Research practices and support needs of Language and Literature faculty at the University of Utah

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Publication Type Report
School or College University of Utah Libraries
Department Marriott Library
Creator Fanning, Darby
Other Author Behra, Robert; Paiva, Marie, Pankl, Lis
Title Research practices and support needs of Language and Literature faculty at the University of Utah
Date 2019-10-08
Description This report investigates the research practices and support needs of Language and Literature scholars at the University of Utah.
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Research; Language; Literature; University of Utah; Libraries; Scholars; Area Studies
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Darby Fanning, Robert Behra, Marie Paiva, and Lis Pankl
Format Medium application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s6c871s2
Setname ir_uspace
ID 1469281
Reference URL