Rights Management Copyright 2016. For further information regarding the rights to this collection, please visit:
ARK ark:/87278/s6f69nxz
File Name gold_textbook_figures_061.png
Setname ehsl_novel_gold
ID 2050033
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