Compatibility of DAMA dark matter detection with other searches

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Science
Department Physics
Creator Gondolo, Paolo
Other Author Gelmini, Graciela
Title Compatibility of DAMA dark matter detection with other searches
Date 2005-06
Description We present two examples of velocity distributions for light dark matter particles that reconcile the annual modulation signal observed by DAMA with all other negative results from dark matter searches. They are: (1) a conventional Maxwellian distribution for particle masses around 5 to 9 GeV; (2) a dark matter stream coming from the general direction of galactic rotation (not the Sagittarius stream). Our idea is based on attributing the DAMA signal to scattering off Na, instead of I, and can be tested in the immediate future by detectors using light nuclei, such as CDMS-II (using Si) and CRESST-II (using O).
Type Text
Publisher American Physical Society
Journal Title Physical Review D
Volume 71
First Page 123520-1
Last Page 123520-10
DOI 10.1103/PhysRevD.71.123520
citatation_issn 1550-7998
Subject DAMA; CDMS; Neutralinos; WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; Halo models; Dark matter stream
Subject LCSH Dark matter (Astronomy); Particles (Nuclear physics)
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Gelmini, G., & Gondolo, P. (2005). Compatibility of DAMA dark matter detection with other searches. Physical Review D, 71, 123520.
Rights Management (c) American Physical Society
Format Medium application/pdf
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